I am on the city tour (Seattle, WA) and I am so tempted to sign up for 1 month just so I can register and, err, well, you know, state the case of how they f-uped.
Don't fall for it... this is merely bait to get an influx of cash.. lol besides if they hold true to form on this, questions will be very carefuly screened so that they only hear what they want to hear.
Dont do it....same yourself some heartache and $15. I played pre cu and quit with the CU and then went back. I quit again with their fiasco of NGE and I missed the game sooo much I reopened my acct last night and then straight away cancelled it again. It breaks your heart to see the mess they have made and from our experiences with their service (or lack their of) they will never listen to us....ever.
We are a unique breed of player and all their eyes see are $$$ and the way everyone else is doing business with MMO's. Hold out hope with the rest of us that someone will see the light and bring back our unique game, dont pay the corporate pigs another dollar.....I wish I wouldnt but it got the better of my judgement last night
You know what is kinda of funny though about us old players? Some of us are such die hard fans of the old system I am surprised some one hasnt nutted up and drove their car into their home office or something out of sheer frustration. lol
Just set up a table outside of it with t shirts , rollback ftw on one side, and back of t shirt classic swg servers now t - shirts make some money off of them That might be a good sugestion for any of the cities they are going to sell t shirts make some money back from what you spent on the old game
Dont do it....same yourself some heartache and $15. I played pre cu and quit with the CU and then went back. I quit again with their fiasco of NGE and I missed the game sooo much I reopened my acct last night and then straight away cancelled it again. It breaks your heart to see the mess they have made and from our experiences with their service (or lack their of) they will never listen to us....ever.
We are a unique breed of player and all their eyes see are $$$ and the way everyone else is doing business with MMO's. Hold out hope with the rest of us that someone will see the light and bring back our unique game, dont pay the corporate pigs another dollar.....I wish I wouldnt but it got the better of my judgement last night
You know what is kinda of funny though about us old players? Some of us are such die hard fans of the old system I am surprised some one hasnt nutted up and drove their car into their home office or something out of sheer frustration. lol
That might be a good sugestion for any of the cities they are going to sell t shirts make some money back from what you spent on the old game