According to Reuters, Yahoo has received a classified edict
from unknown US government agency to scan all its customers' emails for certain keywords, and since early 2015 all Yahoo e-mails have been scanned for US government.
It's currently unknown what keywords the e-mails have been scanned for, and what if any data or e-mails Yahoo has handed forward to the US government.
When Reuters asked Yahoo for comments they stated
"Yahoo is a law abiding company, and complies with the laws of the United States", and declined any further comments.
Read more on: Google, Microsoft, Twitter, and Facebook have said that they do not have similar email scanning program.
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And surely this isn't the only provider getting checked for keywords.
In the end, we have to choose.
When you don't want the truth, you will make up your own truth.
When you don't want the truth, you will make up your own truth.
Google - Steals secrets, uses them for their own gain.
Microsoft - DB Encryption Keys possessed by the US Dept of Justice. Any DB can be accessed at any given time, was part of the deal to use MS products on all Defense Dept/.GOV Computers.
Drug Testing - Legal DNA Collection.
It is amazing that if you create it they will come. Human predictable,,, is why everyone takes part and have given away their privacy.
Food for thought.... If a self breaking car stops dead in the road because of an obstacle in the road, does the car or Semi truck behind them stop as well? answer is no, this is a great attempt to get those that do not use GPS.SAT radios to give up their locations at all times, More surveillance. Sheep being led to the slaughter of your privacy rights, and the sad thing is, you will all give them up freely without a fight,. lol.
you really think you have or choose any of those?
one less person to fool
Brenics ~ Just to point out I do believe Chris Roberts is going down as the man who cheated backers and took down crowdfunding for gaming.
Google also rigs their auto-fill search results in favor of Hillary Clinton where other search engines do not.
Research Proves Google Manipulates Millions to Favor Clinton noticed this a long time before the study came out.
Facebook doesn't allow certain political videos to be posted either, even when they're totally clean. Usually the banned videos are pro 2nd amendment or on other conservative topics.
This was revealed by Snowden years ago.
Please teach me senpai..
When you don't want the truth, you will make up your own truth. this topic is probably tagged and monitored as well and is on the list of potential threats!
Nooo, what have i done?!?