Tl;dr - Two weeks ago I did an operation and they don't want me to sit at all for 2+ months.....
Help me find games that support gamepads to play, please. I'm dying of boredom. I've been trying multiple games to see how they play with a gamepad but few are even worthwhile...
I like roleplaying games, horrors and adventure/hack&slash games too.
I played all Bioshock games, all Deadspace games, all metro games, Skyrim played it, Dragon's Dogma, Darksouls, etc etc
Atm I'm trying to like Dragon Age Inquisition but after so much time with Dragon's Dogma I'm not liking Dragon Age's combat at all! Such stupid auto aim crap, no control on who do you want to hit some of the times. Don't suggest witcher series I despise that combat system.