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So I'm a character creation and personalizing nutt. It's quite sadistic actually, I remember in SWG, I had an outfit to match every situation (not to mention armor), I had a different make-up look to go with each of them and when I first started, I think it took me an hour to get my toon "just right". Needless to say, I was my image designer friend best customer.
Personally, this is a very important feature in a game for me, I know it's just cosmetics but in a fantasy world, what isn't ?
So I've seen screens of the character creation tool for TCoS, looks like there's quite a few options but not really anything different then what we've seen outside of MxO and SWG. Anyone have any clue or have wishes as to what it will be like after character creation ? Will there be clothes that are set just for the sake of having them, will or would you like to be able to change your appearance after the fact and later down the road.
Do you even think this is important to you ?
HAHA to funny i wont say i go as far as you for custimization but i do like to look different. From what i have seen tcos will offer more custom looks than any other game out except maybe swg.
I think what sets TCoS appart from most other MMOs is that the way you look no longer effects the way you perform ingame. In other words you can go into the heat of combat looking exactly the way you would like to look, and not the way your class or stats on some items force you to look...
As for what happens after character creation I think I remember Corwynn saying somewhere that you can change your outfit at any time and can also go to the barber to get a new hairstyle etc...
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I love customization too, but it does present a problem.
SWG devs admited a long time ago tha it was the enormous cutomization options that would cause lag during large PvP battles. Not only did the server have to worry about the combat calculations, but it also had to load up the tons of color/clothing/facial/armor/etc variables. 20 person battle? NP. 100+, then it becomes a problem.
I hope CoS will strike a nice balance....customization is one of those immersive things for me....if everyone looks the same then it kind of ruins the fantasy...but I also do want lag-free battles.
I can confirm the ability to change clothes any time you want.
I can also say that we pay a LOT of attention to our network traffic and what we display. In point of fact, the customization we offer should not be much worse at all than most MMOs. They offer you changes of outfits, etc. The only difference is that they force a certain piece of armor on you, while we let you choose.
In terms of changing hairstyles and tattoos I have no comment other than we've considered it as an option.
hehe darn you developers and your tricky wording techniques !!!
Kidding ! thank you for chyming in Corwynn, good to know your at least looking into it.
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But it does have one advantage .. you can take off you armour/clothes and put on new ones to change your look
IMHO the outfits are great and varied but to tell the truth these are butt ugly looking toons. I hate playing an ugly toon and I hate looking at them. (NPCs and Mobs don't count)So, no matter what the story line or how good the game is I won't get it. Eye candy is important to me if this is what I am going to look at for several hours on any given day. Conversely speaking, a poorly developed game with great looking toons won't get my buck either. Changing clothes is nothing new. Like most female gamers, I have always carried more then one outfit for my toons and switched em (town clothes and work sets). Not having to armor up for battle is a different concept, so scrambling to upgrade gear won't be an issue in this game and a relief.
No matter what your art style there are always people who will not like it. Some people hate EQ2 while others go insane at the thought of WoW. A bunch of people found AO hideous while others can't stand DAoC.
And the same will be true of TCoS.
We've taken a very distinct style and realized it in an intensely atmospheric world. We knew the risks we were talking in creating this kind of stylistic game, but we accepted them as we accepted the fact that we took risks in various gameplay elements.
In the end we will see how all of these risks panned out. It is our sincere belief (and hope of course) that TCoS has what it takes to become a very successful game. In the end, we won't get every MMO player in the world to try it out. We just hope that we have a good base of people who do appreciate the changes we've made to the old formulas which have been rehashed since UO and EQ.
Dare to be different and some people will not like it. That goes for art as well as gameplay.
I hope you find a nice game to play that has characters which appeal to you Mykis!
I love ALL the new ideas, this will be a special game and special is good
Can't wait untill the release!
This statement concerns me a bit. I'm not hoping for something equivalent to, much less "not be much worse than" most other MMOs. I adored the ID option in SWG. Pretty much every game allows you to change clothes, and the more options there are there, the better, but I'm very tired of characters that have one of a half-dozen faces and one of eight hairstyles in five colors.
I understand that the extend of SWG's character customization (on the toon itself, not clothes) can create lag issues, but surely there's a middle ground? I do like the barber shop and tattoo option. If they're ideas that you're considering, it would be a nice step in the better customization direction.
As one of the other posters said, having everyone look so much alike is very non-immersive and makes me feel much less vested in my character. Why should it matter what happens to her or which exact outfit she's wearing atm when ultimately she'll run into four other people in the near future that look almost identical to her? It makes me feel almost that she's a dime a dozen.
I know it's a little girly and girls aren't always the target audience for MMORPGs, but it seems like something that can be added to really improve the game experience of some while not negatively impacting those who have no interest in it.
This game's name is too long for me
This game is not for you....move along.
If character customization is your thing you should really look into HJ. I have seen the character customization videos and read a lot about both spellborn and hero's journey, and from what I've seen HJ will have a much more extensive character customization tool. It will also have every other char customization feature spellborn has such as changing your look later, and how you look not affecting your stats.
Another thing that makes me confident about this part of the game being excellent (just as I expect the entire game to be, hehe) is that they are only launching with two playable races, this allows the devs to focus on giving these two races tons of customization options so that will hopefully not find you rlong lost twin.
I am very confident in the TCoS dev team!
I too think the customization is pretty sweet!
I share the concern about lag. I predict there will be times when you go to a common area and traffic gets high enough that things become a slide-show.
But thats ok, It'll just feel like EQ's bazaar... nostalgia! heh
If character customization is your thing you should really look into HJ. I have seen the character customization videos and read a lot about both spellborn and hero's journey, and from what I've seen HJ will have a much more extensive character customization tool. It will also have every other char customization feature spellborn has such as changing your look later, and how you look not affecting your stats.
Yes, I agree. As I stated in another post, This game is just playing catch up with other games. There is nothing new in what they are doing as to character customization (or items/armor/weapons).
It's just hijacked ideas from others games.... same old story.
To top it off, the other games appear to be doing it "better" so far.