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The Brotherhood of Spite is recruiting.

FenrilFenril Member Posts: 61


About the Brotherhood of Spite gaming clan:

We are currently being formed and accepting recruits for testing with only Darkfall in mind, we consider playing a variety of good online games for training and testing but this will not be very important at this stage. Having experience of playing in an Open pvp environment with full loot (Ultima Online) or other games with open pvp (AC:DT, Lineage 2) will be a factor of recognition from the clan’s part in reviewing applicants but will not by essential by any means.

What I seek to achieve with this clan is a tight-knit group of gamers, the kind of group that is an added incentive to play whenever you log in Darkfall Online, the kind that values good relationships between its players above other considerations, because all other factors come with time, shared experience and training.

The Brotherhood of Spite aims to be become a medium sized PvP game clan, we will know when we have grown beyond our optimal size according to the clans guidelines and close recruitment afterwards, naturally not all of the applicants will be accepted, but the major deciding factor on who stays and who is invited to leave will depend on level of activity and interest, and your relationship with other members of the clan at the time.

Recruitment is ongoing at this time, if you are interested in joining or have questions please contact me at or send me a private message in the official Darkfall Forums. I can usually be reached in the stratics irc network ( at the #Darkfall and #BoS channels.

The Brotherhood of spite will have members among the Alfar, we will fight for our interests, our freedom in Agon and to bring misery to our enemies.


Read the about and the code sections, you can reach me for an interview in #bos in


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