I received an email from AsiaSoft.net, the one which is related to maplestory if you do not know, inviting me to join their new game which is still in beta tsting, entitled Pangya: Fantasy Online Golf. This game is not up yet in e Game List, so I thought of introducing it here. As for how the game is played, and questions on the graphics and sound quality, I can't really answer that yet. Currently I am downloading the game and it seems to be a fast download. So for those in the SEA region, do check out Pangya.
Heres e website: www.PangyaSEA.com
-Frosty Outz
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
In comparison to ShotOnline international, it is definitely a far cry. ShotOnline remains much more favorable between the two as you are able to control your character and move around meeting other gamers in the park. Pangya doesn't have that yet. It is more based on going to different channels to challenge other gamers. Nevertheless, it is entertaining if you want something more fantasy-like unlike ShotOnline.
-Frosty Outz