Okay guys, I've been looking for greatest LoL tips for a while, because I want to climb the ladder. If you search LoL tips on google, you see the same
BS like "be more positive" "try to mute players" although I finally found a site with the
greatest LoL tips, although it is slightly outdated, but DEFINITELY better than most of the useless tips out there.
I'd still love some more tips though, I am currently gold 3 and want to reach plat before new season? (main jungle lee)
This might sound repetitive but you need to invest to become good, some people have a natural talent. I sank in A LOT of hours into LoL took me 3 full seasons to get to diamond/high plat.
1- Map awareness: this one is very important for you and for your teammates, I check my minimap every 5-10 seconds and I try to make good calls for people. If an enemy is missing ping it, people often forget to ping MIAs then another lane gets ganked. Having a good map awareness is good for you, you can easily survive a gank and turn it to your advantage.
2- Decision making: The most important one for me, League is like a game of chess, make 1 error it can lead you to your defeat, yes it sucks but that's how the game is made. I was an ADC main in season 5, I can assure you decision making is important especially if you're the fed one on your team. If you get caught alone in a lane and you die it can lead to your defeat. I could write about this for hours, but you get the general idea, use your logic to make smart move, that's the "main" problem in lower elo's
3- Follow the Meta: I know this one sucks because "you want to play something fun" but let me tell you I have fun when I win, it sounds disgusting, but my fun is when I see Victory on my screen. Following the meta won't make you win 100% of the time but it will increase your chance. In season 5, I spammed Ekko top because it was so broken I build him tank and just destroyed everyone. At one point Graves was a monster I spammed him as well, sure sometimes a champ is boring, but you are here to climb the ladder not the opposite.
Overall, that's about it , if you have free time you can watch pro's or high elo players on twitch, it helped me improve and understand things as well. Oh last small tip, I'm a big rager in league and I still got to diamond, I lost A LOT of games because I insulted people, try to mute them it might help you win some games.