Yea I know its obviously the chip burning up unnecessary energy untill malabooga fixed it and now its running smoothly. There is no possible way he took energy from the ram or anything else. Although they probably run on the same circuit. Thats impossible but its much more probable that AMD just didn't optimize their chips properly because well thats impossible to do.
Yet somehow they cannot write a simple program that optimizes their cards checking the power consumption vs volts vs clock speed. Yea thats a really hard program to make.
Well no, no energy would actually be taken from anything else in the device... That's not how electricity works.
Series circuits are voltage drop/voltage dividers. Parallel circuits are current dividers (current doesn't drop. Current can usually be viewed as a constant, though it can be manipulated.)
By having multiple systems which would be powered individually from the power supply in parallel circuits hence why there are 20-24 pins going to your mother board, plus the 4 to 8 pins powering the cpu, and 6-12 going to your gpu. Of each connector typically only two of them are data. Data +, Data - like USB. Current is drawn at the power supply, if current gets too high, the safety system will kick in, a fuse or in rare cases a breaker. This is paralleled and also multiple levels of voltages to suffice different microprocessor standards (CMOS, FET, MOSFET, TTL etc) and their varying voltages.
The more devices powered, the more current draw total from the PSU. If the circuits were all series the voltage drops would never be able to pass the breakdown voltage needed to pass the semi-conductors.
A quick edit of something to add, I found it amusing thinking of an easy way to describe it.
Imagine a semi-conductor is like a wall. A .1 volt is a soldier sent to man a battering ram. The battering ram that's needed to break down the wall will take more men depending on the wall's strength. The enemies wall is pretty tough, it needs a ram that takes 7 soldiers at least in order to charge through. On their way through the castle walls they run into some resistance, some soldiers fret of what's ahead and might change sides. Some come through indecisive - though rare.
I'm really trying to understand this. Google isn't helping me too much. But are we saying in GPU's the current isn't a constant? Or the die itself has a fluctuating current?
Because with CPU's the current is constant so what makes that different?
C stand for capacitance and not current. The current isn't constant.
Also note that if you power the graphics card from the 12V rail (and you do) that doesn't mean that all its components get 12V on them but you still give 12V from your PSU to power the card.
Lowering the GPU's voltage within the chip's factory specifications doesn't affect its processing power but in some cases it might affect its reliability if you set the voltage too low. The GPU might start to make calculation errors or even crash if the voltage is too low.
I guess that if you dynamically wanted to set the GPU voltage to a lowest but still safe level then you constantly had to double check (or rather check them multiple times at multiple voltage levels) all the calculations and stuff the GPU makes and that would result signifficant drop in performance. Also the chip's age and temperature are factors among many that affect the minimum required voltage to safely operate a particular piece. That's why the manufacturer sets the voltage higher than needed, to a safe value at which every single chip works properly regardless of age, temperature, etc. That doesn't mean that at your own risk you can't set your voltage slightly lower than the factory default and still stay safe for years.
Kind of sort of. Voltages are higher to compensate voltage drops in the semi-conductors and resistances at an efficient and stable rate. Drops aren't always perfect from on paper to physical material. One of the reasons there are different standards like mil-spec, can't use the best of the best parts on everything would just be outrageously expensive to the manufacturer.