Alright, got the game and I'm enjoying it since it's so, ...different...! Quick question though, is there any way you can hide the Heads Up Display (HUD) or "panels" and such?
Pressing R will redice the size of the radar and as for the rest like your HP bar and the bottom toolbar all you can do is completly hide them (including character names) for use when you want to take a screen shot, i think it is ALT+H to do this, i dont use it very often.
Visit this site and look under the knowledge base, quite a few helpfull bit in there that might help you out
Pressing R will redice the size of the radar and as for the rest like your HP bar and the bottom toolbar all you can do is completly hide them (including character names) for use when you want to take a screen shot, i think it is ALT+H to do this, i dont use it very often.
Visit this site and look under the knowledge base, quite a few helpfull bit in there that might help you out
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Aserhe - Twi'lek - Scylla Galaxy (swg) [canceled]
Exar - Dark Elf - Lucan D'lere (eq2) [canceled]
Narlash - Night Elf - Emerald Dream (wow) [Active]