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starting a new journey may not be so hard,
or maybe it has already begun.
There are many worlds,
but they share the same sky --- one sky, one destiny.
I raid. Not on the coat tails of a guild that's already mastered everything, either. I just happened to get with a guild of great people just as they broke off of a sort of "guild alliance" for raids and struck out on their own. Two months after raiding on our own we've got Ragnaros killed twice and Onyxia is on farm status. We start BWL wednesday.
Oh, and we're an RP guild.
end game? thats easy...its the same end game that all games have eventually...its called "uninstall"
starting a new journey may not be so hard,
or maybe it has already begun.
There are many worlds,
but they share the same sky --- one sky, one destiny.
im a heavy PvPer and learne all aspects about the game before doing heavy PvPing...
I right now got an alt for pretty much every single class..
reason: learne all classes roles + skills and learne ways to counter and kill them study ur enemy hehe
and the reason i keep playing is because im a PvP lord! i love to PvP and pwning
so.. im gonna make many alts and learne all aspects of PvP and then PvP grind my way to High Warlord
High Warlods my goal
My goal right now is to get exalted in thorium then in darnassus it'll be some time though good thing humans get diplomacy
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
crafting in thorium brotherhood hope to get some epic gear for ragnaros and some onyxia tanking
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
It never ends and it's necessary to do it if you want to pvp because the difference between items matter more than the difference between player skill.
My end game in WoW turned out to be unsubscribe. I tried battlegrounds and liked AV alot. Until I couldn't log into AV because the battle ground never opened on my server. I tried raids. However, by the time I did the same instance for the fourth or fifth time, I was done. I level alts, but in the end you keep plowing the same dang ground. I also farmed to get cash for my alts. However, always a chinese gold farmer in the best spots.
For me, WoW was perhaps my favorite game to play between levels 1-60. The end game failed for me by having me do the same thing over and over again.
Captain John Matin
Royal Red
1. there is no real reward for winning nor real penalty for losing.
2. Duel is stupid
3. battle ground is just a big arena for random ppl to join any time like a FPS game server. No organiation, no goal, no reward, no penalty.
End game in WOW? mindlessly grinding from 1 to 60, then mindlessly do a few raids over and over?
Yeah all that crazy gear you can get from PvP is useless. Who would want that.
{sarcasm off}
For me my current goal is to farm up the gold I need for my epic robo chicken (nearly done with that). Then the dungeon one set (have a bit of it already) and the quest to take it to dungeon two. I doubt I'll have the patience to go for any of the higher end gear. After a beat a given instance 2 or 3 times, I'm pretty much done with it.
I don't want to write this, and you don't want to read it. But now it's too late for both of us.
Remember man that passes by,
as you are now so once was I.
And as I am so must you be,
prepare yourself to follow me.
end game = selling account on ebay
Life is a sexually transmitted disease and it is 100% fatal.