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In a news item oddly reminiscent of the Mass Effect series, the United States Navy will be running a limited-time browser based game that anyone can join to "help us design our Navy for a post-Singularity world". Singularity is the concept that artificial intelligence will ultimately and fundamentally alter human civilization. To gather ideas, the US Navy will be launching a browser title for a week.
I heard that defending the "free world" was it´s own reward... =P
Anyway... This is just part of a bigger scope thing. They need to at least have some basic theory about what is to come incase someone who is not them get there first... think of it as the space race all over again.
This have been a good conversation
The guy who's piping this view the loudest also believes that he'll "reprogram" his body chemistry and live forever by taking over 100 supplement pills a day.
Awesome work, Generals. I'm sure this will turn into the one thing that saves humanity, action-movie style.
Tell that to Steven Hawkins. He thinks otherwise.
Yes it sounds silly... But then again risk analysis and management is a pretty well paying gig just because of the simple fact that information is king.
This have been a good conversation
There is a reason The USMC is called a Dept. of the Navy.
If you want a new idea, go read an old book.
In order to be insulted, I must first value your opinion.
A top neuroscientist at Duke University (Miguel Nicolelis) disagrees with Hawkins and Kurzweil. He, does believe humans will assimilate machines to enhance ourselves, but the idea that a machine would develop to the point of replacing or faithfully replicating human cognition, consciousness, and awareness is bunk (according to him).
A Harvard professor of computational theories of the mind as well as evolutionary psychology (Steven Pinker) agrees that a "technological singularity," as Kurzweil describes the scenario, is highly unlikely. Both he and Nicolelis work in fields that are related to the theory laid out by Kurzweil. Theoretical physics has nothing to do with AI or human cognition and intelligence.
Michio Kaku, if we wanna go the road of thinkers in different fields commenting on AI, agrees that a technological singularity is possible, but that, ". . . right now, our most advanced robots have the intellectual capability of a cockroach (a mentally challenged cockroach, at that) . . ." (EDIT- In fairness, I should note here that the article is from a little over a year ago) and there's no way to predict when such an event would occur, if we (as in, humanity) are able to even bring the technology to that point at all (Moore's law is not without limitations, and heat buildup is one of the big ones, with silicon providing a bottleneck of sorts). He also believes that the more likely scenario in the near future is an assimilation of machinery into the human body to enhance our senses/abilities and repair certain organs/parts that have been damaged by accident or disease and sickness.
Kurzweil borrows work from another scientist (Modis) to build his theory of the technological singularity and its timeline. Modis himself disagrees with the conclusion Kurzweil used his work to draw. My point was this isn't the most effective use of military spending. I would much rather they use the money to help improve things for our enlisted men and women throughout the branch, rather than investing into what amounts, again, to some General's pet project. Or, if they insist on doomsday prepping technological advances, I feel that additional work towards prepping for biological/chemical attacks is a much more effective use of R&D money. Because, to be quite frank, the general American public is WOEFULLY unprepared for a large-scale chemical or biological attack. Our only saving grace is our ability to prevent it from happening through the use of intelligence agencies and homeland defense.
EDIT- Typos throughout
Thanks for serving, @Torval and @Hatefull . My pops was a Marine and my great uncle served in the Navy.. Both were/are great men, and their military experience helped shape that.
Now I have the Village People singing in my head...
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Wouldn't you rather have Good schools in Malaysia to send your kids ???
why do you need to send them to the USA ?
take a stand and force your government to Man up and build more GOOOOOOD schools in your Own country
If you watch Asian dramas you will see every rich family send their children overseas to study and it a huge revenue source.
This is Asian mentality always relying on our Colonial Masters.
I may or may not be speaking from experience.