I heared a rumor, SWG will get another upgrade, SNSE (Super New Space Expirence).
Because EVE online is the Highest ranking MMORPG and it is a SF game the dervs have a revamp in the pipeline. They will reduce all chars to Space Pilots, and having fun in space is all what will be left.
Old Yedis will get a cool looking spaceship, PreNGE Jedis will get a glowing spaceship.
I am sure the problemes will be solved with this new upgrade.
kinda late for a 1 april joke..
SOE knows what you like... You don't!
And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
Highest ranking MMORPG? ROFL!
Also, and I think this is actually really funny. Instead of devs... you wrote Dervs
Glowing space ships too huh? Do the Fuzzy Dice glow as well or just the ship?
I'd imagine that would make them great target's though.
I mean what else should we come back for if not another EVE game ..
We can have a blast and why don't we just support the Bush administration while we're at it , I mean If someone wants money they got all right to do whatever they want to get it ..
This is not a troll post, the writer of this post where bored or/and drunk and don't take responsibility of what he just wrote
$OE does not support me or you , just you're wallet !