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Should I Play WoW

ok, here is the deal I am currently playing ffxi and a friend of mine told me about WoW and now im really thinking about it since ffxi is really getting long and borring....but I need a little bit more of a suggestion....Some of the things I would like to know is:  How is the Comunity, What is a good race for a warlock job, and last I would like to know any other information you can provide to me about WoW...please help me decide because if I do get WoW I will be canceling ffxi...Again please help me out with my questions that I have asked and feel free to include a little bit more informatioin that you think I should know before I start playing WoW......Thanks


  • NzgloryNzglory Member Posts: 2
    WoW imo makes every other game you play look useless....PvP is good to start off with however can be repetitive (eg, you do the same battleground over and over again) and is alos alot more gear then skill based....1-59 = best part off this game specially if you're new once you hit 60 though it can be depressing if you don't have the time on your hands (Last instances take 20-40 people and take a long long time).....As for races well i know on my server and most of the newer servers alot more people are rolling horde which means for you to get into a battleground it takes alot longer BUT horde win most of those for warlocks when a new oceanic server comes out ill be rolling an orc one myself (<3 the 25% stun resist) but Undead also are great//alliance side Either are as good as each other so overall pick for the one you think looks the best.....Community, get into a good guild its great but people on a whole are ever very helpful or extreme assholes no middle and if you got a friend in the game it will help......hope this helps
  • anduzanduz Member Posts: 46
    It depends on what you consider fun and entertaining gameplay. Once you hit level 60 which is rather fast world of warcraft becomes a hardcore PvE grind game where you complete the same dungeon over and over and over to get items before you move on to a harder dungeon. You'll need 19 or 39 other people to complete these dungeons but getting a raid guild as a warlock isn't very hard. The dungeons themselves are pretty challenging and you'll have lots of fun if you lik PvE achivement.

    This is however the only thing world of warcraft has to offer and though the developers may be working on enhancing other parts of the game they certainly are not giving out any information about what those plans/changes are.

    PvP wise it's fast becomming the worst game ever released because fight outcomes are determined by items rather than player skill. Because so many level 60ies are raiding PvP has become limited to small battlegrounds where two teams fight eachother in "siege/defend" "capture the flag" "capture and hold" matches which can be fun but make sure you find a server/faction without battleground queues (this is very important because some servers have 2-5 hour battleground queues).

    But frankly, if your goal is to pvp then get yourself an eve-online, daoc or guildwars account instead.
  • oliverc4oliverc4 Member Posts: 199
    WoW is cool game..but I cannot recommend you as of now because of maintenance issue..always down..but the total game was great!

    starting a new journey may not be so hard,
    or maybe it has already begun.
    There are many worlds,
    but they share the same sky --- one sky, one destiny.

  • Paladin101Paladin101 Member Posts: 187
    If you love pvp don't play WoW, it's terrible. If you love PVE then WoW has plenty to offer.

  • AfifyAfify Member Posts: 41

    lets see 60=1 month

    Loads of kids LOL!

    Noob game trust me stay in FFXI i miss my 75 blackmage taru >.< memories


  • acrienacrien Member Posts: 18

    You'll miss the team work in FFXI if you go into WoW.  I played both, WoW will dazzle you at first with all the possibilies, but they are very easy to get used to.  There is not core value to WoW.  FFXI, no variety, some core value (mainly team work that makes the game fun).  Everything in FFXI takes long time to do, and some things are not worth doing.  Everything in WoW takes a short time to do, and nothing is worth doing, because they're so easy to accomplish, getting to max level?  easy, Quests?  easy, Dungeons, easy.  PvP one on one is not bad, but the ambusher will most likely win, cos the battles are pretty short.  Basically, if you like to have some changes, try WoW, but you'll get bored of it fast.  Otherwise, stay with FFXI.

  • DrachonisDrachonis Member Posts: 183
    Funny, I was recently in the same boat.  I quite FFXI for the second time (65 tar BLM) because of the ammount of time vs. the reward factor.  I mean for the love of Jesus, Templ of Ugalephe (sp) can go  stick it where the sun does not shine.  And why all the diffaculty in FFXI... timesink and sorry, the JP elitism gets me down too ><  So I went to WoW for the 2nd time as well.  Um, I played on a new server and got a Shaman right up there in PvP and PvE quickly... guess it helped that I playe it before.  In any case, got bord really quickly agian beacaus of the same reasons.  The community it the absolute worst.  Hardely anyone helps anyone else out, is like they all have blinders on.  And then on the opposite side of the spectrum,  you have the super elite guids that won't let you in w/o some darn act of god.  This culminated with the rather shallow content of  WoW beyond the instances and PvP and you have an easy and crapy n00blet fest...  I would say play WoW, but don't expect to be sated for long.  If you really like FFXI, then you will quickly find that WoW is so much easier, its a breath of freash air for a while, as WoW truely is a fun game for a while.  The problem is that it  turns stagnat all too quickely because you have no real way of diffrentiation yourself  from others.  Its easy for you, its easy for them.  All in all, seems like most games suck now, I had to start up "gasp" reading agian to fight the bordom 

  • cdeepalcdeepal Member UncommonPosts: 148
    WoW sucks completely. Don't go for it. You will get dissapointed. Play EQ2.
  • AnagethAnageth Member Posts: 2,217

    Originally posted by jojomalt 
    How is the Comunity

    There are good and bads to the WoW community in general. You can sometimes feel like your surrounded by idiots, and other times be pleasantly surprised to be in a group full of mature adults. Obviously everyone points out the worse factors first, so you will definately hear of childish behaviour.

     What is a good race for a warlock job

    It normally doesn't matter much what race you pick for a specific class. Each race has their own perks, so there is no defininate answer to that. If you are to go Horde, you will go Undead, if you are Alliance, you will Human or Gnome.

     and last I would like to know any other information you can provide to me about WoW

    General gameplay is pretty fun, I've been playing on and off since Feb '05, and the game does get repetitive. Not in a "Oh, we need to grind for ten hours again tonight", but more in the sense that at certain moments you feel like your doing the same thing over and over again - such as quests. Of all the MMOs I have played, WoW is the KING of "Go and get X of Y". I would say 90% of all quests are like that, so if you are the RP type, or want intelligent quests, stay away!

    ...please help me decide because if I do get WoW I will be canceling ffxi...Again please help me out with my questions that I have asked and feel free to include a little bit more informatioin that you think I should know before I start playing WoW......Thanks

    No longer visiting

  • First, you should know that WoW has absolutely no difference than FFXI in gameplay, other than WoW's much faster, WoW is a PVE game, period, the PVP in WoW sucks as much as it does in FFXI.

    Second thing about the community, well if you found a group of mature people you'll be a lucky guy, not alot of them are around, if they were, they'll be hiding, and they'll be a few group of friends who wouldn't accept people they don't know, and also they won't be hardcore raiders who go after uber weapons and armor.

    about the game itself, it's realy fine, and entertaining from level 1 to 60, beyond that there's nothing else to do other than farm, raid, farm, raid, farm, raid and little PVPing ( since you have to wait in queues to enter the battlegrounds ).

    but seriously, if you like the on the spot action, don't choose this game, if you like to wait for server hicups, long maintenance times, battleground queues, high end dungeon raids, then go ahead, play it and enjoy.

  • diaboyosdiaboyos Member Posts: 209
    WoW will keep you occupied for a little while but as you get to be a higher level it becomes more and more of a grind and loses the fun.  At level 60 all there is left to do is battlegrounds, dungeons, or farm for loot.  After doing any of these often enough the game gets very boring very fast.

    Remember man that passes by,
    as you are now so once was I.
    And as I am so must you be,
    prepare yourself to follow me.

  • demolishIXdemolishIX Member Posts: 632
       WoW is a nice and fun game,CSR aint bad,the thing is that the social part of the game is abit "solo" type,most of the players will try to solo instead of grouping,if you get in a good guild that knows what team work is,than you should keep playing.I dont like the economy tho,it is very hard to determine the value of a item because some "noobs" sell them for outrageous prices.If you make some friends that love to group than you will be hooked.A good race for warlock is undead.Warlock and paladin are the only classes that get a free mount at lvl 40,also warlocks are good in groups cause they can summon team members to them soo they dont have to walk all the way there and they also have a soul stone that will revive the warlock or whoever in the group is holding the stone (usualy priest),I have a lvl 24 warlock(lowest lvl char),but I prefer playing my rogue tho,I love sneaking around,stealing from NPCs and just ambushing NPC groups.
  • VaahVaah Member UncommonPosts: 49
    Don't go to wow since you play ffxi.  Game is super easy, and like some others have also said it's a dumbed down version of a mmog.
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