In this cinematic trailer, we get a close look at the moves you can expect from Acclaim's upcoming martial-arts MMORPG 9 Dragons.
Thanks to Howard from Acclaim for sending this over.
Dana Massey
Formerly of
Currently Lead Designer for Bit Trap Studios
The trailor is not all that good, a guy jumping around in an almost random fation with an overdone, almost lightsaberesc trail to the weapon (many games insist on having this, bugs the piss out of me, lol). Visualy it is otherwise not so bad.
Not to insult the game itlself, if it reflects the inturpritation I've been lead to assume of the game based on the previous article, it will be a fun game and I will diffenently try it. Love the idea of Eastern High Fantacy. This trailor however does nothing to show the intended functions in the game, at the best it gives an idea of the movies we may expect and the design of clothing. It looks more like they decided to host one of their new art/visual programmer/director's demo movie of which he used to show the company "this is the quality of polygons I can do and this is how realistic I can make the character look." Oh well, I guess I was just expecting something else.
Top Ten Most Misused Words/Phrases in MMO Industry...
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I love Far Eastern design and culture, so I'll be watching this one carefully.
Only worry is the combat model. Samurai-style fighting is very fast and complex. Daeandor mentioned EQ, and that kind of combat just isn't involved enough. But companies are getting better at making combat interesting and realistic, so fingers crossed.
Which FF Character Are You?
Yo man that is my form (the weapon part that is).
I thought the trailer was ok.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
"I've never said anything worth quoting." -Lord Drako
the graphics look alright for an MMORPG if thats ingame. But the trailer itself...donst tell you much about the game just its set in an asian kung fu sort of setting.
Most of the trailer u think the guy is having a Seizure waving a flag around.....with that stupid blur on the weapon...i agree looks like a lightsaber or a guy waving a flag around lol or his trying out for an asian breakdance competition....who knows