I can not beleave it. It might be nothing ,but I posted on EA uk's forum asking about reopening and I got a responce from an admin. I may be reading more into it then there is ,but I have seen little if any responces from EA about EnB since it closed. Please read and post your support.
http://forum.eagames.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=21052There still might be hope.
Member of the Phoenix Alliance Guild
in Vendetta Online
EnB was my first MMO and I loved it dearly. I especially loved the deep lore and endless opportunities for exploration. I am a huge Star Wars fan though and so I left it for Galaxies. Later when I got tired of Galaxies I wanted to return to EnB, but it had just been announced that it was shutting down. Such a shame. It was a better game than a lot of the junk shoveled out today...including SWG.
Graphics are probably too dated though and despite Sci Fi being my favorite genre I know it isn't for most MMO players. If I have to play one more game with a dam elf though I am going to vomit.
OMG check it out we got a second reply from a admin on this topic. This one being more positive
Quote from admin:
"It's great to see the support for the game after all this time. Rest assured we'll make sure the people in the right place hear that there is still demand for the game to return."
Keep the post coming this might have somthing to it.
sry double post
This topic should be in the poll section of this site. I’m not sure who has permission to move polls there, maybe it’s automatic. I guess I’ll just create one and find out.
EnB Exiles
all i can say to this is OMFG
as an EnB beta tester like many of u guys i saw the potential, i was devestated upon its closing, and this would be the news of the year if it happens as far as im concerned
i fight the battles other fear
Wow Player
i fight the battles other fear
Member of the Phoenix Alliance Guild
in Vendetta Online
Surely the game would like a bit dated now though and need a little over-haul, which means spending money etc?
Problem though is even though you feel like you get something done...before you know it your capped out. There were people who capped out within 1 month of launch and I was well on my way when I quit 3 months later. While it was a fun game there was so much more that needed to be done that it didn't hold my interest near as long as other MMORPGs.
I loved EnB. It was my first MMO and at the time I just didn't have enough experience with online games to realize what a gem it actually was. I especially loved the exploration aspect of the game and the vastness of the zones. The only real complaint I had about it was that there was very little you could do outside of your ship. A nice expansion would have been to make the space stations and planets a little more useful and enjoyable in some respects, but overall I thought it was a really nice game.
One of the things that still makes me shake my head is that although EnB didn't have a huge player base when it was shut down it still probably had enough to survive and probably had more than SWG does now. I think EA just didn't like running something they obtained in the takeover of Westwood and shut it down out of spite.
Wow Player
I think EA is just teasing folks with this unfortunately.