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World of Speed News - Saber Interactive and Mad Dog Games have announced the Steam release date for World of Speed. Players will be able to jump in and get racing beginning on Wednesday, August 23rd. The game will be free to download and play with in-app purchases. Currently three car packages are listed on the Steam page, though pricing information is as-yet unavailable.
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Yet on Steam it doesn't say anything about, just Saber Interactive and Mad Dog Games.
© 2013—2017 My.Com BV, Saber Interactive. Published by Mad Dog Games, LLC. My.Com, World of Speed, the My.Com logo, and the World of Speed logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of My.Com BV. Saber Interactive, Saber Interactive logo, Mad Dog Games, Mad Dog Games logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Saber Interactive. Slightly Mad Studios, the SMS logo, are trademarks or registered trademarks of Slightly Mad Studios Limited. Product under license.
First line in the product information on Steam. Has all over it.
I actually played The Crew for months on release, and also some with the Wild Run expansion. The second one is shaping up to be more of the same, but with a ton more vehicles, including boats and planes. I agree its not the best racing sim, but its a fun "car game". And if you have friends or "crew" it can be a real blast. Matchmaking has come a long way since its release, and the races are pretty great now. If you tried it at launch, but didnt like it, I would suggest giving it another shot, its much improved.