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WildStar News - When WildStar is updated on September 6th, one of the biggest new features heading into the game is the Communities Housing System. Using the new features of the Communities system, players will be able to "join" housing plots together and share space with friends and guild mates.
"Just enjoy it while it lasts."
When you don't want the truth, you will make up your own truth.
What you mentioned is how I feel.
Marvel Heroes is smart to bring up their license renewal information to ensure customers that the game will be around at least until 2025.
It would probably do WS some good if NCSoft says "We plan to keep doors open at least til _____" considering they have that bad wrap for COH.
They had a reputation for closing down games before CoH hit the chopping block. No amount of reassurance on their part is going to be all that reassuring to anyone that knows their history.
So, enjoy it while you can. Who knows when it will be shutdown out of the blue. Paragon was actively working on the next expansion for CoH when they got hit, so even active development of a game isn't a certain indicator NCSoft won't pull the plug at any moment.
Same boat, a friend kept insisting for me to try Wildstar and I did, cool game, I like the gameplay, the UI, the voice quests and the overall world, but I just don't feel like it dedicating a great deal of time on a dying game.
A game with a low population, no new content being developed, no more dedication from the Devs and Company.
"May Your Head Explode And Blood Swell From The Wound"
- Hashcow
Use a VPN?
"May Your Head Explode And Blood Swell From The Wound"
- Hashcow
Blinking mobs.
They also need to get rid of the class system the way it is and make it more MOBA based with freedom to change between classes and stuff the game could have been great but the developers did not do it correctly.
I'm sure this doesn't help people want to get into the game either at this point.
Hiring for a new project when your company has already downsized multiple times over WS' lifetime isn't a good sign to me that the game will be around for a while. They've already confirmed that they wont be adding new raids to the game some time ago, so....idk man.