>Similar thing happened in Lineage2 just a few weeks ago.
A wedding in Lineage2 held by a castle lord was interrupted by an enemy clan.
Some idiot left the castle gate wide open with almost no defense before the wedding. The entire castle had tons of gold and crystals all over the ground in perfect art shapes for the wedding event which took them hours to made it. Most people inside the castle were unarmed castle lord's alliance members, and quite some guests from other alliances.
One enemy clan of the castle lord showed up by suprise 1 hour before the wedding started, and wiped out the 10 or so castle lord's men at the outter gate who weren't expecting it, and rushed into castle through the wide open gate(normally would take a siege golem 20 min. to bash through if during a siege) then started mass killing everyone they saw. Only small resistance was offered, since most people had no buff(buff is very very important in Lineage2), no party(most important buffs were party buffs), and even no weapon.
A few castle lord's men and some invited guests fought back in a hurry and all were killed with poor organiation and were all dead in a moment. Then the invaders circled the castle both inside and outside killing the reinforcemence that arrived one by one. After some min. with no more resistance, the invaders picked up all the gold and crystals on the ground and left.
(it happened during the week day, it was NOT during a castle siege. Which is why the dead victims couldn't not respawn inside castle. They'd take full xp loss penalty for the "normal" death if respawn)
It was quite foolish for them drop guard during the wedding, since they were at war with that enemy clan.
The ganking clan actually made a video out of this assault.
here is the video made by the gankers(it's not really random ganking since they were already at offical clan war before the wedding)
NOTE: it wasn't some good pvp video at all. Simply some cut out parts of the one side ganking with almost no resistance from different views of several different gankers.
If I was going to hold an event honoring a real life friend, I certainly would be crafty enough to not hold it in the middle of a paintball field where people are actively paying to play, and wouldn't really have any grounds to complain if they got some paint on me. They certainly could have refrained from holding it in a contested area on a PVP server; each side has 5 or 6 full zones that are not contested plus the capital cities, so it's not like there's only a small area to be in, and in the non-contested zones, you can't be attacked by another player unless you chose to turn on your PVP flag. Or they could have gone to a PVE server (the service would be inappropriate for an RP server, of course), or gone outside of WOW entirely.
I can't take the complaints of the people holding the service seriously, either they wanted it to get crashed for the pity/publicity, or they're incredibly dumb since it would be trivial to render it uncrashable.
Originally posted by Pantastic I can't take the complaints of the people holding the service seriously, either they wanted it to get crashed for the pity/publicity, or they're incredibly dumb since it would be trivial to render it uncrashable.
Yep, blame the victims ... perfect ... that's what most criminals do.
They didn't need spy. It was posted on a fan forum about the date/time of the wedding. Really a stupid move for someone who is in war.
The wedding crasher is a small clan actually. Only 2 parties of 9 ppl (total 18) joined the attack from the look of the video. But that's enough if you know L2. Full party buffed parties are so much stronger than unorganized/unbuffed people. You can take down 5x more ppl no problem at all in that situation, probably even 10x if your party setting is really strong.
Besides it was like 1 hour before the wedding, so there weren't that many guests inside the castle yet.
The point is, when the castle gate was closed it was already too late. 15+ or so of the ganking clan already entered the gate and killed everyone inside include the bride. Then they picked up all the gold and crystals on the ground which took organizers hours of work.
It wasn't a real pvp, well it was but rather 1 sided with the other side completely off guard with few defenses. You'd see completely different thing if it was real a pvp or siege.
So again, please do NOT judge L2 pvp base on this wedding crash video. This video is pretty bad in the term of pvp quality.
Funny that they were in a PVP server. I don't think the video actully mean the interuptors won though. Anyone know whats the name of the song that was playing in 5:00 min play of the video? I have been looking for the name of it for a long time.
Originally posted by Jazia here is the video made by the gankers(it's not really random ganking since they were already at offical clan war before the wedding)
Originally posted by SpiritofGame Yep, blame the victims ... perfect ... that's what most criminals do.
The only things they're victims of is their own stupidity. If people had crashed an actual funeral service, it would be one thing - but they didn't. People chose to play a game that they paid for in a manner allowed and encouraged by the game rules, that's nothing at all like crashing a real funeral. It's more like if someome decided to hold memorial services in the middle of a baseball game, and expected the game to just stop and wait for another day for them.
If you're going to talk about criminals, where's the crime? There's nothing remotely criminal in engaging in PVP in a PVP game. I object much more to the people who feel they have the authority to order other paying customers of the game around, telling other people that they're not allowed to engage in PVP in PVP-enabled areas of a PVP server. I pay a subscription to a game to be allowed to play the game by the rules of the game, and I object to people who try to add their own rules.
And no one has offered any explanation whatsoever as to why this event was held in a contested area on a PVP server; what prevented them from just holding the event in one of the areas where the crashers could not have crashed the event? It's sad if a train runs someone over in their sleep, but you have to ask why they decided to sleep on the tracks instead of somewhere sane like a bed.
What can I say, I laughed. Thing is, those people that held the funeral, they are idiots. Who would hold a funeral anywhere would they could get pvped?...
Originally posted by Greatness Originally posted by Jazia here is the video made by the gankers(it's not really random ganking since they were already at offical clan war before the wedding)
That movie was kind of laggy. PvP in Lineage 2 is a lot more intense. They just went in there and ganked them out lol. Ohwell, that is there fault.
For the funeral though, who would do such a thing? Even if it is just a game?
If you are talking about the WoW video then it's a couple songs. They listed the songs they used at the end of the video. The punk rock song they used is from a band called The Misfits. The Misfits are a horror themed punk rock band from the late 70's-80's and is called "Where Eagles Dare To Fly". The Misfits when Glen Danzig was part of the band rocked. Yeah I am a little bias toward this band if you couldn't tell.
The other song is from the Beetles **Yesterday**, classical song I for got the name of and the last one is from Scatman John a.k.a...John Larkin, **Scatman** for some odd reason.
The song from the L2 video is "The Final Countdown" as the chorus clearly points out and it was put out by a band named Europe.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
In both cases both groups of people who got ganked posted the event anoucement on web forums that rivals could clearly see and read. This is not a very smart thing to do especially in a PvP server. Now both groups should of planned their activities a whole lot better. The Horde group could of had their funeral in a non-contested zone and the L2 group should of freaking closed the gates !! Lets not forget as well that these are PvP servers and that means you must be ready for and aware of people who will take a free kill if you serve it to them on a platter. IMHO if you want a safe enviroment to do stuff like weddings or funerals in a PvP server then...
A.) Do not annouce it to the whole world on the very public server forums. Hand out invitations via pms's or emails
B.) Do your event in a safe non-contested area and make sure you lock the castle gates !!! lol
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Originally posted by Nadril What can I say, I laughed. Thing is, those people that held the funeral, they are idiots. Who would hold a funeral anywhere would they could get pvped?...
I was going to say something along those lines (without the insult) They where on a PvP server, you would think they would have taken percausions over something like that.
Why would you do something like that in a hostile area? Someone either didn't think it out or....it was stadged.
It is pretty low to do something like that in a case like this but it is a game and it is full of nit-wits.
Presuming the funeral people were entirely serious,and that they had expected something like this to happen so posted this is advance to try and stop it...............nope,still stupid.
If I had been arranging this funeral on a PvP server (as opposed to say....another type) I would have used the forum to ask politely not to interrupt a 'decoy' location of the funeral. In the meantime among trusted members of the own alliance I'd secretly set up the real location,even if we had to visit the decoy location,then hearthstone to the real location a few minutes afterwards.
This is PvP; telling people there's a large gathering is like saying:
I'd expect something like this,and hell I'd be stealthing it up,waiting for the crashers if I was part of it. But you know,it's PvP; if you wanted a non-violent tribute do it on a PvE server or a RP server.
I reckon part of them expected something like this to happen,just so they could gain more sympathy for the funeral. Which worked I guess.
Pantastic and Suitepee are right on the money. At first, I felt a moment of revulsion until I realised:
1. PvP server 2. Event announced on the forum in advance
There were numerous ways to counter any potential 'bumrush', but I suspect as Pantastic mentioned, that both parties were aware of the repercussions - and both sought publicity for differing reasons (moral high-ground on one side; ganking rights on the other).
What turned me off was that neither party emerges with any credit. It smacked of using someone's funeral to score propaganda points by claiming the moral high-ground, whilst the guild involved (Serenity, I think?) performed their role well by smack-talking and disparaging the deceased on the forum.
Reminds me of a really dumbed down version of Tom Wolfe's 'Bonfire of the Vanities'.
Regards, Riotgirl
"If you think I'm plucky and scrappy and all I need is love, you're in way over your head. I don't have a heart of gold or get nice. There are a lot nicer people coming up. We call them losers."
Sorry I took so long to follow up on this, but I'm sure no one was really expecting (or waiting) for me to follow this up anyway.
If there was ever an incident that crossed the lines between real life and in game, this is it. I'm not gonna rehash the age old arguements about whether these games are totally seperate from reality or mearly an extension of reality. I will however be using some real life anologies, so you've been warned.
Yes the server was FFA PvP and the funeral goers had posted the event on public forums before hand. Yes, the funeral was in a conflicted area of that server. But how many in-game funerals for RL deaths have you heard of, let alone been to? I'm thinking that the guild posted on the public forums for the sake of any friends that person had that weren't in the guild and believed that most people would have the decency not to interfere. That assumption is not too far out there since you rarely see people kicking over or pissing on flowered crosses left at the site of a highway accident years later. At the college I attend, somebody got hit by a train a few weeks ago. The day after, someone left some memorials by the tracks near the street. No one has so much as touched them.
It's been said that the line between savagry and civilization is found in the way a people greet their dead. Obviously, the asshats that crashed this party are the type of people that think dead baby jokes are the height of wit and [edit] to "Faces of Death". No doubt, one of the vile little bastards is reading this and laughing over how revolting others find them to be.
As for "they shouldn't have held it on this server" bullshit..... If you happen hold a funeral in South Centeral or the LBC, does that give me the right to crash your friends funeral, torture the guests, and force them to witness me [edit] the corpse? Of course it doesn't! Even organized criminals don't pull this kind of shit. That alone should let you know just how far out of line this is.
It's easy to say "they should have known better and taken precautions" after the fact. Hindsight is always 20/20. However, I don't really see being naive as being immoral or deserving punishment. Being a disrepectfull asshole, that's something that deserves being taken out behind the woodshed and beaten like a [edit]. Maybe if the parents of these ganking pricks had done that, this little incident never would have happened.
Originally posted by forest-nl Originally posted by Jimmy_Scythe So a WoW guild was holding a funeral for a guildmate that died of a stoke and and they got pwned!! Comments?
Man your pethatic first to make a topic of it and then clame wow is a FFA pvp game you must have brain of donkey.
WOW= CAREBEAR PVP no discussion posible.
Make sure to check your spelling because it is pretty pathetic.
P.S. Especially if you're going to claim that the other poster is a brain dead donkey.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Originally posted by forest-nl Originally posted by Jimmy_Scythe So a WoW guild was holding a funeral for a guildmate that died of a stoke and and they got pwned!! Comments?
Man your pethatic first to make a topic of it and then clame wow is a FFA pvp game you must have brain of donkey.
WOW= CAREBEAR PVP no discussion posible.
way to completely 100% miss the whole point. And you even insult the original poster. Can we get an oscar for the worst ever post of the year? I'm not sure yours would get it, but a nomination, yes. That i can see.
As for the point, I tend to agree. the funeral crashers behavious is more akin to kindergarden children tactics that any vision of "fun" or "tactics".
I do not know why the organizers chose a hostile areas, but i guess the area was somehow related to the deceased player or some other reason, still... it really shows the complete lack of education and tact this brutes had. By publishing a video of it all, they just go on with it.
The only consolation is they made themselves public so people will know how to threat with them.
You can argue the organizers could have chosen a safer area and that is true, but i suppose they didn't really thought there were playing with ignorant savages, they thought the people of their server would understand as the guy was part of their community so to speak.
As jimmy said, Naive? yes. Guilty? hell no.
About the other comparisons done, do you really think that if a funeral would be organized in a baseball camp (maybe because the deceased was a baseball player and used to play there), manifests would be put around announcing it to everybody, that couple baseball teams would just go there and start playing baseball middle of the ceremony??? I do not think so.
I say this is one of those examples in which the guilty justify themselves with "It is just a game, suck it up". yes, it is just a "game", but real people are playing it. those orks and humans are not computer controlled, un-emotional models, there are real boys and girls behind those monitors and you are gonna reap the consequences of what you sow.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
Originally posted by Leesus Old news. Don't be such a jackass about it either. Imagine your friend dying in real life and you try to honor his memory and some interupts it.
That's what a funeral is for [edit]. This is a video game, that's what happens when you take it too seriously. If they had any brains they would make the funeral in a zone where alliance couldn't attack.
Originally posted by Volkmar Originally posted by forest-nl Originally posted by Jimmy_Scythe So a WoW guild was holding a funeral for a guildmate that died of a stoke and and they got pwned!! Comments?
Man your pethatic first to make a topic of it and then clame wow is a FFA pvp game you must have brain of donkey.
WOW= CAREBEAR PVP no discussion posible.
way to completely 100% miss the whole point. And you even insult the original poster. Can we get an oscar for the worst ever post of the year? I'm not sure yours would get it, but a nomination, yes. That i can see.
As for the point, I tend to agree. the funeral crashers behavious is more akin to kindergarden children tactics that any vision of "fun" or "tactics".
I do not know why the organizers chose a hostile areas, but i guess the area was somehow related to the deceased player or some other reason, still... it really shows the complete lack of education and tact this brutes had. By publishing a video of it all, they just go on with it.
The only consolation is they made themselves public so people will know how to threat with them.
You can argue the organizers could have chosen a safer area and that is true, but i suppose they didn't really thought there were playing with ignorant savages, they thought the people of their server would understand as the guy was part of their community so to speak.
As jimmy said, Naive? yes. Guilty? hell no.
About the other comparisons done, do you really think that if a funeral would be organized in a baseball camp (maybe because the deceased was a baseball player and used to play there), manifests would be put around announcing it to everybody, that couple baseball teams would just go there and start playing baseball middle of the ceremony??? I do not think so.
I say this is one of those examples in which the guilty justify themselves with "It is just a game, suck it up". yes, it is just a "game", but real people are playing it. those orks and humans are not computer controlled, un-emotional models, there are real boys and girls behind those monitors and you are gonna reap the consequences of what you sow.
I don't think anyone is blaming them for holding a funeral. They are in their right to hold such a event. Of course you must realize that they are doing so on a pay to play PvP server. You can't force others who are paying for a service to stop doing what they paid for which is PvP. Now I am 100% sure these gankers had negative motives for their actions and I won't deny that they did this because they saw it as way to gain some attention. Of course if the funeral holders did not want unwanted PvPers crashing the funeral then the logical reasoning would be to have pm and email invitations with the location of the event being revealed at a later date and time. Why should they of done this ?
Well because as I stated before it's a pvp server and people are paying to engage other people in battles. Not to mention the random encounters that turn into full blown battles which have been known to happen on PvP servers without prior notice. What if a group of random alliance who did not know about this funeral ran in and started fighting them ? There would be no way for these guys to communicate with these random opposing characters because in WoW both factions have no communication ability with each other.
Of course I understand that the annoucement on the server forums was a way to make their intentions clear but how they did it was not smart at all and directly lead to this encounter IMHO. As I stated in a prior post if you give somoene a easy HK/PK by servering it on a platter then expect some folks to oblige you and move in for the kill in a hostile pay to play pvp enviroment.
As for your baseball analogy I find it very flawed because you can't compare baseball to a PvP server. The two just to do not vibe at all especially since good sportmanship is encouraged in baseball and well PvP is very hostile enviroment pitting two sides against each other and no quarter is given or expected.
Hopefully people learned from the mistakes made in each video and understand the nature of a PvP server.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:
GW2 (+LoL and BF3)
they were asking for something to happen..and they got it.
the end.
>Similar thing happened in Lineage2 just a few weeks ago.
A wedding in Lineage2 held by a castle lord was interrupted by an enemy clan.
Some idiot left the castle gate wide open with almost no defense before the wedding. The entire castle had tons of gold and crystals all over the ground in perfect art shapes for the wedding event which took them hours to made it. Most people inside the castle were unarmed castle lord's alliance members, and quite some guests from other alliances.
One enemy clan of the castle lord showed up by suprise 1 hour before the wedding started, and wiped out the 10 or so castle lord's men at the outter gate who weren't expecting it, and rushed into castle through the wide open gate(normally would take a siege golem 20 min. to bash through if during a siege) then started mass killing everyone they saw. Only small resistance was offered, since most people had no buff(buff is very very important in Lineage2), no party(most important buffs were party buffs), and even no weapon.
A few castle lord's men and some invited guests fought back in a hurry and all were killed with poor organiation and were all dead in a moment. Then the invaders circled the castle both inside and outside killing the reinforcemence that arrived one by one. After some min. with no more resistance, the invaders picked up all the gold and crystals on the ground and left.
(it happened during the week day, it was NOT during a castle siege. Which is why the dead victims couldn't not respawn inside castle. They'd take full xp loss penalty for the "normal" death if respawn)
It was quite foolish for them drop guard during the wedding, since they were at war with that enemy clan.
The ganking clan actually made a video out of this assault.
here is the video made by the gankers(it's not really random ganking since they were already at offical clan war before the wedding)
NOTE: it wasn't some good pvp video at all. Simply some cut out parts of the one side ganking with almost no resistance from different views of several different gankers.
(Do NOT judge L2 pvp based on this this video!)
I can't take the complaints of the people holding the service seriously, either they wanted it to get crashed for the pity/publicity, or they're incredibly dumb since it would be trivial to render it uncrashable.
Yep, blame the victims ... perfect ... that's what most criminals do.
~ Ancient Membership ~
Over at the linage2 gank video, I was expecting some spy at the wedding and then a large group of party clashers coming.
Give me lights give me action. With a touch of a button!
They didn't need spy. It was posted on a fan forum about the date/time of the wedding. Really a stupid move for someone who is in war.
The wedding crasher is a small clan actually. Only 2 parties of 9 ppl (total 18) joined the attack from the look of the video. But that's enough if you know L2. Full party buffed parties are so much stronger than unorganized/unbuffed people. You can take down 5x more ppl no problem at all in that situation, probably even 10x if your party setting is really strong.
Besides it was like 1 hour before the wedding, so there weren't that many guests inside the castle yet.
The point is, when the castle gate was closed it was already too late. 15+ or so of the ganking clan already entered the gate and killed everyone inside include the bride. Then they picked up all the gold and crystals on the ground which took organizers hours of work.
It wasn't a real pvp, well it was but rather 1 sided with the other side completely off guard with few defenses. You'd see completely different thing if it was real a pvp or siege.
So again, please do NOT judge L2 pvp base on this wedding crash video. This video is pretty bad in the term of pvp quality.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Lol, free stuff !
That movie was kind of laggy. PvP in Lineage 2 is a lot more intense. They just went in there and ganked them out lol. Ohwell, that is there fault.
For the funeral though, who would do such a thing? Even if it is just a game?
Currently Playing:
The only things they're victims of is their own stupidity. If people had crashed an actual funeral service, it would be one thing - but they didn't. People chose to play a game that they paid for in a manner allowed and encouraged by the game rules, that's nothing at all like crashing a real funeral. It's more like if someome decided to hold memorial services in the middle of a baseball game, and expected the game to just stop and wait for another day for them.
If you're going to talk about criminals, where's the crime? There's nothing remotely criminal in engaging in PVP in a PVP game. I object much more to the people who feel they have the authority to order other paying customers of the game around, telling other people that they're not allowed to engage in PVP in PVP-enabled areas of a PVP server. I pay a subscription to a game to be allowed to play the game by the rules of the game, and I object to people who try to add their own rules.
And no one has offered any explanation whatsoever as to why this event was held in a contested area on a PVP server; what prevented them from just holding the event in one of the areas where the crashers could not have crashed the event? It's sad if a train runs someone over in their sleep, but you have to ask why they decided to sleep on the tracks instead of somewhere sane like a bed.
Lol, free stuff !
That movie was kind of laggy. PvP in Lineage 2 is a lot more
intense. They just went in there and ganked them out lol. Ohwell, that
is there fault.
For the funeral though, who would do such a thing? Even if it is just a game?
If you are talking about the WoW video then it's a couple songs. They listed the songs they used at the end of the video. The punk rock song they used is from a band called The Misfits. The Misfits are a horror themed punk rock band from the late 70's-80's and is called "Where Eagles Dare To Fly". The Misfits when Glen Danzig was part of the band rocked. Yeah I am a little bias toward this band if you couldn't tell.
The other song is from the Beetles **Yesterday**, classical song I for got the name of and the last one is from Scatman John a.k.a...John Larkin, **Scatman** for some odd reason.
The song from the L2 video is "The Final Countdown" as the chorus clearly points out and it was put out by a band named Europe.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:
GW2 (+LoL and BF3)
In both cases both groups of people who got ganked posted the event anoucement on web forums that rivals could clearly see and read. This is not a very smart thing to do especially in a PvP server. Now both groups should of planned their activities a whole lot better. The Horde group could of had their funeral in a non-contested zone and the L2 group should of freaking closed the gates !! Lets not forget as well that these are PvP servers and that means you must be ready for and aware of people who will take a free kill if you serve it to them on a platter. IMHO if you want a safe enviroment to do stuff like weddings or funerals in a PvP server then...
A.) Do not annouce it to the whole world on the very public server forums. Hand out invitations via pms's or emails
B.) Do your event in a safe non-contested area and make sure you lock the castle gates !!! lol
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:
GW2 (+LoL and BF3)
I was going to say something along those lines (without the insult) They where on a PvP server, you would think they would have taken percausions over something like that.
Why would you do something like that in a hostile area? Someone either didn't think it out or....it was stadged.
It is pretty low to do something like that in a case like this but it is a game and it is full of nit-wits.
Presuming the funeral people were entirely serious,and that they had expected something like this to happen so posted this is advance to try and stop it...............nope,still stupid.
If I had been arranging this funeral on a PvP server (as opposed to say....another type) I would have used the forum to ask politely not to interrupt a 'decoy' location of the funeral. In the meantime among trusted members of the own alliance I'd secretly set up the real location,even if we had to visit the decoy location,then hearthstone to the real location a few minutes afterwards.
This is PvP; telling people there's a large gathering is like saying:
I'd expect something like this,and hell I'd be stealthing it up,waiting for the crashers if I was part of it. But you know,it's PvP; if you wanted a non-violent tribute do it on a PvE server or a RP server.
I reckon part of them expected something like this to happen,just so they could gain more sympathy for the funeral. Which worked I guess.
Its not the first time sumthing was crashed, anyways SN guild really dmged their name
Pantastic and Suitepee are right on the money. At first, I felt a moment of revulsion until I realised:
1. PvP server
2. Event announced on the forum in advance
There were numerous ways to counter any potential 'bumrush', but I suspect as Pantastic mentioned, that both parties were aware of the repercussions - and both sought publicity for differing reasons (moral high-ground on one side; ganking rights on the other).
What turned me off was that neither party emerges with any credit. It smacked of using someone's funeral to score propaganda points by claiming the moral high-ground, whilst the guild involved (Serenity, I think?) performed their role well by smack-talking and disparaging the deceased on the forum.
Reminds me of a really dumbed down version of Tom Wolfe's 'Bonfire of the Vanities'.
"If you think I'm plucky and scrappy and all I need is love, you're in way over your head. I don't have a heart of gold or get nice. There are a lot nicer people coming up. We call them losers."
Sorry I took so long to follow up on this, but I'm sure no one was really expecting (or waiting) for me to follow this up anyway.
If there was ever an incident that crossed the lines between real life and in game, this is it. I'm not gonna rehash the age old arguements about whether these games are totally seperate from reality or mearly an extension of reality. I will however be using some real life anologies, so you've been warned.
Yes the server was FFA PvP and the funeral goers had posted the event on public forums before hand. Yes, the funeral was in a conflicted area of that server. But how many in-game funerals for RL deaths have you heard of, let alone been to? I'm thinking that the guild posted on the public forums for the sake of any friends that person had that weren't in the guild and believed that most people would have the decency not to interfere. That assumption is not too far out there since you rarely see people kicking over or pissing on flowered crosses left at the site of a highway accident years later. At the college I attend, somebody got hit by a train a few weeks ago. The day after, someone left some memorials by the tracks near the street. No one has so much as touched them.
It's been said that the line between savagry and civilization is found in the way a people greet their dead. Obviously, the asshats that crashed this party are the type of people that think dead baby jokes are the height of wit and [edit] to "Faces of Death". No doubt, one of the vile little bastards is reading this and laughing over how revolting others find them to be.
As for "they shouldn't have held it on this server" bullshit..... If you happen hold a funeral in South Centeral or the LBC, does that give me the right to crash your friends funeral, torture the guests, and force them to witness me [edit] the corpse? Of course it doesn't! Even organized criminals don't pull this kind of shit. That alone should let you know just how far out of line this is.
It's easy to say "they should have known better and taken precautions" after the fact. Hindsight is always 20/20. However, I don't really see being naive as being immoral or deserving punishment. Being a disrepectfull asshole, that's something that deserves being taken out behind the woodshed and beaten like a [edit]. Maybe if the parents of these ganking pricks had done that, this little incident never would have happened.
*Edited for content by Stradden, April 17th '06
Man your pethatic first to make a topic of it and then clame wow is a FFA pvp game you must have brain of donkey.
WOW= CAREBEAR PVP no discussion posible.
Hope to build full AMD system RYZEN/VEGA/AM4!!!
MB:Asus V De Luxe z77
CPU:Intell Icore7 3770k
GPU: AMD Fury X(waiting for BIG VEGA 10 or 11 HBM2?(bit unclear now))
PSU:Corsair AX1200i
OS:Windows 10 64bit
Man your pethatic first to make a topic of it and then clame wow is a FFA pvp game you must have brain of donkey.
WOW= CAREBEAR PVP no discussion posible.
Make sure to check your spelling because it is pretty pathetic.
P.S. Especially if you're going to claim that the other poster is a brain dead donkey.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:
GW2 (+LoL and BF3)
Man your pethatic first to make a topic of it and then clame wow is a FFA pvp game you must have brain of donkey.
WOW= CAREBEAR PVP no discussion posible.
way to completely 100% miss the whole point. And you even insult the original poster. Can we get an oscar for the worst ever post of the year? I'm not sure yours would get it, but a nomination, yes. That i can see.
As for the point, I tend to agree. the funeral crashers behavious is more akin to kindergarden children tactics that any vision of "fun" or "tactics".
I do not know why the organizers chose a hostile areas, but i guess the area was somehow related to the deceased player or some other reason, still... it really shows the complete lack of education and tact this brutes had. By publishing a video of it all, they just go on with it.
The only consolation is they made themselves public so people will know how to threat with them.
You can argue the organizers could have chosen a safer area and that is true, but i suppose they didn't really thought there were playing with ignorant savages, they thought the people of their server would understand as the guy was part of their community so to speak.
As jimmy said, Naive? yes. Guilty? hell no.
About the other comparisons done, do you really think that if a funeral would be organized in a baseball camp (maybe because the deceased was a baseball player and used to play there), manifests would be put around announcing it to everybody, that couple baseball teams would just go there and start playing baseball middle of the ceremony??? I do not think so.
I say this is one of those examples in which the guilty justify themselves with "It is just a game, suck it up". yes, it is just a "game", but real people are playing it. those orks and humans are not computer controlled, un-emotional models, there are real boys and girls behind those monitors and you are gonna reap the consequences of what you sow.
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
That's what a funeral is for [edit]. This is a video game, that's what happens when you take it too seriously. If they had any brains they would make the funeral in a zone where alliance couldn't attack.
*Edited for content by Stradden, April 18th, 2006
My /flex is an AoE stun.
Man your pethatic first to make a topic of it and then clame wow is a FFA pvp game you must have brain of donkey.
WOW= CAREBEAR PVP no discussion posible.
way to completely 100% miss the whole point. And you even insult the original poster. Can we get an oscar for the worst ever post of the year? I'm not sure yours would get it, but a nomination, yes. That i can see.
As for the point, I tend to agree. the funeral crashers behavious is more akin to kindergarden children tactics that any vision of "fun" or "tactics".
I do not know why the organizers chose a hostile areas, but i guess the area was somehow related to the deceased player or some other reason, still... it really shows the complete lack of education and tact this brutes had. By publishing a video of it all, they just go on with it.
The only consolation is they made themselves public so people will know how to threat with them.
You can argue the organizers could have chosen a safer area and that is true, but i suppose they didn't really thought there were playing with ignorant savages, they thought the people of their server would understand as the guy was part of their community so to speak.
As jimmy said, Naive? yes. Guilty? hell no.
About the other comparisons done, do you really think that if a funeral would be organized in a baseball camp (maybe because the deceased was a baseball player and used to play there), manifests would be put around announcing it to everybody, that couple baseball teams would just go there and start playing baseball middle of the ceremony??? I do not think so.
I say this is one of those examples in which the guilty justify themselves with "It is just a game, suck it up". yes, it is just a "game", but real people are playing it. those orks and humans are not computer controlled, un-emotional models, there are real boys and girls behind those monitors and you are gonna reap the consequences of what you sow.
I don't think anyone is blaming them for holding a funeral. They are in their right to hold such a event. Of course you must realize that they are doing so on a pay to play PvP server. You can't force others who are paying for a service to stop doing what they paid for which is PvP. Now I am 100% sure these gankers had negative motives for their actions and I won't deny that they did this because they saw it as way to gain some attention. Of course if the funeral holders did not want unwanted PvPers crashing the funeral then the logical reasoning would be to have pm and email invitations with the location of the event being revealed at a later date and time. Why should they of done this ?
Well because as I stated before it's a pvp server and people are paying to engage other people in battles. Not to mention the random encounters that turn into full blown battles which have been known to happen on PvP servers without prior notice. What if a group of random alliance who did not know about this funeral ran in and started fighting them ? There would be no way for these guys to communicate with these random opposing characters because in WoW both factions have no communication ability with each other.
Of course I understand that the annoucement on the server forums was a way to make their intentions clear but how they did it was not smart at all and directly lead to this encounter IMHO. As I stated in a prior post if you give somoene a easy HK/PK by servering it on a platter then expect some folks to oblige you and move in for the kill in a hostile pay to play pvp enviroment.
As for your baseball analogy I find it very flawed because you can't compare baseball to a PvP server. The two just to do not vibe at all especially since good sportmanship is encouraged in baseball and well PvP is very hostile enviroment pitting two sides against each other and no quarter is given or expected.
Hopefully people learned from the mistakes made in each video and understand the nature of a PvP server.
Games I've played/tried out:WAR, LOTRO, Tabula Rasa, AoC, EQ1, EQ2, WoW, Vangaurd, FFXI, D&DO, Lineage 2, Saga Of Ryzom, EvE Online, DAoC, Guild Wars,Star Wars Galaxies, Hell Gate London, Auto Assault, Grando Espada ( AKA SoTNW ), Archlord, CoV/H, Star Trek Online, APB, Champions Online, FFXIV, Rift Online, GW2.
Game(s) I Am Currently Playing:
GW2 (+LoL and BF3)