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Bungie and Activision have released some pretty impressive numbers for a console launch with Destiny 2. It has scored the largest ever Day 1 sales in the PlayStation Store as well as the all-time high concurrent player record as well.
Finished the campaign finally and now working on getting raid ready.
I must say, I enjoyed the "thank you" message Bungle put in for the community.
Always nice to see a team appreciating their fans
This +2 !!!
It a realy good Game. Period.
Love it and i'm looking forward what comes in the next month onward.
Thx Bungie and everyone involved! Well done!!!
Aerowyn's Video Compilation of ALL things Guild Wars 2
also still lack matchmaking for nightfall, trials, and raids so participation in those continues to be extremely low
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women...
here comes broskie to shit on the parade with irrelevant information.
In other words - it's absolutely the asme as any other MMORPG/MMO out there. Especially the ones wich made it to TOP 10 list from MMORPG.COM, especially the one which is a top one
For a lot of us, that's a good thing.
We shouldnt forget about D1, DLC money grab, ingame cash shop, Sony marketing deals that hurt other platforms and many more. These couldnt be fixed with one cheap message about how this crap is selling shitload of copies.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
complete your mission.
And just like in Destiny 1 if you take you sweet time taking down a mob they will dangle in front of you like a carrot on a stick for you to take down with ease. I hate how this is becoming so mainstream, this so called easy game-play where everyone is made out to be such a godly killer without actually needing to think or be genuinely good at the game at all.
It honestly felt like a chore getting through the campaign as it was just so mind numbing. What's the point of playing a game if there's no challenge to entertain you? Just a easy point & shoot until you get to the next cinematic. Nah, it isn't worth 60$ in my books.
They definitely slacked with the AI and didn't care to make them smarter. That aside it isn't a bad game entirely as other group-orientated features centered around players fighting players is good fun but honestly it's like watching a magician if you see one bad mistake, the whole act just plummets.
"Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact… same fucking thing… over and over again, expecting… shit to change."
That quote sums up the deep cesspool modern day MMO market is in. I've been playing EQ, EQII, WoW, DAoC and AO since launch, there is absolutely nothing new games could give me, gameplay and activities wise. Only story rich games, like Secret World, could be of any use for a good story.
But yeah, lots of people like to jerk their asses off in every "new" WoW raid several dozens times in a row
Maybe you need a new hobby. Doesn't sound like you enjoy gaming.
Naaah. Divinity Original Sin 2 is a total blast. And I enjoy gaming a lot. That said, repetitive gameplay of modern MMORPGs just does not fit under "gaming" category for me.
I am pretty sure you didn't play the gameor just trolling!
I am not saying the campaign is hard, but it wasn't super easy either.
There are genuinely difficult boss encounters in the Campaign, though the Final boss could have been a bit more challenging. I can agree with people saying that one was a tad too easy. Especially since that boss encounter on Io was one of the hardest in the Campaign and felt really satisfied beating it without dying, but with lots of close death moments :P
Destiny 1's Campaign was definitely more challenging overall. I can agree with that. It took me a lot longer to complete as well, but that was also because the leveling in Destiny 1 was a hell lot slower.
I think the problem here might be that the Campaign missions don't scale, when you play with two or three. So if you did all Campaign missions in Co-op, then it can be quite the walk in the park yes!
I did all the initial Campaign missions on my own.
The AI is far from dumb and actually one of the better AI's in RPG's. So this is complete bullocks!
You have to read behind each Enemy race/faction and their lore!
The Fallen dodge like hell and run for cover, except some big (mini) bosses that have a shield, but they warp instead.
The Cabal are dumb brutes. They are big, bulky and full of armor and just run straight for you. Especially the Melee ones that are heavily armored and take foverer to take down and can kill you in an instant! They are super annoying to deal with, but awesome at same time! They really wreck havoc in some Public Events LOL!
Some of them also deploy shields and you have to flank them to get around it. The smaller cabal enemies actually do run around, dodge and use cover.
The Vex. They are AI. They don't bother with cover, because they don't know fear or death! They just come at you in sheer numbers and use shields and warp techniques to overwhelm you. Which becomes pretty obvious in the Campaign mission on Nessus.
The Hive. They are scary and come in numbers at you. Especially the mindless drones. They give you the occasional jump scare lol. The higher hierarchy monsters are smarter and use dodge and run for cover and the Knights deploy shields.
There is a lot more content in the game than just the Campaign and the Raid.
I played Destiny 1 for over 18 months and I hardly ever attempted any of the Raids. Tried them a few times and that's it.
The only thing I am missing a bit, is the Heroic versions of the Strikes and Missions.
I would also love the ability to replay some of the Post-Campaign story mission Arcs that unlock on each planet after beating the Campaign. They are really awesome.
NOTE: One thing that really is total broken now though, are the loot tables and Bungie really need to fix this ASAP!