93% killer, 60-some % achiever. . . .in an EQ gamelandland where you can't die and group interaction is supposedly the emphasis. You must tap the vein something fierce on a nightly basis - making sure you have the best +nth degree gear. They have you runnin' the hampster wheel - corp. boys love your type.
And just in time, a newer more potent designer drug is about to get released-EQ 2.
Poor boy . . . what have you become. . .says something about how they market eq and what its content actually "is". . .
OK so that was tongue in cheek a 'lil bit - nothing personal meant. A Blizzard hater and EQ infatuator, even when neither game is out yet.
But the point is valid - phunky.
Permadeath and environmental challenges are the next great step in the evolution of MMORPGs. Only through true adversity will one feel accomplished. Only in truly knowing you can die will true adversity present itself.
I reckon EQII will be worth the wait. EQ will still live on for a long time so it makes you wonder how many will play EQII, some loyal EQ players will refuse to convert im sure.
I've been playing Everquest for two and a half years, with 112 days logged in to my main character.
Issues i'm seeing that people have:
1) Poor community and lack of mature, intelligent player-base
2) Too much time involvement
3) Poor graphics and animation
As for the community, i don't really know what to say. Immature kiddos and annoying weekending teenagers are something you can rarely avoid in any game. The great part is, these kinds of people come complete with the attention span of a two year old developmentally challenged mountain goat. Rarely do i see anyone like this make it past level fifty. For every blabbering idiot strewn onto the server seemingly as divine punishment, there are three more clear-thinking and coherent individuals that really are a pleasure to interact with. My "friends list" has a maximum number of one-hundred, and i've used up sixty-eight of those slots. My "ignore list" also has a maximum of one-hundred, but i've only used up fourteen of those spots.
Some servers are better than others on this matter. Many servers, like the PvP servers, attract the real trash of the game. Some other servers are older and well handled. I like to think i play on one of the latter servers (Brell Serilis). There is also a roleplaying only server, Firiona Vie, where if anyones annoying and obstrusive, it's because their characters are built that way (usually gnomes and iksars from what i've seen, and followers of the god of mischief Bristlebane arn't exactly trustworthy).
Don't like the idea of not dying? You'll like the new concept of "Discord" then, being integrated into the game on a new server, dubbed "The Fallen". The idea is very simliar to the "hardcore" aspect of Diablo II, in that once dead... you're dead. You can read about the details at:
As for time involvement, there is quite a bit of time consumption in the process of playing this game. The game, however, is whatever you make of it. If you're a hardcore gamer and love becoming the best of the best on your server, then you can do that. If you like playing the game two hours a day and interacting with friends and content in any level of the game, you can do that too.
You don't have to feel left out in the least bit. Do you feel left out because you're not level sixty-five with two hundred AA's* and the best gear in the game?
WHY?! Eighty percent of the player base is levels fifty to sixty-five with less than twenty AAs, and plays *no more* than twelve hours a week.
Silly, childish statements like those above about EQ addicts really tend to be aggrivating. I am level sixty-five with one fourth of my AA's completed (about 110), and better gear than a large population of the server, and i play no more than ten hours a week. There are people that have gear that makes mine pale and wither in comparison, with 500+ AAs that play LESS than i do weekly. People have lives, and jobs, and families, and being part of the top 10% of a server does not mean you're a thirtysomething white overweight male binging on EQ and pizza for fifty hours a week.
I will concede that there are a few people that play excessively. I have seen tragedies come out of spending too much time in the world of Norrath, but i've had many great times as well.
Point of this drabble being? That the game is what you make of it and what you put into it. This is NOT always merely time and energy.
The biggest problem, however, is that your character class and race most often dictates your capabilities and options in the game. These things are chosen at the beginning of the game, BEFORE you learn how to play and really discover your own personal playing style. Let's say, for example, you don't really like grouping (EQ is not entirely based around grouping, for points sake, as someone mentioned earlier. You can easily level twice as fast as any other person in half the time by yousrelf without any outside player interaction if you develop your character correctly). You would probably want to pick a casting class, a class capable of soloing well in the mid and high end game. The optimal choice? Druid, Shaman, or Necromancer. The poorest choices? Warrior, Rogue, and Monk. On the other side of the pancake, if you like grouping a whole lot then the poorest choices would more than likely be Necromancer, Magician, and Druid. Good options are Enchanter, Shaman, and Cleric. That dosen't mean that other classes can't solo, or that the latter classes can't find a place in a group, it's just more difficult. Me? I'm more of a group person. My class? Druid. Poor choice, unfortunately, but i can usually find room in a group, and I love the class. I was very lucky in this aspect.
The classes are specific, usually, as to what their role is in the usual group. A standard makeup is one "tank" class, one "healer" class, and an assortment of another four (it's common for a lull class to be included in the higher end Planes of Power experience groups, which include Cleric, Bard, Enchanter, and sometimes Druid/Ranger). Many group combinations work, however, especially with such varied classes as Druid and Bard.
But i digress. My point was that time involvement is not neccisary, but it is rewarded.
Now for poor graphics. To this i respond..
Deal with it! It's a four year old game, you expect the graphics to be FFXI quality in a constantly changing enviornment? Honestly, if you hate Everquest because the graphics arn't good enough for you, then stay away from the damn game and save the rest of us the trouble of ignoring another silly babbling teenager on spring break.
EQII i hope fixes some of the problems present in EQ now. While i beleve it is one of the best games around (content based), it still has it's problems. Classes arn't appropriately balanced, and the issue has been frequently neglected. Customer service is not exactly that great, i would classify it as completely horrid for a paid subscription game... some of the time. Other times guides can be very helpfull. It usually depends on the issue.
The restricted class structures i hope are also addressed. I beleive a system in which a player can choose how s/he wants to play his/her character as you progress through the game is very effective, and would be beyond successfull if done correctly (I beleive such progression exists in SW:G, havn't yet played it though).
To each his own though. If you don't enjoy it, that's fine, not every game is for everyone.
*When i speak of "AA's", i speak of Alternate Advancement points, a system of alternative experience gain for extra abilities, skills, and attributes usually taken advantage of by those who have reached the maximum level and still wish to expand their character.
On a last note, anyone who uses "gay" as an adjective describing something undesired or distastefull should be castrated then exiled to southern Mongolia.
I applaud you! THAT was a great first post. Informative, honest, and to the point.
But I must say Mongolia is one of the most beautiful places on earth in the spring and their Yak milk is to die for. . .
Any developers out there going for a skill-based only system yet? As in NO class, but "character built from the ground up".
Talk about versatility!!!
Permadeath and environmental challenges are the next great step in the evolution of MMORPGs. Only through true adversity will one feel accomplished. Only in truly knowing you can die will true adversity present itself.
Originally posted by Boognish I think I'm of the minority that dislikes EQ. I played it from the day it hit the shelves. I loved it for a long time. And then there was Luclin. My character's appearance changed overnight, from looking pretty cool, to looking downright retarded. I think EQ2 is a minor improvement on the Luclin models. They still have no idea how to render a thumb. If they are at least animated with better than special ed movement, that would probably make me happy, but the game world itself looks somewhat sterile to me. Just not a lot of interest. The second major change from Luclin that ruined EQ was the economy change. Before Luclin, you had to read up on your item lore, check prices in EC, buy low, sell high... East Commons was like Wall Street. It was exciting and wonderful. Now, you just walk into the bazaar, nobody's really actively selling anything and if they are, they're wasting their time. The new economy catered to the players who could afford a second mule account. As if the 2+ account powerlevelers weren't enough to make you scream... All new content was being created for the higher end players, and a lot of us guys who wanted to play the game more casually were left behind on Antonica. But really, there's still a lot of people who enjoy playing the game. It was a ground-breaking game, and I give credit where credit is due. I just don't like it anymore. I'm glad they're attracting all of the 12 year old players though, because I don't want to see them in The Saga of Ryzom. In the words of Forrest Gump, "That's about all I have to say about that."
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
wtf r u taling about? i walked into bazaar with 2k and was able tot turn it into 50k in a week.....
Good for you! I could do that in a day with the old system, but you should still be proud of your accomplishments. Fact is, you don't actually do any direct sales. If you don't know the difference, read up on your economics. In the bazaar, your items are displayed in a window with a price tag. Oh, and tell me how much money you lost on PSC's when they changed the look of the game. And how much adventuring do you get done with the same account you're using to sell? Or do you just leave your character logged in all night and sell in your sleep? I bet you get a whole lot of quick turnovers that way. Or are you one of those punks with two accounts and two computers to run them on? Oh yeah, EQ loves you guys. You're made for eachother! I was expressing an opinion. I preferred the old economy. A persuasive salesman could sell a set of scarab boots, chest, and helm there for good money, just on the basis of how cool it looked when worn. Now if you're a lowbie and can't afford to spend a great deal of time playing, what the heck can you sell? Nothing but spider silks and bone chips, if you're lucky. So what I'm saying is that EQ has abandoned the low-end player, and that made me ticked. You answer me this: Is it true or untrue that they completely changed the economy with the introduction of the bazaar? If I'm lying I'll eat my shorts. It's true. I didn't like that change, and that's also true. And what's more, they never even asked us, the players, if we wanted the change, neither before, nor after they implemented it. It caused a lot of players to go out and buy a second mule account, so Sony was loving every minute of it. They didn't give a damn who they ticked off. And if you actually liked the new character models with their awkward appearance and movement and lag, I just can't help you there. We have aesthetic differences. Don't flame me. And if you do, you'd better write something intelligent. Otherwise you're just proving to the rest of the forum that the remaining EQ players are idiots, counteracting the reason you came into a forum labelled "EQ Haters" (when you obviously still play EQ) in the first place. A piece of advice, pick on the mental weaklings who make spelling errors. They're less likely to really put you in your place.
Actually, I take that back. Not all remaining EQ players are idiots. VCRfooz is obviously a pretty damn intelligent guy. Please read his post and take note of how he puts forth a well-written, logical argument. It almost makes me want to get back into EQ. But you? You remind me of another reason why I left. I only wish I had played on Brell.
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
I sometimes think that people dislike EQ just because it is a successful game. It has the numbers.
Things are only cool until they are mainstream. It's like a style that is cool until your mom is wearing a knock-off of it from Kmart. And EQ even has the knock-offs to show for its popularity.
I really don't understand these threads that ask for people's opinions, and then people dispute opinions that disagree with theirs, as if any one opinion were more valid than any other. We're all looking for different things in a game, and our experiences of the same game are going to be different based on what we are looking for. I am willing to tolerate perfectly horrid graphics and a difficult UI, for instance, for good social interaction/roleplay, quick action, or a really original world/story (any or all of those). This means that my standards for a game are going to be vastly different from someone who is mainly looking for cutting-edge, realistic graphics, a typical fantasy setting, and/or a "truly immersive" world.
If you had asked me about EQ in 1999, I would have gushed about all the neat places I had been and things I had seen. If you asked me about EQ in 2002, I would have gushed about all my neat gear and amazing feats. If you had asked me about EQ 6 months ago, I'd have related my frustrations at finding myself bored and unable to recapture my previous excitement, no matter where I went, what I fought, or what I got, regardless of what class/level I was playing. I worked really hard to get to 65 to be bored when I got there. Anyway, you might not even get the same answer from the same person, depending on when you ask them and where they are at in the game.
Like I said... it's an ok game. My boredom with it after playing for 4+ years doesn't make it a bad game. That was my opinion. I think that people who were asked why they didn't like it gave honest answers, and some of them were even well reasoned and well stated. Some were a little less civil. Ah, you've got to love all this self-expression.
Can I have my free cheeze doodles now?
... This is where I draw the line: __________________.
Originally posted by Boognish I think I'm of the minority that dislikes EQ. I played it from the day it hit the shelves. I loved it for a long time. And then there was Luclin. My character's appearance changed overnight, from looking pretty cool, to looking downright retarded. I think EQ2 is a minor improvement on the Luclin models. They still have no idea how to render a thumb. If they are at least animated with better than special ed movement, that would probably make me happy, but the game world itself looks somewhat sterile to me. Just not a lot of interest. The second major change from Luclin that ruined EQ was the economy change. Before Luclin, you had to read up on your item lore, check prices in EC, buy low, sell high... East Commons was like Wall Street. It was exciting and wonderful. Now, you just walk into the bazaar, nobody's really actively selling anything and if they are, they're wasting their time. The new economy catered to the players who could afford a second mule account. As if the 2+ account powerlevelers weren't enough to make you scream... All new content was being created for the higher end players, and a lot of us guys who wanted to play the game more casually were left behind on Antonica. But really, there's still a lot of people who enjoy playing the game. It was a ground-breaking game, and I give credit where credit is due. I just don't like it anymore. I'm glad they're attracting all of the 12 year old players though, because I don't want to see them in The Saga of Ryzom. In the words of Forrest Gump, "That's about all I have to say about that."
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
wtf r u taling about? i walked into bazaar with 2k and was able tot turn it into 50k in a week.....
Good for you! I could do that in a day with the old system, but you should still be proud of your accomplishments. Fact is, you don't actually do any direct sales. If you don't know the difference, read up on your economics. In the bazaar, your items are displayed in a window with a price tag. Oh, and tell me how much money you lost on PSC's when they changed the look of the game. And how much adventuring do you get done with the same account you're using to sell? Or do you just leave your character logged in all night and sell in your sleep? I bet you get a whole lot of quick turnovers that way. Or are you one of those punks with two accounts and two computers to run them on? Oh yeah, EQ loves you guys. You're made for eachother! I was expressing an opinion. I preferred the old economy. A persuasive salesman could sell a set of scarab boots, chest, and helm there for good money, just on the basis of how cool it looked when worn. Now if you're a lowbie and can't afford to spend a great deal of time playing, what the heck can you sell? Nothing but spider silks and bone chips, if you're lucky. So what I'm saying is that EQ has abandoned the low-end player, and that made me ticked. You answer me this: Is it true or untrue that they completely changed the economy with the introduction of the bazaar? If I'm lying I'll eat my shorts. It's true. I didn't like that change, and that's also true. And what's more, they never even asked us, the players, if we wanted the change, neither before, nor after they implemented it. It caused a lot of players to go out and buy a second mule account, so Sony was loving every minute of it. They didn't give a damn who they ticked off. And if you actually liked the new character models with their awkward appearance and movement and lag, I just can't help you there. We have aesthetic differences. Don't flame me. And if you do, you'd better write something intelligent. Otherwise you're just proving to the rest of the forum that the remaining EQ players are idiots, counteracting the reason you came into a forum labelled "EQ Haters" (when you obviously still play EQ) in the first place. A piece of advice, pick on the mental weaklings who make spelling errors. They're less likely to really put you in your place.
Actually, I take that back. Not all remaining EQ players are idiots. VCRfooz is obviously a pretty damn intelligent guy. Please read his post and take note of how he puts forth a well-written, logical argument. It almost makes me want to get back into EQ. But you? You remind me of another reason why I left. I only wish I had played on Brell.
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
Originally posted by Boognish
Originally posted by zentusken
Whatever u say man... i turned the 2k into 50k playing about an hour a day just looking for good dealz in bazaar then all i had to do is go into trader mod and walk away. You may like spending hours on end buying and selling buying and selling but i personally try not to spend large amounts of time online at once. This is why the bazaar is such a great feature. It allows people to actually make money without having to spend endless tedious hours listening to people complain about how your prices are too high or having to wait in line. You dont even ahve to look at em. If they dont like ti they dotn have to buy it. Much more of a smooth flowing system imho. Feels more like a marekt place to me then freeport because thier is still negotiations going on and a lot more people are runnign around buying and selling. It just presents you with the option of not having to spend 8 hours a day getting that good deal.
Originally posted by Boognish I think I'm of the minority that dislikes EQ. I played it from the day it hit the shelves. I loved it for a long time. And then there was Luclin. My character's appearance changed overnight, from looking pretty cool, to looking downright retarded. I think EQ2 is a minor improvement on the Luclin models. They still have no idea how to render a thumb. If they are at least animated with better than special ed movement, that would probably make me happy, but the game world itself looks somewhat sterile to me. Just not a lot of interest. The second major change from Luclin that ruined EQ was the economy change. Before Luclin, you had to read up on your item lore, check prices in EC, buy low, sell high... East Commons was like Wall Street. It was exciting and wonderful. Now, you just walk into the bazaar, nobody's really actively selling anything and if they are, they're wasting their time. The new economy catered to the players who could afford a second mule account. As if the 2+ account powerlevelers weren't enough to make you scream... All new content was being created for the higher end players, and a lot of us guys who wanted to play the game more casually were left behind on Antonica. But really, there's still a lot of people who enjoy playing the game. It was a ground-breaking game, and I give credit where credit is due. I just don't like it anymore. I'm glad they're attracting all of the 12 year old players though, because I don't want to see them in The Saga of Ryzom. In the words of Forrest Gump, "That's about all I have to say about that."
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
wtf r u taling about? i walked into bazaar with 2k and was able tot turn it into 50k in a week.....
Good for you! I could do that in a day with the old system, but you should still be proud of your accomplishments. Fact is, you don't actually do any direct sales. If you don't know the difference, read up on your economics. In the bazaar, your items are displayed in a window with a price tag. Oh, and tell me how much money you lost on PSC's when they changed the look of the game. And how much adventuring do you get done with the same account you're using to sell? Or do you just leave your character logged in all night and sell in your sleep? I bet you get a whole lot of quick turnovers that way. Or are you one of those punks with two accounts and two computers to run them on? Oh yeah, EQ loves you guys. You're made for eachother! I was expressing an opinion. I preferred the old economy. A persuasive salesman could sell a set of scarab boots, chest, and helm there for good money, just on the basis of how cool it looked when worn. Now if you're a lowbie and can't afford to spend a great deal of time playing, what the heck can you sell? Nothing but spider silks and bone chips, if you're lucky. So what I'm saying is that EQ has abandoned the low-end player, and that made me ticked. You answer me this: Is it true or untrue that they completely changed the economy with the introduction of the bazaar? If I'm lying I'll eat my shorts. It's true. I didn't like that change, and that's also true. And what's more, they never even asked us, the players, if we wanted the change, neither before, nor after they implemented it. It caused a lot of players to go out and buy a second mule account, so Sony was loving every minute of it. They didn't give a damn who they ticked off. And if you actually liked the new character models with their awkward appearance and movement and lag, I just can't help you there. We have aesthetic differences. Don't flame me. And if you do, you'd better write something intelligent. Otherwise you're just proving to the rest of the forum that the remaining EQ players are idiots, counteracting the reason you came into a forum labelled "EQ Haters" (when you obviously still play EQ) in the first place. A piece of advice, pick on the mental weaklings who make spelling errors. They're less likely to really put you in your place.
Actually, I take that back. Not all remaining EQ players are idiots. VCRfooz is obviously a pretty damn intelligent guy. Please read his post and take note of how he puts forth a well-written, logical argument. It almost makes me want to get back into EQ. But you? You remind me of another reason why I left. I only wish I had played on Brell.
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
Originally posted by Boognish
Originally posted by zentusken
Whatever u say man... i turned the 2k into 50k playing about an hour a day just looking for good dealz in bazaar then all i had to do is go into trader mod and walk away. You may like spending hours on end buying and selling buying and selling but i personally try not to spend large amounts of time online at once. This is why the bazaar is such a great feature. It allows people to actually make money without having to spend endless tedious hours listening to people complain about how your prices are too high or having to wait in line. You dont even ahve to look at em. If they dont like ti they dotn have to buy it. Much more of a smooth flowing system imho. Feels more like a marekt place to me then freeport because thier is still negotiations going on and a lot more people are runnign around buying and selling. It just presents you with the option of not having to spend 8 hours a day getting that good deal.
I probably shouldn't quote you, as it's almost immoral after a post like that, but I think it might prove a point. If you play a week at one hour per day, and I play one seven or eight hour day and make the same profit, what's the difference? The only difference is the fact that there are many many more high plat items to deal with now, and if they existed back then, I could have done much better. You still haven't addressed the FACT that they changed the system without asking the players whether or not they wanted the change, and I for one did not like the change. This is what you call a moot point. In your original question, you asked what I was talking about. If you still don't get it, I doubt I'll ever be able to explain. I'm sorry. The topic of this particular discussion was people's opinions, and I expressed mine. Please feel free to express your own. And for crying out loud, calm down man! When you type while you're seething with anger, you make a lot of mistakes, and that causes you to look foolish IMHO. If you can make as good of money with the new system as you say you can, then you're obviously no fool. I'll vouch for that. It could be said that when you're bereft of your ability to drive sales, and simply given a display window and some price tags, you have to really study the market even more. I applaud you on your apparent ingenuity, I actually do. Now, since I've quoted you, you can't change what you've written in my post. But do yourself a favor and go back and edit all the errors in your original. If you need help, I'd be more than willing to help you. Remember that you now represent the remaining EQ players. I can tell that you don't like people bad-mouthing your game of choice, nor the people who play it. That's understandable. But when you type like a twelve year old on crack, what are people going to think? I'll only say this once. You might be able to change my mind on whether or not it's possible to make good money with the new system, as I'm not so arrogant as to doubt your honesty. But you will never be able to change my opinion as to whether or not I liked the change. And not even I can change the FACT that this is the reason I left EQ with a grudge against SOE. Since I'm done with the game and long cancelled my accounts, the game will never get another chance from me. So there's no reason to continue to challenge my opinion. It's a lost cause. Just state your case and do so on the merit of your own argument. I wish you only the best with EQ. Enjoy. And when they completely change the system again, (and who'll argue that they have a track record for doing so?), maybe you can come play TSOR and I'll tear you a new ass for real PeAcE bRuThA~
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
aah so maaany words. Still trying to decide if I am going to be one of those people who justs stays with EQ or just move to EQII like many will...Will the monthly fee still be the same, around $13 a month?
Boogish dont be a jerk man. if you have to deviate from the topic at hand to throw a few petty passive aggreissive insults at me and then try to candy coat them to make them seem appropriate then prehaps you are the one who is angry not me. What i wrote was HARDLY as bad as you attempted to make ti appear a few minor typos and nothing more. If your opinion of your self is so low that you have to go onto an online discussion about gaming and attempt to make your self seem like you have a degree in english then you do that. i really dont try to make everything i say on a discussion bord about gaming perfect. Im not gonna go through my text correcting every minor typo. BUT like i said if your so anal retentive that u must make comments about anothers grammar then i wont try to have another conversation with you.
"If you play a week at one hour per day, and I play one seven or eight hour day and make the same profit, what's the difference? The only difference is the fact that there are many many more high plat items to deal with now, and if they existed back then, I could have done much better. You still haven't addressed the FACT that they changed the system without asking the players whether or not they wanted the change, and I for one did not like the change. " ---Boog
Who's off-topic now?
...and yes, I am an English teacher in real life, and I believe very highly in the tell-tale expressive value of the written word, as do American court systems and forensic handwriting analysts everywhere.
This topic is about OPINIONS, which are of a personal domain, unlike FACTS. If I had a low self-esteem, I might let your attacks on my personal domain go unchecked.
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
Whatever man.. just dont deviate from the topic again. No one cares about your opinions on grammar....just liek they dont care about mine on you. use some of the wisdom you should have acquired with age and realize petty insults always start arguments. Im through with the issue. You can have the last word if you want, but since you seem to be the elder it wouldnt reflect well on your maturity. As it probably hasnt on me either.
93% killer, 60-some % achiever. . . .in an EQ gamelandland where you can't die and group interaction is supposedly the emphasis. You must tap the vein something fierce on a nightly basis - making sure you have the best +nth degree gear. They have you runnin' the hampster wheel - corp. boys love your type.
And just in time, a newer more potent designer drug is about to get released-EQ 2.
Poor boy . . . what have you become. . .says something about how they market eq and what its content actually "is". . .
OK so that was tongue in cheek a 'lil bit - nothing personal meant. A Blizzard hater and EQ infatuator, even when neither game is out yet.
But the point is valid - phunky.
Permadeath and environmental challenges are the next great step in the evolution of MMORPGs. Only through true adversity will one feel accomplished. Only in truly knowing you can die will true adversity present itself.
Wonder what EQ II is going to be and how different its going to be....more populous than reg. Everquest?
- 100% Pimp
I've been playing Everquest for two and a half years, with 112 days logged in to my main character.
Issues i'm seeing that people have:
1) Poor community and lack of mature, intelligent player-base
2) Too much time involvement
3) Poor graphics and animation
As for the community, i don't really know what to say. Immature kiddos and annoying weekending teenagers are something you can rarely avoid in any game. The great part is, these kinds of people come complete with the attention span of a two year old developmentally challenged mountain goat. Rarely do i see anyone like this make it past level fifty. For every blabbering idiot strewn onto the server seemingly as divine punishment, there are three more clear-thinking and coherent individuals that really are a pleasure to interact with. My "friends list" has a maximum number of one-hundred, and i've used up sixty-eight of those slots. My "ignore list" also has a maximum of one-hundred, but i've only used up fourteen of those spots.
Some servers are better than others on this matter. Many servers, like the PvP servers, attract the real trash of the game. Some other servers are older and well handled. I like to think i play on one of the latter servers (Brell Serilis). There is also a roleplaying only server, Firiona Vie, where if anyones annoying and obstrusive, it's because their characters are built that way (usually gnomes and iksars from what i've seen, and followers of the god of mischief Bristlebane arn't exactly trustworthy).
Don't like the idea of not dying? You'll like the new concept of "Discord" then, being integrated into the game on a new server, dubbed "The Fallen". The idea is very simliar to the "hardcore" aspect of Diablo II, in that once dead... you're dead. You can read about the details at:
As for time involvement, there is quite a bit of time consumption in the process of playing this game. The game, however, is whatever you make of it. If you're a hardcore gamer and love becoming the best of the best on your server, then you can do that. If you like playing the game two hours a day and interacting with friends and content in any level of the game, you can do that too.
You don't have to feel left out in the least bit. Do you feel left out because you're not level sixty-five with two hundred AA's* and the best gear in the game?
WHY?! Eighty percent of the player base is levels fifty to sixty-five with less than twenty AAs, and plays *no more* than twelve hours a week.
Silly, childish statements like those above about EQ addicts really tend to be aggrivating. I am level sixty-five with one fourth of my AA's completed (about 110), and better gear than a large population of the server, and i play no more than ten hours a week. There are people that have gear that makes mine pale and wither in comparison, with 500+ AAs that play LESS than i do weekly. People have lives, and jobs, and families, and being part of the top 10% of a server does not mean you're a thirtysomething white overweight male binging on EQ and pizza for fifty hours a week.
I will concede that there are a few people that play excessively. I have seen tragedies come out of spending too much time in the world of Norrath, but i've had many great times as well.
Point of this drabble being? That the game is what you make of it and what you put into it. This is NOT always merely time and energy.
The biggest problem, however, is that your character class and race most often dictates your capabilities and options in the game. These things are chosen at the beginning of the game, BEFORE you learn how to play and really discover your own personal playing style. Let's say, for example, you don't really like grouping (EQ is not entirely based around grouping, for points sake, as someone mentioned earlier. You can easily level twice as fast as any other person in half the time by yousrelf without any outside player interaction if you develop your character correctly). You would probably want to pick a casting class, a class capable of soloing well in the mid and high end game. The optimal choice? Druid, Shaman, or Necromancer. The poorest choices? Warrior, Rogue, and Monk. On the other side of the pancake, if you like grouping a whole lot then the poorest choices would more than likely be Necromancer, Magician, and Druid. Good options are Enchanter, Shaman, and Cleric. That dosen't mean that other classes can't solo, or that the latter classes can't find a place in a group, it's just more difficult. Me? I'm more of a group person. My class? Druid. Poor choice, unfortunately, but i can usually find room in a group, and I love the class. I was very lucky in this aspect.
The classes are specific, usually, as to what their role is in the usual group. A standard makeup is one "tank" class, one "healer" class, and an assortment of another four (it's common for a lull class to be included in the higher end Planes of Power experience groups, which include Cleric, Bard, Enchanter, and sometimes Druid/Ranger). Many group combinations work, however, especially with such varied classes as Druid and Bard.
But i digress. My point was that time involvement is not neccisary, but it is rewarded.
Now for poor graphics. To this i respond..
Deal with it! It's a four year old game, you expect the graphics to be FFXI quality in a constantly changing enviornment? Honestly, if you hate Everquest because the graphics arn't good enough for you, then stay away from the damn game and save the rest of us the trouble of ignoring another silly babbling teenager on spring break.
EQII i hope fixes some of the problems present in EQ now. While i beleve it is one of the best games around (content based), it still has it's problems. Classes arn't appropriately balanced, and the issue has been frequently neglected. Customer service is not exactly that great, i would classify it as completely horrid for a paid subscription game... some of the time. Other times guides can be very helpfull. It usually depends on the issue.
The restricted class structures i hope are also addressed. I beleive a system in which a player can choose how s/he wants to play his/her character as you progress through the game is very effective, and would be beyond successfull if done correctly (I beleive such progression exists in SW:G, havn't yet played it though).
To each his own though. If you don't enjoy it, that's fine, not every game is for everyone.
*When i speak of "AA's", i speak of Alternate Advancement points, a system of alternative experience gain for extra abilities, skills, and attributes usually taken advantage of by those who have reached the maximum level and still wish to expand their character.
On a last note, anyone who uses "gay" as an adjective describing something undesired or distastefull should be castrated then exiled to southern Mongolia.
I applaud you! THAT was a great first post. Informative, honest, and to the point.
But I must say Mongolia is one of the most beautiful places on earth in the spring and their Yak milk is to die for. . .
Any developers out there going for a skill-based only system yet? As in NO class, but "character built from the ground up".
Talk about versatility!!!
Permadeath and environmental challenges are the next great step in the evolution of MMORPGs. Only through true adversity will one feel accomplished. Only in truly knowing you can die will true adversity present itself.
Good for you! I could do that in a day with the old system, but you should still be proud of your accomplishments. Fact is, you don't actually do any direct sales. If you don't know the difference, read up on your economics. In the bazaar, your items are displayed in a window with a price tag. Oh, and tell me how much money you lost on PSC's when they changed the look of the game. And how much adventuring do you get done with the same account you're using to sell? Or do you just leave your character logged in all night and sell in your sleep? I bet you get a whole lot of quick turnovers that way. Or are you one of those punks with two accounts and two computers to run them on? Oh yeah, EQ loves you guys. You're made for eachother! I was expressing an opinion. I preferred the old economy. A persuasive salesman could sell a set of scarab boots, chest, and helm there for good money, just on the basis of how cool it looked when worn. Now if you're a lowbie and can't afford to spend a great deal of time playing, what the heck can you sell? Nothing but spider silks and bone chips, if you're lucky. So what I'm saying is that EQ has abandoned the low-end player, and that made me ticked. You answer me this: Is it true or untrue that they completely changed the economy with the introduction of the bazaar? If I'm lying I'll eat my shorts. It's true. I didn't like that change, and that's also true. And what's more, they never even asked us, the players, if we wanted the change, neither before, nor after they implemented it. It caused a lot of players to go out and buy a second mule account, so Sony was loving every minute of it. They didn't give a damn who they ticked off. And if you actually liked the new character models with their awkward appearance and movement and lag, I just can't help you there. We have aesthetic differences. Don't flame me. And if you do, you'd better write something intelligent. Otherwise you're just proving to the rest of the forum that the remaining EQ players are idiots, counteracting the reason you came into a forum labelled "EQ Haters" (when you obviously still play EQ) in the first place. A piece of advice, pick on the mental weaklings who make spelling errors. They're less likely to really put you in your place.
Actually, I take that back. Not all remaining EQ players are idiots. VCRfooz is obviously a pretty damn intelligent guy. Please read his post and take note of how he puts forth a well-written, logical argument. It almost makes me want to get back into EQ. But you? You remind me of another reason why I left. I only wish I had played on Brell.
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
I sometimes think that people dislike EQ just because it is a successful game. It has the numbers.
Things are only cool until they are mainstream. It's like a style that is cool until your mom is wearing a knock-off of it from Kmart. And EQ even has the knock-offs to show for its popularity.
I really don't understand these threads that ask for people's opinions, and then people dispute opinions that disagree with theirs, as if any one opinion were more valid than any other. We're all looking for different things in a game, and our experiences of the same game are going to be different based on what we are looking for. I am willing to tolerate perfectly horrid graphics and a difficult UI, for instance, for good social interaction/roleplay, quick action, or a really original world/story (any or all of those). This means that my standards for a game are going to be vastly different from someone who is mainly looking for cutting-edge, realistic graphics, a typical fantasy setting, and/or a "truly immersive" world.
If you had asked me about EQ in 1999, I would have gushed about all the neat places I had been and things I had seen. If you asked me about EQ in 2002, I would have gushed about all my neat gear and amazing feats. If you had asked me about EQ 6 months ago, I'd have related my frustrations at finding myself bored and unable to recapture my previous excitement, no matter where I went, what I fought, or what I got, regardless of what class/level I was playing. I worked really hard to get to 65 to be bored when I got there. Anyway, you might not even get the same answer from the same person, depending on when you ask them and where they are at in the game.
Like I said... it's an ok game. My boredom with it after playing for 4+ years doesn't make it a bad game. That was my opinion. I think that people who were asked why they didn't like it gave honest answers, and some of them were even well reasoned and well stated. Some were a little less civil. Ah, you've got to love all this self-expression.
Can I have my free cheeze doodles now?
This is where I draw the line: __________________.
Good for you! I could do that in a day with the old system, but you should still be proud of your accomplishments. Fact is, you don't actually do any direct sales. If you don't know the difference, read up on your economics. In the bazaar, your items are displayed in a window with a price tag. Oh, and tell me how much money you lost on PSC's when they changed the look of the game. And how much adventuring do you get done with the same account you're using to sell? Or do you just leave your character logged in all night and sell in your sleep? I bet you get a whole lot of quick turnovers that way. Or are you one of those punks with two accounts and two computers to run them on? Oh yeah, EQ loves you guys. You're made for eachother! I was expressing an opinion. I preferred the old economy. A persuasive salesman could sell a set of scarab boots, chest, and helm there for good money, just on the basis of how cool it looked when worn. Now if you're a lowbie and can't afford to spend a great deal of time playing, what the heck can you sell? Nothing but spider silks and bone chips, if you're lucky. So what I'm saying is that EQ has abandoned the low-end player, and that made me ticked. You answer me this: Is it true or untrue that they completely changed the economy with the introduction of the bazaar? If I'm lying I'll eat my shorts. It's true. I didn't like that change, and that's also true. And what's more, they never even asked us, the players, if we wanted the change, neither before, nor after they implemented it. It caused a lot of players to go out and buy a second mule account, so Sony was loving every minute of it. They didn't give a damn who they ticked off. And if you actually liked the new character models with their awkward appearance and movement and lag, I just can't help you there. We have aesthetic differences. Don't flame me. And if you do, you'd better write something intelligent. Otherwise you're just proving to the rest of the forum that the remaining EQ players are idiots, counteracting the reason you came into a forum labelled "EQ Haters" (when you obviously still play EQ) in the first place. A piece of advice, pick on the mental weaklings who make spelling errors. They're less likely to really put you in your place.
Actually, I take that back. Not all remaining EQ players are idiots. VCRfooz is obviously a pretty damn intelligent guy. Please read his post and take note of how he puts forth a well-written, logical argument. It almost makes me want to get back into EQ. But you? You remind me of another reason why I left. I only wish I had played on Brell.
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
Originally posted by Boognish
Originally posted by zentusken
Whatever u say man... i turned the 2k into 50k playing about an hour a day just looking for good dealz in bazaar then all i had to do is go into trader mod and walk away. You may like spending hours on end buying and selling buying and selling but i personally try not to spend large amounts of time online at once. This is why the bazaar is such a great feature. It allows people to actually make money without having to spend endless tedious hours listening to people complain about how your prices are too high or having to wait in line. You dont even ahve to look at em. If they dont like ti they dotn have to buy it. Much more of a smooth flowing system imho. Feels more like a marekt place to me then freeport because thier is still negotiations going on and a lot more people are runnign around buying and selling. It just presents you with the option of not having to spend 8 hours a day getting that good deal.
Good for you! I could do that in a day with the old system, but you should still be proud of your accomplishments. Fact is, you don't actually do any direct sales. If you don't know the difference, read up on your economics. In the bazaar, your items are displayed in a window with a price tag. Oh, and tell me how much money you lost on PSC's when they changed the look of the game. And how much adventuring do you get done with the same account you're using to sell? Or do you just leave your character logged in all night and sell in your sleep? I bet you get a whole lot of quick turnovers that way. Or are you one of those punks with two accounts and two computers to run them on? Oh yeah, EQ loves you guys. You're made for eachother! I was expressing an opinion. I preferred the old economy. A persuasive salesman could sell a set of scarab boots, chest, and helm there for good money, just on the basis of how cool it looked when worn. Now if you're a lowbie and can't afford to spend a great deal of time playing, what the heck can you sell? Nothing but spider silks and bone chips, if you're lucky. So what I'm saying is that EQ has abandoned the low-end player, and that made me ticked. You answer me this: Is it true or untrue that they completely changed the economy with the introduction of the bazaar? If I'm lying I'll eat my shorts. It's true. I didn't like that change, and that's also true. And what's more, they never even asked us, the players, if we wanted the change, neither before, nor after they implemented it. It caused a lot of players to go out and buy a second mule account, so Sony was loving every minute of it. They didn't give a damn who they ticked off. And if you actually liked the new character models with their awkward appearance and movement and lag, I just can't help you there. We have aesthetic differences. Don't flame me. And if you do, you'd better write something intelligent. Otherwise you're just proving to the rest of the forum that the remaining EQ players are idiots, counteracting the reason you came into a forum labelled "EQ Haters" (when you obviously still play EQ) in the first place. A piece of advice, pick on the mental weaklings who make spelling errors. They're less likely to really put you in your place.
Actually, I take that back. Not all remaining EQ players are idiots. VCRfooz is obviously a pretty damn intelligent guy. Please read his post and take note of how he puts forth a well-written, logical argument. It almost makes me want to get back into EQ. But you? You remind me of another reason why I left. I only wish I had played on Brell.
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
Originally posted by Boognish
Originally posted by zentusken
Whatever u say man... i turned the 2k into 50k playing about an hour a day just looking for good dealz in bazaar then all i had to do is go into trader mod and walk away. You may like spending hours on end buying and selling buying and selling but i personally try not to spend large amounts of time online at once. This is why the bazaar is such a great feature. It allows people to actually make money without having to spend endless tedious hours listening to people complain about how your prices are too high or having to wait in line. You dont even ahve to look at em. If they dont like ti they dotn have to buy it. Much more of a smooth flowing system imho. Feels more like a marekt place to me then freeport because thier is still negotiations going on and a lot more people are runnign around buying and selling. It just presents you with the option of not having to spend 8 hours a day getting that good deal.
I probably shouldn't quote you, as it's almost immoral after a post like that, but I think it might prove a point. If you play a week at one hour per day, and I play one seven or eight hour day and make the same profit, what's the difference? The only difference is the fact that there are many many more high plat items to deal with now, and if they existed back then, I could have done much better. You still haven't addressed the FACT that they changed the system without asking the players whether or not they wanted the change, and I for one did not like the change. This is what you call a moot point. In your original question, you asked what I was talking about. If you still don't get it, I doubt I'll ever be able to explain. I'm sorry. The topic of this particular discussion was people's opinions, and I expressed mine. Please feel free to express your own. And for crying out loud, calm down man! When you type while you're seething with anger, you make a lot of mistakes, and that causes you to look foolish IMHO. If you can make as good of money with the new system as you say you can, then you're obviously no fool. I'll vouch for that. It could be said that when you're bereft of your ability to drive sales, and simply given a display window and some price tags, you have to really study the market even more. I applaud you on your apparent ingenuity, I actually do. Now, since I've quoted you, you can't change what you've written in my post. But do yourself a favor and go back and edit all the errors in your original. If you need help, I'd be more than willing to help you. Remember that you now represent the remaining EQ players. I can tell that you don't like people bad-mouthing your game of choice, nor the people who play it. That's understandable. But when you type like a twelve year old on crack, what are people going to think? I'll only say this once. You might be able to change my mind on whether or not it's possible to make good money with the new system, as I'm not so arrogant as to doubt your honesty. But you will never be able to change my opinion as to whether or not I liked the change. And not even I can change the FACT that this is the reason I left EQ with a grudge against SOE. Since I'm done with the game and long cancelled my accounts, the game will never get another chance from me. So there's no reason to continue to challenge my opinion. It's a lost cause. Just state your case and do so on the merit of your own argument. I wish you only the best with EQ. Enjoy. And when they completely change the system again, (and who'll argue that they have a track record for doing so?), maybe you can come play TSOR and I'll tear you a new ass for real PeAcE bRuThA~
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
"If you play a week at one hour per day, and I play one seven or eight hour day and make the same profit, what's the difference? The only difference is the fact that there are many many more high plat items to deal with now, and if they existed back then, I could have done much better. You still haven't addressed the FACT that they changed the system without asking the players whether or not they wanted the change, and I for one did not like the change. " ---Boog
Who's off-topic now?
...and yes, I am an English teacher in real life, and I believe very highly in the tell-tale expressive value of the written word, as do American court systems and forensic handwriting analysts everywhere.
This topic is about OPINIONS, which are of a personal domain, unlike FACTS. If I had a low self-esteem, I might let your attacks on my personal domain go unchecked.
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
"The sun comes up and I'm all washed out. Is this what Deaner was talkin about? I don't think I will ever return again my friend." ---Gene Ween
Whatever man.. just dont deviate from the topic again. No one cares about your opinions on grammar....just liek they dont care about mine on you. use some of the wisdom you should have acquired with age and realize petty insults always start arguments. Im through with the issue. You can have the last word if you want, but since you seem to be the elder it wouldnt reflect well on your maturity. As it probably hasnt on me either.