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Peemps and hustla's want to MMOG too, whats the scoop on this? I know Im not the first one to think of it, and if they did it properly, it would be the closest thing to virtual reality that is capable without sensory equipment.
Tell me someone is developing GTA MMOG
the skill level involved would be very similiar to real life, s/e dallas comes to mind, just like you said, you wouldent last 2 seconds out on the street and get shot at, so duck, dodge, grab a ride, point your heat out the window and unload til the clip out.
I predict it now, this will be the most successful of them all, the skill level on this would be paramount to most games, let along think of the fact that there could be many games in each store, like if you wanted to play UO for a while, go to the UO store, eq store, ac store, conquer store this list could go on forever.
The sky is the limit with this concept. Just wish my IT job afforded me to time to pound some code into robust material.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Remember though, no cheats, no instant weapons, a glock 9mm would be valuable, but the glock .45 rarer, with more damage. Grenade launchers and rocket launchers would be difficult to find. Get hit in the leg, you limp, but could get healed by a an EMT, get hit in the head you are either dead or can be revived by an ambulance medic with the highest skill in human medicine. What about k-9s as a weapon, have police and all the branches/expertists/arsenal of all professions. True long distance sniping, guerilla type fighting, true street crime type characters, remember playing on the TI-83 graphing calculator and played dr^gwars? Incorporate that..... hustlin' of all forms. I bet even the current engine could handle it, but of course the most realistic graphics without sacrificing occupiable geometry would be desirable. Have everything on the map destroyable as detailed as possible. Maybe have some worlds persistant, and some worlds reset back to default every so often during the day. Have everything on the map destroyable as detailed as possible. Just like UO, you could buy land wherever and have a home, homes that are totally customizable, not limited to 2 stories, have skins much like Sims Livin Large, be able to create and customize skins for housing/clothing/repotoire (this could be a web-based database that would have people approve of them before they were loaded onto the server, maybe people could only have a certain amount of customizable items/skins on their character to limit server room and give more prestige. Have items like fantasy games that give +4 Calico skill, +3 kung fu or +5% running shoes, obviously the possibilities are endless, someone just needs to compile it all. Opensource code comes to mind, to help expand ideas, again all need to be approved by the developers of the game to hit live servers. Charge a fee to keep the worlds running, but in this day and age, it might be possible to have in game advertising all over the virtual cities and forgoe needing to pay for bandwidth.
Ok enough rambling, Ive been waiting for something like this since GTA: Vice City emus
Hydrogen power all the way baby, its just being delayed