I don't think they will make "World of Diablo", it is likelier that Diablo 4 will be a CORPG like GW with graphical hubs instead.
Diablos gameplay and world fits excellent for a CORPG, Strain took a lot of his experience from the first Diablo game when he made GW and there is certainly room for a new good CORPG today.
Making a full blown MMO out of it is rather hard work and the IP is still too close to Wow, if they really work on a full MMO it would be Wow 2. Let's face it, Wow 2 would get more subs the World of Diablo.
Graphical hubs is a more fun way to find a party and it is easier to add stuff like holiday event to it.
Nothing spells immersion more in a game focused on The Dark Lord, Lord of Terror, The Prime Evil and Destroyer of Souls as a festive "holiday event."
That's an idea that should definitely DIAF.
Santa Claws know who is naughty and who is nice. He is going to rip out the guts of both still because that is what he does.
Possibly. My thought was more like Marvel Heroes with a more Shared World kind of vibe. Hopefully I'm wrong though. While it might be neat to see a product like that from Blizzard, I think it would ruin the "feel" of Diablo's story. At any rate, I don't foresee Blizzard turning Diablo into a full on MMO in the same vein as WoW, but given their last few releases, it's a safe bet that whatever they do with Diablo will share even more MMO qualities than D3 did.
blizzard is one of those companies that make chaotic choices, everyone can say , obviously it's time they do idea X and not only will they not do idea x or idea y close to it , they will do totally random idea h out of the blue .
Get the community talking about a new Diablo game cause they advert a job , then annouce "we have new game x , and not only is it not a mmorpg, it's not actually a Diablo game it's a space based turn Mobil game, but has a free mini Diablo pet icon.
now I'm not saying that will happen, just that it could and not only do we have no idea what they are doing but I suspect they don't either until they spin a mad max wheel and pick at random there new idea.
Don't think Blizzard ever make a new mmo. They see the cost and amount work will take get it off the ground. They would of not killed off their old project and turn it in to Overwatch. Who knows that Blizzard will end up doing I can be wrong, but a lot their new project are small cost scale then a big new Project like a mmo. Always comes down if they was making D4. What would D4 do more then D3 can't.
Santa Claws know who is naughty and who is nice. He is going to rip out the guts of both still because that is what he does.
Get the community talking about a new Diablo game cause they advert a job , then annouce "we have new game x , and not only is it not a mmorpg, it's not actually a Diablo game it's a space based turn Mobil game, but has a free mini Diablo pet icon.
now I'm not saying that will happen, just that it could and not only do we have no idea what they are doing but I suspect they don't either until they spin a mad max wheel and pick at random there new idea.