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Hi I want to get into FFXI...

ManweZManweZ Member Posts: 65

However, I need to know a couple of things. If I hate grinding for levels, want an in depth story to follow, solo, want a lot of in depth quests, and want to explore, is this game for me?


  • Enforcer305Enforcer305 Member Posts: 3
    Well first of all you cant solo in this game well for the first 10 levels then you need to start to get into party's and its a pain in the A$$ to lvl. The quests are nice. theres alot of exploring well if your a low lvl you wil egt killed if you go to far out of the noob section. i stopped playing like a year ago dont know if anything changed. 

  • ManweZManweZ Member Posts: 65
    I see. Thanks for replying to my post by the way. Though does leveling become the main goal within the game forcing you to grindor can leveling be something that you don't really have to worry about?
  • ChrisMatternChrisMattern Member Posts: 1,478

    Originally posted by ManweZ
    However, I need to know a couple of things. If I hate grinding for levels, want an in depth story to follow, solo, want a lot of in depth quests, and want to explore, is this game for me?

    You'll get the in depth story, and some nice in depth quests, and some neat exploration (sometimes without a map). You'll also get a grind, and the need to form parties to level up. Your call.

    Chris Mattern

  • Enforcer305Enforcer305 Member Posts: 3

    Originally posted by ManweZ
    I see. Thanks for replying to my post by the way. Though does leveling become the main goal within the game forcing you to grindor can leveling be something that you don't really have to worry about?

    Well leveling is the main goal in ffxi.. if you want some in depth quest you have to level to get the quests (Know as missions in ffxi) and as i said its a pain in the A$$ to lvl.   or you can do Side quests which are kinda boring and not thatt good in depth and equpiment in ffxi is mainly by lvl's its not like Lineage 2 where you are a low lvl and have good equip.  theres other jobs too like fishing,minning,making equip,woodworking ect..
  • Jimmy83Jimmy83 Member Posts: 9

    Lvling in FFXI is very important if you want to take part in all of the extra end game stuff the game has to offer, and yes it is a grind. I played for 3 years, and just recently quit in Febuary. Solo is very possible in this game. You just have to know what monsters your job is good at taking on, and what weapons they are weak to. There are alot of advantages a player can have in battle if your fighting the right thing. I wouldn't recommend solo play for experiencing your characters lvls though, cause group play is far better. As for quests there are tons and tons of them. In three years i didn't even get them all done. Tons of zones to explore, along with areas that need to be unlocked. End game is very good, (maybe one of the best end game experiences, if you have the right community) tons of end game challanges, but extremtly time consumming game. It takes awhile to get things done due to the fact that you have to count on other people a majority of the time to accomplish most of your goals. If you start, make friends and keep them, cause your  need them to enjoy this game to the fullest.

  • ManweZManweZ Member Posts: 65
    Ok, I wanted to thank you all for the information. It has been very helpful. If you guys want to post more about what you think of the game, feel free to post more like if you want to post details about how the grind works, which is scaring a bunch so far :( feel free. Thanks.
  • taus01taus01 Member Posts: 1,352
    Every MMORPG has grind. Leveling is grinding. Be it doing the same old mission over and over again in WoW (kill 10x, kill 10y) or killing the same mobs for 3 levels over and over again solo.  How would a leveling system without grind look like? Press the Level up button and your there?

    As other have mentioned, nothing comes easy in FFXI. It is by far the most challangeing MMORPG out there.

    Anyway, FFXI requires grouping unless you decide to play the one solo job they offer (Beastmaster). Grouping, like in every other game requires you to find others and that can take some time. The good thing however is that the game offers alot of things to do while you are looking for a group.
    If you take action and start building a group you usually get one together within 10-30min during most times. You don't always need a full group and there are many suggestions on how to duo or trio and most of the time 4-5 people can easy stand against the experience mobs. However you will be looking for a full group of 6 as those can be most effective.

    Story and Quests are probably the most in depth you will get in an MMORPG. Nothing compares to the Story telling and Cutscenes of FFXI. They do require a group aswell as most wil cap your level so you can not Zerg them as level 75 Uber God. There are also alot of solo quests and missions you can do depending on your level.

    There is alot to explore, the world is Huge and unfolds the further you advance in the Missions and in your Level.

    Hope this helped.

    "Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"

  • ManweZManweZ Member Posts: 65
    So you are saying that I can't just stick to questing for leveling and go through different adventures? Eventually, I will focus on leveling so much that I will begin farming monsters and killing the same monster over and over and over etc. just so I can level and advance with the game? This is not like swg right where I took the same mission just get to high levels though it could be a bad comparison since swg never had a main plot.
  • AphexAphex Member Posts: 194
    You can't level through questing. The only way to get exp is by killing. Soloing is nearly impossible for pretty much all jobs as well (its not uncommon for white mages or bards to die to 'easy prey' mobs, the easiest mobs that still give exp) so from lvl 10-15 onward the only way you'll get exp is by grouping. Exping always has a basic camp here, have someone pull, kill mob approach. Also, a lot of melee jobs can be searching for parties for hours on an end.
  • ManweZManweZ Member Posts: 65
    I meant leveling from quests through the monsters you kill to finish the quest. The monsters would provide the exp.
  • taus01taus01 Member Posts: 1,352

    Originally posted by ManweZ
    I meant leveling from quests through the monsters you kill to finish the quest. The monsters would provide the exp.

    No, there are no repetitive 'Kill 10x, kill10y' Quests. Quests in FFXI are stories that usually involve visiting areas, killing a group of mobs or a single strong enemy. You will travel to a dangerous area and pop a Boss then defeat it. Or you enter an instanced Arena type battlefield where you go against a single enemy or a group of enemies.
    The reward fom Quests are gaining Rank or status with your nation, some money or an item or access to new areas. All quests have a very specific purpose and story that will aid your character in other ways than experience. It is hard to explain really. This game is different to other MMORPGS. It somehow seperates Story and Quests from leveling.

    Usually you will do some Missions or Quests appropriate for your level. Then you start leveling to prepare for the next Mission or sometimes even just next part of a Mission. The chains of promathia expansion is one HUGE story that is seperated in level 30-40-50-60 Missions. So you will have to level in between to go further in the story line.

    Linkshells (guilds) usually have 1 or 2 days a week to do Quests and Missions, rest of the time people level or craft etc.

    "Give players systems and tools instead of rails and rules"

  • Thunder-Thunder- Member Posts: 165

    I really like some features about this game. first off, i like how its different from other fantasy games. The race possiabilities are new and in my opinion refreshing. its cool how its not your standard dwarf or orc. They have the galka, tarutaru, hume, elvaan, and mirthra. i like being parties so i dont feel isolated, from just solo play. this game is really cool, but i find the crafting hard. but if you can get it down its well worth it!

  • ChrisMatternChrisMattern Member Posts: 1,478


  • codlumcodlum Member Posts: 1

    Where do i buy FINAL FANTASY XI?

  • VashTSVashTS Member Posts: 4
    Manwez i think ur a  total game NB u gota give stuff a try

    Vash The Stamped

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