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Iden Versio is the single-player protagonist in Star Wars: Battlefront II. In a new trailer featuring The Last Jedi free DLC content coming within the next week, you'll see Iden as a much older woman on the red planet of Crait. You'll also get a look at new trilogy characters Finn and Phasma.
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it always was only backlash its really had were the microtransations and that didnt even effect the game itself just was a crappy buisness model. Ignore the haters bandwagoning on that alone and the game is fine.
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I know their is a new Hero ship that's an A-Wing.
But yeah, also Phasma and Finn.
And some additional story content for Iden (the campaign) not sure what or how much.
It's a heck of a lot of fun. Sure, it's campy, pop-corn Star Wars fun and the multiplayer is NOT like "hardcore" competitive by any means...
But if you like Star Wars, and you like the Battlefield games... it's a no brainer. It's on sale RIGHT NOW at least for Xbox. Think around $40?
$9.99 and in my case it will be used on PS4. EA is not getting my money until they make a good single player game. I only want the campaign in SWBF2 and i heard is very linear, has no backtracking/branching at all, and it's only 4 hours long. Not worth the asking price IMO. And their business model bs isn't worth any price.
The game is fine but the progression systems are still locked behind a wall you need to grind past. There is so much to unlock your gonna get bored before you get half way through it imo.
Unlocks for classes, for vehicles, for heroes and for weapons. Plus on top of unlocking all this stuff all these unlocks have 4 levels to unlock. Its designed to be so grindy you will be thankful to pay money to bypass it and while they have removed the ability to spend money now, they have only slightly reduced the grind.
I'm only playing casually because my best mate talked me into playing it with him but after this i doubt we will be buying future EA games like Anthem unless EA change their ways.
I disagree. Stop trying to silence those you don't agree with. Don't like it? Don't take the time to click.
Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women...
2100$ to unlock the characters and you tell us all to shut up?
you need to shut up, the game is a fing card game you can gamble on ...if i wanted to play a fing card game , i'd buy a deck a cards in relaity and save 2099 the 60 these EA twits want
thats right lets support gambling for kids and the harm it does , and waste tons of money that could be better spent more wisely ....OR better yet why dont we hire someone to play the game also for us all after all you seem to infer your then in favor of loot boxes and pay to win....
we are all stinking rich right?
some people miss the point