I recently saw a warrior with perditions blade, and it got my blood angried up.
My main is a rogue, and not your typical ambush/backstab rogue, a DPS rogue that routinely gets top damage in MC and anywhere, and that weapon is an awesome dagger.
I've had alot of pick up groups fail over and over because the warrior we got couldnt tank or hold aggro, its a nice fantasy to think the most armored class could also do the most damage but its just that, a fantasy.
If you dont want to tank, roll a DPS class, a well made rogue is the best at damage, they were made for that, may be hard to tell with all the noob rogues sqealing with joy about the occasional big ambush crits and being useless in normal combat, but its the truth, and next its mages and hunters, dont attempt to outdo classes made for it and take gear that could be better used by another class.
DPS warriors may be good at PvP, because they have more armor and stamina and can outlast a rogue that does more damage, but it's a selfish pursuit because people expect you to be able play your class properly in groups.
Heh, anyway, just wanted to vent, starting to see more and more warriors who are rogue wannabe's.
And just for the record no warrior has never beaten me on the damage meters no matter what gear they had or how hard they tried, they should stop dual weilding and grab a shield.
You just made a perfect example how imbalanced the game is. Good job. I'm a rogue too and on my server there are warriors with perdition blade. There are druids with epic rogue items or full shadowcraft. The game will always be like this. Imbalanced. Nerf? LOL@ nerfs. Might as well remake WoW.
I'm dumbfounded paravion, how the OP speaks of imbalance in WoW?
He is just complaining that warriors rolls on a dagger that is intended for rogues, how is this unbalancing?
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"
I'm sure you'd be very receptive to people telling you how to play your class too.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
If you think that DPS warriors suck then say that to those high-end raiding guilds, that have lots of DPS warriors.
Oh, and Volkmar is right. Stop whining about warriors rolling on
daggers. The same thing occurs between casters like warlocks, mages and priests, they all want to roll on some DPS cloth item (yes, even priests if they PvP). Warlocks, mages, druids and priests want to roll on staffs, daggers and off-hands too. Druids and rogues compete with some leather items, but usually druids want to roll on those, which gives more strength. A lot of mail armor, that both hunters and shamans want to get. Just because some warrior actually wants your dagger, doesn't mean, that you should start whining. If the warrior uses it, then the item went to a good place.
Have you tried PvP with a shield? Crap, warriors alredy got more health and armor, why do they need more to live a few seconds longer. I think you will agree that warrior can't tank in PvP, players target mages or priests more often than warriors. That's why grab their two-hander or dual-wield and go into combat. Although, a good warrior will never tank instance without a shield. The game isn't unbalanced, the attack and defence importances are not equally important.
My screenshot gallery.
/target Necran
/moon necran
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
I guess you recently hit 60 or never really raided a lot huh? In WoW raiding epics drop like candy (which is a complaint of mine about WoW it trivializes almost all epic gear to be epicly common). My guild had had so many OEB drop that every warrior in the guild had one, even some warrior alts had them so we started giving them to the hunters that wanted them for almost no DKP (this was before the announcement of DEing epics for those new materials). We had alot of the same items dropped in other areas also to the point that some classes that others, like you, think their class shouldn't ever deserve.
Well guess what, if they had the DKP to buy it and there weren't any classes that needed the item attending the kill then those other classes can get the item (in our DKP system). If there is not absolute need and they earned the DKP and attended the drop then why can't others get the toys that they want?
Now, the odd thing in WoW drops is that we had hardly any warrior set pieces (cept the ones that all went to the guild MT immediately in DKP debt) when we all had OEBs. Same stupid set pieces dropped (for almost all classes they were repeats) but never a piece actually wanted....annoying as heck.
I agree with the above poster. My guild will go through the proper classes first on drops, but if the items is not wanted it'll go to the secondary classes (or sharded).
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
Highest DPS'ers in the game are mages rogues come a close second.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
Just to clear up any "warriors aren't DPS" BS that this kid is spouting.....
Whoopididoo.. You loot it, it's yours. Can't believe the discussion is what weapons a Warrior shouldn't have. They should be able to use ALL weapons, it's what they DO for frak's sake.
Using a perdition's blade is not NEAR as wrong as them using some staff that buffs mana.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
Originally posted by Necran
I recently saw a warrior with perditions blade, and it got my blood angried up.My main is a rogue, and not your typical ambush/backstab rogue, a DPS rogue that routinely gets top damage in MC and anywhere, and that weapon is an awesome dagger.I've had alot of pick up groups fail over and over because the warrior we got couldnt tank or hold aggro, its a nice fantasy to think the most armored class could also do the most damage but its just that, a fantasy. If you dont want to tank, roll a DPS class, a well made rogue is the best at damage, they were made for that, may be hard to tell with all the noob rogues sqealing with joy about the occasional big ambush crits and being useless in normal combat, but its the truth, and next its mages and hunters, dont attempt to outdo classes made for it and take gear that could be better used by another class.DPS warriors may be good at PvP, because they have more armor and stamina and can outlast a rogue that does more damage, but it's a selfish pursuit because people expect you to be able play your class properly in groups.Heh, anyway, just wanted to vent, starting to see more and more warriors who are rogue wannabe's.And just for the record no warrior has never beaten me on the damage meters no matter what gear they had or how hard they tried, they should stop dual weilding and grab a shield.
You sir are an idiot. The warrior plays any way he wants because he's put the time in on the character and good for him. Let him use his talent points the way he wants and you do that with yours. Don't get jealous because he has better gear than you and would have absolutely no problem handing you your butt. This crap about warriors are tanks is ridiculous. Go back and play EQ or whatever game made you think that. I've seen warriors out dps so many rogues it's not even funny. In a bg, I would much rather be running around with a DPS warrior than a squishy (rogue) or a tank warrior.
I seriously doubt you can hang with a warrior using a 2h weapon doing sweeping strikes and cleaves in multi-mob situations. Sorry, just doubtful thats all.
While I do agree that warriors can play any way they feel I do not agree that a warrior can out dps a similarly geared rogue who is specced right. Multi mob situation? No problem, Blade fury and slice and dice ftw. While the warrior may come out on top some of the time, by the end of the raid, I will be on top every time. Single boss situation, I will be on top, no competition.
In BG...Id rather be teh warrior personally. All that plate and dps....insane.
The mechanics of rage generation vs. energy generation favor the fury warrior. Energy stays consistant, while higher dps weapons for warriors add more rage due to higher white damage. Additionally, atp on a warrior (using Bloodthirt from the Fury tree) scales far better than from any rogues' instants - though do not forget the warrior still has instant weapon dmg 70% crit (from a talent that only a retard wouldn't invest in) Overpowers, and every mob in MC dodges a lot.
I've main tanked MC on some nights, and I've fought for the top dps spots on other nights (no my guild would not let me bid on epic 1h sword/daggers). The simple fact that a rogue's usefullness is ridiculously one sided adds to the sheer patheticness of the OP's topic and opinions.
You CAN handle the truth...it's just really slippery.
I seen rogues use maces and swords that were possibly designed for warriors, do i complain, nope, I am impressed, actually.
The warrior has the ability to use almost all, cept wands.. thank god...
Grab a shield, I have never used a shield, not even in my nub days. I cant beleive the denseness of people...
Preach on my brother!
I actually had to soulbound my shield last night. I couldn't convince my group I didn't need it. Halfway through the run, I put it away and we survived MUCH better.
I had to point and laugh. Proven right.. against the grain. Dual-wielding arms/fury machine out DPSing the warlocks.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
Get over it, the melee class that ditch the most melee damage in D&D is the warrior, not the rogue.
A MMO is free to go in anyway, respect or not that rule. But expect players who want to do melee damage to play WARRIORS, not rogue...because D&D show them. Personnally I like the rogue who did more melee damage than the warrior, but that is a personal choice. I can live happily in a game that make THIEFS sub-melee class, period.
As long as the thief got a good reason and motivation to exist. See, some peoples, like you, consider that a player should learn everything from the new game and leave his memories behind...well you are wrong. I personnally adapt to a new game, but you can't seriously expect every player to, when the dev make a different choice, lot of players will do the typical mistake of playing how they learn before that game.
If I choose to give healing spells to wizards and fireball to clerics, you have to expect wanna be healer playing clerics and wanna be nukers be wizards, because this is what players know and learn prior that game.
A Rogue, in D&D, is not even a THIEF, it is a sub-thief...and the thief doesn't compete with a cleric in melee, even less a warrior. Get over it, every game not respecting this will see players doing the mistake...and now many players will have learn the EQ way, where a rogue is DPS-oriented...so you end up with lot of confused players anyway.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
- highest ranged and overall highest dps in game = mages
- highest melee dps in game = rogues
Both very very squishy.
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
Both very very squishy.
and taste good with lemon...nothing that pummel dont fix...
In honor of this thread, I picked up Dagger proficiency and bought a badassed dagger for my off hand. I am MIGHTY!!!
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.