"I have found a desire within myself that no experience in this world can satisfy; the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world." ~ C. S. Lewis
Allerleirauh: those points can be applied to most MMOs. I think it mostly comes down to whether you enjoy the play style any game offers or not. There are games people pay for with huge numbers of players that I wouldn't play even for free.
I did quit AO a few times back when the max level was like 110 or 120 because after 104 or so there wasn't much to do. That's no longer the case, there are a lot of things to do, at every level.
Getting to cap in Atlantica means something. It's no small thing in the Atlantica world. It's a lot easier than it used to be, but it's still a heck of a journey.
I get some want to jump straight into cap in these games, aka child mode, but Atlantica isn't that game. It's old school.
The point about no content is fair tho, Nexon/Valofe have been phoning the game in and milkng it for a decade. Absolutely crud companies.
Wish they'd just sell the thing on to a decent independent or something.
Getting to cap in Atlantica means something. It's no small thing in the Atlantica world. It's a lot easier than it used to be, but it's still a heck of a journey.
I get some want to jump straight into cap in these games, aka child mode, but Atlantica isn't that game. It's old school.
The point about no content is fair tho, Nexon/Valofe have been phoning the game in and milkng it for a decade. Absolutely crud companies.
Wish they'd just sell the thing on to a decent independent or something.
VALOFE has been doing a better job of adding content and listening to player suggestions.
I did quit AO a few times back when the max level was like 110 or 120 because after 104 or so there wasn't much to do. That's no longer the case, there are a lot of things to do, at every level.
I get some want to jump straight into cap in these games, aka child mode, but Atlantica isn't that game. It's old school.
The point about no content is fair tho, Nexon/Valofe have been phoning the game in and milkng it for a decade. Absolutely crud companies.
Wish they'd just sell the thing on to a decent independent or something.