I've played WOW since it came out. I'm not a newb and I don't mind putting in my time. That being said. Is it even possible to play FFXI solo or is everything group? I don't not like grouping up, but I know WOW is much different from alot of MMOs in it's casual friendliness and with not having played any other MMO I was just curious how well this game can be played by those that don't have the 7 hour sessions... thanks for any feedback.
Can't wait for FFXII!
This game is all about grouping. However, BST is the only job that can solo. You say you came from WOW and I also played both WoW and FFXI. There is something about FFXI that just makes me come back.
It's actually gotten considerably harder for BST to solo since they put in the MPK fixes. Bottom line: if you don't like being in parties, this probably isn't the game for you.
Chris Mattern
Between getting everything you need to party, finding a party, travelling out to the leveling area, waiting for others in the party to arrive at the leveling area, it can take over a hour to get going and most people expect a party to last a few hours.
Given the WoW doesn't really need long chunks of playtime until endgame, this difference in play style should be considered when deciding to join FFXI. Best of luck.
Yea, part of the reason that I quit FFXI for the Playstation 2 back in late 2004 for WoW was not only because of the fact that I hated how to get ANYTHING done you had to be in a group and also not becuase of the gil issues, but it was because I had played FFXI during the summertime, so i was able to put in those long sessions that were required of me to make progress with my character. When the school year came around, WoW was a better suited game whereby I could solo if I wanted to make progress, and I didnt have to play in 5+hour increments. I want to return to this game now that it is out for the Xbox 360, although I will be waiting for the summertime to re-subscribe because that is the only time I can put in the sessions that are required.
P.S. Also, unfortunately after talking with people who still play the game, the grouping issues and long session requirements havent changed a bit