I downloaded what I need to download for CoV trail and when I did update it stoped at a point while it was and the time just kept going up really slowly so I try to restart it but it just then does the update diffrently saying
Connecting#1 then
#2 then
#3 and so on...
I need help...all I wanted to do was play it, I was really confused when it said "City of heroes updater."
Yes, it is the CoH updater, but onc eyou log in, with the CoV account, it will change for you. Just let the update do it's thing, and see what happens.
When I try and download the cohupdater.exe it goes to a page can not be displayed. I am clicking on the button on the trial set up that says "download City of Villians" it takes me to ftp://client.coh.com/US/CohUpdater.exe and gives me a page can not be displayed.
Any ideas where I can get the CohUpdater?
You cant fix Stupid