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When I first heard about Far Cry 5 and the possibility to play the entire game as part of a duo, I jumped at the opportunity to review it based on that alone. My partner in crime, Shelassa, and I have spent the better part of the last week playing through FC5 in tandem to see the story and to test out the duo-player mechanics.
A good game to fire up and mess around for a bit, but did get a bit MEH if played in long sessions, found 90 mins to be the max for me at a time, before niggles starting eating at my fun.
I would of gone for 70 after writing this and having a bit more of a think, but only for PC version, if I was playing on a console, then yeah 77 still stands.
I can't remember the why they were on some long trek or were just roaming freely but all they were doing the entire time was shooting moose who would kill them quite often.
So to me all it looked like was one off those hated by green peace hunting sim games.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I agree it's not my favorite UI system, but I don't think it has as much to do with a console release as a swing and a miss, in my opinion.
You can't actually change weapons within each category outside the vendor interface. I don't mean changing from assault rifle to sniper rifle to pistol to melee. It's the switching within each of those broad categories that's awkward, like if I want to swap out sniper rifles or from a pistol to a revolver.
Good times, good times.
My biggest issues in general with the game have been some awkward pathing issues and glitches in some missions. I kamikazed John Seed in my plane and it obviously murdered me and him, and I reloaded into a mission complete cut scene. Weird, but it was kind of hilarious to see him hang there helplessly as my prop beared down on his face and we both went down in a ball of flames.
Far Cry 5 is about the closest I feel we can currently get in video gaming to being IN an action movie. It's a constantly glorious, explosion filled experience. But, not without some flaws, that's for sure.
Also, the game physics gets wonky at times. Not a game breaker and at time it is actually funny. Last night I watch a pontoon plane crash through the trees and then bounce several times before spinning upside down and righting itself and landing like a helicopter in a clearing. The pilot just got out, walked around a bit and then tried to take off.
I have also seen vehicles drives down the road and hit a deer or another NPC and go flying into the air spinning and landing about a 1/2 mile away.
Other then the bugged mission, it is all good so far. Not great but good.
Let's party like it is 1863!
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M&K is excellent or or controller is too? I am with Torval about controllers and FPS games. I was reminded this weekend on how much I hate using a controller for shooters when I got a cheap copy of Max Payne 3 for the ps3.
My first play through was on pc and all this ps3 game did was make me redownload my steam version of Max Payne 3 =p
And unfortunately I bought the ps4 version of FC5(waiting on mail) because a friend from work doesn't play on pc but ps4.
This stems from a quest chain in John Seed's region! I can't wait for that one.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
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One of the funniest things I've seen was hopping off an ATV at a hunter's camp, and at the very moment I turn toward the hunter standing in the camp, a friggin' bald eagle came flying outta nowhere and attacked his face. Just latched onto his head, wings all flapping and squawking. The hunter fought him off, then pulled his shotgun and started chasing the eagle down the hill, screaming at him like it was some kind of lifelong feud that needed settling.
Not sure if the devs somehow programmed the game to focus emergent AI around the player, or if they seriously just chocked this world full of so many independently acting AI entities that these sorts of things just happen all over. Either way, THIS is the sort of thing many of us hoped the MMORPG genre would pioneer! (Foolish or no!)
After about 4 hours I came to the conclusion that I will always hate playing first person shooters with a controller as much as I hate driving with a keyboard. I purchased the PC version and now move and shoot on foot with a M/K and drive with my controller.
The best of both worlds
I don't use the weapon wheel layout with the PC I use the box layout and seems fine. The only thing that really annoys me is accidentally swapping weapons when I just wanted to loot a corpse. One time my bow went flying into the river and I had to change my tactics from stealth to run in gun.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
and now I rememeber- Adam Nagaitis' character in the AMC show The Terror.