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During PAX East, the Blizzard team was there in full force promoting the next WoW expansion: Battle for Azeroth. We managed to sit down with Morgan Day and Daniel Stahl to chat about some of the new PVE content and systems being added to the game, primarily the Island Expeditions and the Warfronts. Read on for part two of our exclusive interview with Daniel and Morgan!
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It will probably be tossed aside, like they did with Garisons.
Most people I know from older guild have said the opposite.
BfA sounds pretty lackluster ... it's probably why they are offering every sales incentive they can think of to get people to pre-purchase it.
And for a developer to say they got machines right... I almost shit myself. The absolute worst addition to WoW ever. EVER!
I don;t get why we pay £10 a month to play and they hardly add any content over the course of a year... yet games like ESO, FFXIV can add entire expansions in 3 months? ESO especially is crazy with the amount of highly detailed, fully voice acted content they can make, yet it takes wow a year to add a dungeon? Is the Blizzard team now made of 10 people? or are the DEVS of ESO just a million times more talented and quick at their job? and it's B2P...
The art team is pretty good,the combat system designers AWFUL,class designs AWFUL,maps/layout are hit n miss some are good some are AWFUl,like Ogrimmar who the fridge designed that zone,a drunk?
Questing ...sigh,just vee line for a npc with a marker and barely a need to even read,just look on map and it'll show you where to go,hand holding at it's worst.Content within the quests,hit n miss again,some have some cool ideas going on some are just zzzzzzzzz go to sleep time.
Pet systems...terrible,used to be average not is way worse and boring.
travel the entire world,well unless your vet it is terrible.
Scaling is lol,worst idea besides item level gaming since the time SOE tried to implement it,ruins immersion big time and makes al mobs and you virtually the same,so handcuffed combat yet again and combat already feels handcuffed.
Overall a very average game but Blizzard seems to have the following and the gimmicks to keep players coming back,well better at making money than making games.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.