You shouldn't, 76% of them (or their parents) have voted for this president and his government just few weeks ago, they get exactly what they wanted and deserve.
First off, and as it is here in the good ol' USA, not everyone votes. We barely scraped over 50% in 2016.
Secondly, when I started gaming, I had this myopic nationalistic view of every other country on the planet. Over the years, I met new people, decent people from around the world. You know what I discovered? They're not all that different from me. They have hopes and dreams for a good life for themselves and their families as I do. They have jobs and work hard, have children, go to church, save money for a better PC and love gaming just like me. I learned to appreciate different cultures and different views of the world than my own.
The beauty of the Internet is that it lets us meet people we would never have had the chance to know in a former age in time. We can form connections, friendships, relationships with people well outside our own borders. We can provide understanding about our country and learn from them about theirs. All of that teaches empathy and provides the context that we're all part of the great masses who are subject to the whim of international politics and those who are in power.
It's through understanding and empathy and resistance to the notion that "all" < insert country name here > are evil that we become better, fairer, gentler and more understanding citizens of the world. Generalizations like that "all" are "whatever" always lead to horrific events. If we continue to apply a narrow and biased world mindset without trying to understand those who are different we will see the world descend into another cataclysmic event.
I choose to keep trying, to keep learning, and to keep my hopes alive for a better world for those I love no matter where they live.
Thanks for the words of reason! Not all people here in Russia are evil maniacs who desire to destroy the world. All this confrontation between Russia and USA is going too far It is very sad, we were friends, fought side by side againts nazi, and now all goes to shit The lack of common sence and logical thinking from both sides is what's the most scary thing in this. I don't blame you guys for rusofobia - your media depicts us as bloody drunk berserks. But our media depicts you as liars and hypocrites who try to dominate the world, forcing their point of view on everybody. It is only natural for people to belive the media from their own country and not the foreign media. That is the reason the majority of russians supported mr. Putin. Not because they all love him and support all of his acts and decisions, belive me - they are brainwashed by the media, just like you do. Let's take this Telegram story. Your media depicts this situation as an assault on people rights and the freedoms. But no one mentions the roots of this situation. It all started when FSB demanded to decrypt the meseges of several people (not all the populace, mind you) who are accused in terrorism and mass murder with the bomb explosions in St. Peterburg in april 2017 (over a hundred innocent citizens were killed in this explosion), and the FSB agents have the court decision for that. Telegram administration refused to do so. And now ask yourself - what would your government do, if Telegram (or any other messenger service) would refuse to decript messages of people who blow up the Tower Twins in NY? By the court decision?
Russia has government sanctioned troll farms trolling and trumping America (and probably most other countries I imagine). Guess the Kremlin enjoys trolling its own citizens too.
It'd be nice to be able to discuss things without having it turn into the normal bull we face every day just by turning on the TV.
What I learned from the article are the facts of the situation and after reading Ed's work, I feel pretty damned sorry for the people being affected by government intrusion into their gaming and social lives. It's always the innocent bystanders who get shit on by the pissing matches between international politicos.
How about a bit of empathy for fellow travelers in the game worlds you inhabit since this is, you know, a goddamned gaming site? FFS.
Kind of a myopic view point dont you think? I mean we are talking about a rather minor interruption of playing a video game? Sounds like a good time to go outside or take care of some other aspects of your life. you also seemed to forget that this was done in hopes of addressing whatever issues this telegram app was causing what about those poor souls that the telegram app was causing problems for do they not deserve reprieve?
Unfortunately this is a large problem with the progressive liberals of western culture and their entitlement attitude. wut I cant play my video game for 2 weeks? THE HORROR WHAT BARBARISM IS THIS!
So what I got from reading the article i that the problem is acknowledged and is being addressed to hopefully resolve the issue and allow people to resume their fantasy escape 100% unproductive time spent gaming. Aka there is no real issue beyond some minor inconveniences.
I'll be honest you should do a little reflection if your state of mind has you feeling deeply sorry for some people who are unable to access a video game for a few weeks because of "government intrusion". I'll be honest I have yet to see you use your platform to defend and feel sorry for people right here in america who are being denied access to platforms such as twitter and facebook because they have "right leaning"political views and these people are actually being damaged far more by losing sources of income they might rely on for raising their family. Hell here was some dude in Scotland who was arrested and put in jail for goofing around teaching his pug (dog) how to do the nazi that is truly disgusting and a scary reminder of the dangerous time we are in regarding personal freedom and safety.
You shouldn't, 76% of them (or their parents) have voted for this president and his government just few weeks ago, they get exactly what they wanted and deserve.
LOL? Say what? Here we go you some rando across the world "know whats best for russians" and well 76% deserve the horror show that is not being able to access a video game for a few weeks? you know nothing of the russian people (i dont either btw) and clearly 76% used their free will to make a choice they wanted. I mean they could easily make the same claim for any american president that was elected and your response would be?
Novel idea mind your own business when it comes to other countries and their cultures you know not what the people there want/need/desire The vocal minority with their agenda do not speak for the majority. Let's be truly honest adults for a moment...and I say this as an avid video gamer, Video games are a unproductive and even destructive force that serves no purpose in society other than wasting what is actually valuable time that could be spent doing useful things. It makes people lazy, its consumes time that otherwise could be spent accruing valuable knowledge/work to make lives better.
TLDR beyond satisfying our own personal addictions to waste away having fun as a matter of fact the world would be a better place without video games. If we took all the hours wasted making and playing video games and put them towards building homeless shelters working to create food, volunteering to help needy people in a zillion different ways the world is factually better off. Just some perspective.
I actually don't feel sorry, it's a Cold War thing I guess.
It can be a dangerous, deceptive game to judge a people by the actions of their leaders.
It's one thing to show empathy, because yeah it does suck, but I'm not sure I could work up any amount of sympathy for a populace that's overwhelmingly content. If that happened in the U.S. cities would be on fire and Starbucks' would be looted. Until that happens, I'll assume everyone's OK with it and my pity isn't warranted.
I'm not sure if you are joking or you are serious?
1st. They aren't content. There was plenty of proof that the vote was rig. People were caught trying to change full ballots with fake votes. I doubt that more than 20-30% of the population want's Putin as their leader.
2nd. If the way the government would respond to a "riot" or whatever you would call the US cities being on fire is the same as what would be the response in Russia or any other country that have slightly(or severely) more crazy leader I doubt that anyone would even dare to go out of their house.
Russia probably wants to replace Putin, but it's close to impossible at this point. Everyone that works in the government has to vote for him or once a new leader comes people will start to lose their jobs aka "cleaning". Those people which I assume are quite a high number from the voters + the fake votes and they stand no chance.
Russia don't have a chance, but can you tell me how did US manage to elect Trump? I mean he obviously have IQ that's lower than 90, which makes him unfit to be the cleaning lady in the White House let alone the Head of your country.
What I'm saying is that there are a lot of factors in play.
In my country there were protests few years ago to bring down the government that was "ruling" and guess what... The very next vote they won again because everyone that works a government job voted for them + they like Putin changed whole ballots with votes or threw ballots with legit votes in the garbage. End result? They are ruling again, but at least they only steal money they don't oppress the people in my country.
Well, as of now, living in Russia, I freely access all the services I normally use, without any circumventions.
But there were issues on the 17th, this is true.
It is a pretty god damn shame that there are actually people in this thread who are clearly dismissive / unsympathetic towards these guys. I hope they can somehow get around this. I have heard some using VPNs to some success, but this really sucks. We all suffer from this, not just those affected by it.
Russia don't have a chance, but can you tell me how did US manage to elect Trump? I mean he obviously have IQ that's lower than 90, which makes him unfit to be the cleaning lady in the White House let alone the Head of your country.
He won the usual way, getting more Electoral College votes than his opponent. That, and being born in the U.S., are all that is required.
As such, at the time, the election results shows the majority of voters disagreed with your assessment of Trump, or preferred him over Clinton regardless.
Modern politics is often more about perception than truth, form than substance, charisma than platform. Many of the electorate simply lack the knowledge to make an informed and considered vote, whether by choice or circumstance. Also, many vote based on emotion rather than reason.
The genuine merit of an individual (which is itself often a matter of opinion) can easily get lost in the shuffle such that the impact it has on the election result can be minimal.
Can someone put this political post into meme form so I can understand it?
Vote democrat in 2020 or the Russians will take away your games
really if you consider this a political article, urm you are distinctly wrong.
Hopefully I distilled this into something not too technical, and a bit insightful for those of us who dont regularly have to game outside of xbox live and battlenet in the western world
It is a pretty god damn shame that there are actually people in this thread who are clearly dismissive / unsympathetic towards these guys. I hope they can somehow get around this. I have heard some using VPNs to some success, but this really sucks. We all suffer from this, not just those affected by it.
agreed. Especialyl we all suffer from this. This Uk snoopers charter, the further moves of government into regulating industries they dont understand is both interesting and a bt scary. I don't take a bias towards this action in terms of regulation (becuase Im trying to be reasoned reporter type) but the lack of understanding that authorities have when they dig these holes is the scariest part
I think this post is interesting, thanks for sharing.
If you follow international news mediums you'll see that a lot of countries are upping their privacy/security laws for their own reasons. Usually the reason is something russophobic. But now it appears Russia is doing the same.. so what's really going on here?
Was that some of the young people supported Putin.
Well Putin is the Saviour of our world, he is our last hope. He will be the destroyer of America and Israel. So not surprising that the young people support him
Russia don't have a chance, but can you tell me how did US manage to elect Trump? I mean he obviously have IQ that's lower than 90, which makes him unfit to be the cleaning lady in the White House let alone the Head of your country.
He won the usual way, getting more Electoral College votes than his opponent. That, and being born in the U.S., are all that is required.
As such, at the time, the election results shows the majority of voters disagreed with your assessment of Trump, or preferred him over Clinton regardless.
Modern politics is often more about perception than truth, form than substance, charisma than platform. Many of the electorate simply lack the knowledge to make an informed and considered vote, whether by choice or circumstance. Also, many vote based on emotion rather than reason.
The genuine merit of an individual (which is itself often a matter of opinion) can easily get lost in the shuffle such that the impact it has on the election result can be minimal.
Literally my point. Trump got elected on charisma and ignorance on voters side.. That's worse in my eyes and what's more surprising is that he still hasn't been impeached after all the crap around him, yet an outstanding president like Clinton who arguably is among the best presidents got impeached over what every second man in power do when no one is watching
My point is not to judge other people let alone whole countries when people are so misinformed.
Nothing wrong with opinions, but judgement's are a bit...
Btw this is coming from someone who isn't a particular fan to Russia... I don't really like the country for some of the crap it does, but I don't hate the people for the crap those in power do. That's what I'm trying to say.
Kind of a myopic view point dont you think? I mean we are talking about a rather minor interruption of playing a video game? Sounds like a good time to go outside or take care of some other aspects of your life. you also seemed to forget that this was done in hopes of addressing whatever issues this telegram app was causing what about those poor souls that the telegram app was causing problems for do they not deserve reprieve?
Unfortunately this is a large problem with the progressive liberals of western culture and their entitlement attitude. wut I cant play my video game for 2 weeks? THE HORROR WHAT BARBARISM IS THIS!
So what I got from reading the article i that the problem is acknowledged and is being addressed to hopefully resolve the issue and allow people to resume their fantasy escape 100% unproductive time spent gaming. Aka there is no real issue beyond some minor inconveniences.
I'll be honest you should do a little reflection if your state of mind has you feeling deeply sorry for some people who are unable to access a video game for a few weeks because of "government intrusion". I'll be honest I have yet to see you use your platform to defend and feel sorry for people right here in america who are being denied access to platforms such as twitter and facebook because they have "right leaning"political views and these people are actually being damaged far more by losing sources of income they might rely on for raising their family. Hell here was some dude in Scotland who was arrested and put in jail for goofing around teaching his pug (dog) how to do the nazi that is truly disgusting and a scary reminder of the dangerous time we are in regarding personal freedom and safety.
The irony of your words on a site 100% dedicated to gaming is not lost on me and, honestly, if you think this is ONLY about gaming, you're wrong. That said, however, we try to keep focus on the generic topic of gaming on because, guess what? It's a site about gaming.
This is a much, much larger issue than one about gaming, but one we've chosen to angle to our readers without tackling the much bigger elephant in the room that it represents. My personal empathy for the people affected by this goes far, far beyond gaming but I am keeping the spotlight where it correctly belongs given the mission of this site.
I don't get it what's wrong with Telegram app lol?
Used by terrorist a lot. ISIS app of choice.
Ah yeah politics aside, I do question why Crypto Currency is allowed to exist as well when it can be used to fund illegal activity, doesn't mean it always is.
The same thing with Telegram, the top Underground networks actually have their own hidden services and secrets, just because of Telegram could be used to do illegal activity doesn't mean other apps can't be used to do the same thing...
In fact without giving the name of the APP, or services due to what they can be used for but besides telegram being used as a face for illegal activity there are certain apps located in the united states that with the right third party coding can be used for illegal activity or relaying information to the bad guys or terrorists, even make out a shopping list for groceries lets just say, its unencrypted, but chances are no one would even look there, so no it's not just telegram.
I will give a hint, remember back in the day when there was a news article about World OF Warcraft in-game mail being used for communications via terrorists but Blizzard now actively checks for this although think of a company out there that doesn't check for this.
And yes acts of terror or illegal activity communications can be easily done in online games, or other games the only question is how easy it is to catch before someone can harm another which is why people have to look out for each other.
Another issue is private owned email servers via anonymity for $1000 my friend can write me the code to run my own email server from any domain I want to with any type of encryption almost, that means they can do it too.
Edit: and speaking of Telegram I know a lot of Ingress & Pokemon go players actually use it though I prefer discord, but discord is not a means to talk about illegal stuff, or stuff you want to keep private because they monitor all that over there even if you like have your own discord it's not secure, but its great for gaming.
I'm sorry this is happening to our Russian friends. Our hearts are with them in this difficult time. I hope they can manage to overcome this issue.
Something similar happened to us in Portugal a few years ago where our ISP was blocking WoW. It was really frustrating. It took months until they unblocked it. Cheers
I couldn't care less. Russians get the treatment they vote for. Putinioland.
You are the epitome of what's wrong in the world.
I think not caring is the best course of action in this situation.
We need to choose very carefully when to act morally superior and preach our own views on how it should be done to other countries with other cultures. It's much too easy to create hatred and conflicts when we start doing it.
Thanks for the words of reason! Not all people here in Russia are evil maniacs who desire to destroy the world. All this confrontation between Russia and USA is going too far It is very sad, we were friends, fought side by side againts nazi, and now all goes to shit The lack of common sence and logical thinking from both sides is what's the most scary thing in this. I don't blame you guys for rusofobia - your media depicts us as bloody drunk berserks. But our media depicts you as liars and hypocrites who try to dominate the world, forcing their point of view on everybody. It is only natural for people to belive the media from their own country and not the foreign media. That is the reason the majority of russians supported mr. Putin. Not because they all love him and support all of his acts and decisions, belive me - they are brainwashed by the media, just like you do. Let's take this Telegram story. Your media depicts this situation as an assault on people rights and the freedoms. But no one mentions the roots of this situation. It all started when FSB demanded to decrypt the meseges of several people (not all the populace, mind you) who are accused in terrorism and mass murder with the bomb explosions in St. Peterburg in april 2017 (over a hundred innocent citizens were killed in this explosion), and the FSB agents have the court decision for that. Telegram administration refused to do so. And now ask yourself - what would your government do, if Telegram (or any other messenger service) would refuse to decript messages of people who blow up the Tower Twins in NY? By the court decision?
Kind of a myopic view point dont you think? I mean we are talking about a rather minor interruption of playing a video game? Sounds like a good time to go outside or take care of some other aspects of your life. you also seemed to forget that this was done in hopes of addressing whatever issues this telegram app was causing what about those poor souls that the telegram app was causing problems for do they not deserve reprieve?
Unfortunately this is a large problem with the progressive liberals of western culture and their entitlement attitude. wut I cant play my video game for 2 weeks? THE HORROR WHAT BARBARISM IS THIS!
So what I got from reading the article i that the problem is acknowledged and is being addressed to hopefully resolve the issue and allow people to resume their fantasy escape 100% unproductive time spent gaming. Aka there is no real issue beyond some minor inconveniences.
I'll be honest you should do a little reflection if your state of mind has you feeling deeply sorry for some people who are unable to access a video game for a few weeks because of "government intrusion". I'll be honest I have yet to see you use your platform to defend and feel sorry for people right here in america who are being denied access to platforms such as twitter and facebook because they have "right leaning"political views and these people are actually being damaged far more by losing sources of income they might rely on for raising their family. Hell here was some dude in Scotland who was arrested and put in jail for goofing around teaching his pug (dog) how to do the nazi that is truly disgusting and a scary reminder of the dangerous time we are in regarding personal freedom and safety.
LOL? Say what? Here we go you some rando across the world "know whats best for russians" and well 76% deserve the horror show that is not being able to access a video game for a few weeks? you know nothing of the russian people (i dont either btw) and clearly 76% used their free will to make a choice they wanted. I mean they could easily make the same claim for any american president that was elected and your response would be?
Novel idea mind your own business when it comes to other countries and their cultures you know not what the people there want/need/desire The vocal minority with their agenda do not speak for the majority. Let's be truly honest adults for a moment...and I say this as an avid video gamer, Video games are a unproductive and even destructive force that serves no purpose in society other than wasting what is actually valuable time that could be spent doing useful things. It makes people lazy, its consumes time that otherwise could be spent accruing valuable knowledge/work to make lives better.
TLDR beyond satisfying our own personal addictions to waste away having fun as a matter of fact the world would be a better place without video games. If we took all the hours wasted making and playing video games and put them towards building homeless shelters working to create food, volunteering to help needy people in a zillion different ways the world is factually better off. Just some perspective.
I'm not sure if you are joking or you are serious?
1st. They aren't content. There was plenty of proof that the vote was rig. People were caught trying to change full ballots with fake votes. I doubt that more than 20-30% of the population want's Putin as their leader.
2nd. If the way the government would respond to a "riot" or whatever you would call the US cities being on fire is the same as what would be the response in Russia or any other country that have slightly(or severely) more crazy leader I doubt that anyone would even dare to go out of their house.
Russia probably wants to replace Putin, but it's close to impossible at this point. Everyone that works in the government has to vote for him or once a new leader comes people will start to lose their jobs aka "cleaning". Those people which I assume are quite a high number from the voters + the fake votes and they stand no chance.
Russia don't have a chance, but can you tell me how did US manage to elect Trump? I mean he obviously have IQ that's lower than 90, which makes him unfit to be the cleaning lady in the White House let alone the Head of your country.
What I'm saying is that there are a lot of factors in play.
In my country there were protests few years ago to bring down the government that was "ruling" and guess what... The very next vote they won again because everyone that works a government job voted for them + they like Putin changed whole ballots with votes or threw ballots with legit votes in the garbage. End result? They are ruling again, but at least they only steal money they don't oppress the people in my country.
But there were issues on the 17th, this is true.
As such, at the time, the election results shows the majority of voters disagreed with your assessment of Trump, or preferred him over Clinton regardless.
Modern politics is often more about perception than truth, form than substance, charisma than platform. Many of the electorate simply lack the knowledge to make an informed and considered vote, whether by choice or circumstance. Also, many vote based on emotion rather than reason.
The genuine merit of an individual (which is itself often a matter of opinion) can easily get lost in the shuffle such that the impact it has on the election result can be minimal.
ban russians from dota 2
really if you consider this a political article, urm you are distinctly wrong.
Hopefully I distilled this into something not too technical, and a bit insightful for those of us who dont regularly have to game outside of xbox live and battlenet in the western world
agreed. Especialyl we all suffer from this. This Uk snoopers charter, the further moves of government into regulating industries they dont understand is both interesting and a bt scary. I don't take a bias towards this action in terms of regulation (becuase Im trying to be reasoned reporter type) but the lack of understanding that authorities have when they dig these holes is the scariest part
If you follow international news mediums you'll see that a lot of countries are upping their privacy/security laws for their own reasons. Usually the reason is something russophobic. But now it appears Russia is doing the same.. so what's really going on here?
best news i seen while.
Literally my point. Trump got elected on charisma and ignorance on voters side.. That's worse in my eyes and what's more surprising is that he still hasn't been impeached after all the crap around him, yet an outstanding president like Clinton who arguably is among the best presidents got impeached over what every second man in power do when no one is watching
My point is not to judge other people let alone whole countries when people are so misinformed.
Nothing wrong with opinions, but judgement's are a bit...
Btw this is coming from someone who isn't a particular fan to Russia... I don't really like the country for some of the crap it does, but I don't hate the people for the crap those in power do. That's what I'm trying to say.
This is a much, much larger issue than one about gaming, but one we've chosen to angle to our readers without tackling the much bigger elephant in the room that it represents. My personal empathy for the people affected by this goes far, far beyond gaming but I am keeping the spotlight where it correctly belongs given the mission of this site.
The same thing with Telegram, the top Underground networks actually have their own hidden services and secrets, just because of Telegram could be used to do illegal activity doesn't mean other apps can't be used to do the same thing...
In fact without giving the name of the APP, or services due to what they can be used for but besides telegram being used as a face for illegal activity there are certain apps located in the united states that with the right third party coding can be used for illegal activity or relaying information to the bad guys or terrorists, even make out a shopping list for groceries lets just say, its unencrypted, but chances are no one would even look there, so no it's not just telegram.
I will give a hint, remember back in the day when there was a news article about World OF Warcraft in-game mail being used for communications via terrorists but Blizzard now actively checks for this although think of a company out there that doesn't check for this.
And yes acts of terror or illegal activity communications can be easily done in online games, or other games the only question is how easy it is to catch before someone can harm another which is why people have to look out for each other.
Another issue is private owned email servers via anonymity for $1000 my friend can write me the code to run my own email server from any domain I want to with any type of encryption almost, that means they can do it too.
Edit: and speaking of Telegram I know a lot of Ingress & Pokemon go players actually use it though I prefer discord, but discord is not a means to talk about illegal stuff, or stuff you want to keep private because they monitor all that over there even if you like have your own discord it's not secure, but its great for gaming.
Beta tester maniac
Lol! Do you think that getting rid of trolls is so easy?
We need to choose very carefully when to act morally superior and preach our own views on how it should be done to other countries with other cultures. It's much too easy to create hatred and conflicts when we start doing it.