So I'm out of the loop. Last pc was built over 2 years ago. Looking for advice for best bang for the buck.
Only playing 1080p so 1060 3g?
16gig ram? suggestions?
What's best bang for buck cpu/mb?
Parts I'm buying.
Have 1k CAD to spend on these parts.
Thanks all!
RAM + GPU alone is half your budget right now with today’s crazy prices
Build is for my brother.
I included OS + hard disk + PSU to the build for the sake of making a complete build. If you don't have to buy these parts it should cost a bit under 1 000 CAD.
And go for Cooler Master MasterCase Pro 3, it's way better, comes with 2 decent pre-installed fans, and is even a bit cheaper.
If u feel like you need more cooling, you can just add another similar 140mm fan to the front and you'd be set, don't bother placing any fans on top there's no need to.
Either 1 front,-1 rear, or 2 front-1 rear running at 800-1200RPM depending on your sensitivity to noise
If you do go for it the best 2nd 140mm fan option is:
or one of the other white colored PHF140 variants that top out at 1200RPM and 82.1CFM.
Good secondary options in case there aren't any phanteks ones are Arctic F14 PWM PST CO or NZXT-RF-FN142-RB. But that specific phanteks series is better in every way compared to the other two so i'd definitely go for phanteks.
Other than this Vrika's suggestion is awesome
I don't think you'd need to add any extra fans to the case. Just use the ones it already comes with and you're good.