Looks a bit dated, but I suppose that might be a good thing for huge RvR battles. ESO still looks amazing today, but it had slideshow siege battles for a long time after release.
I am always excited to try new classes, though. Looking past the marketing hype, it does appear to be a game focused on giving the player choices. Also, we get to play as a Sidhe? Sweet!
I am impressed. glad that the great artwork is still visible ingame. i just hope for a tiny bit of PvE in this game. i know its RvR and pvp, but something to break the mold, some kind of grind that i can progress my character and get advantage in pvp. it would be a great reward. just make a clicker heroes kind of grind and reward loop.
I am always excited to try new classes, though. Looking past the marketing hype, it does appear to be a game focused on giving the player choices. Also, we get to play as a Sidhe? Sweet!