If you want get a good Star Wars MMO, then stop whining here. Take it to the streets, so to speak. Flood LucasArts with emails, snailmails, packages full of your swg discs and manuals. Leave SOE out of it, they cannot and will not help you. All this dwelling and complaining will not acheive anything. So it is time for you to WAKE UP. Look around. Do you really like punishing yourself with forums posts? I personally don't care what the pro-nge players say, I won't waste any further time flaming them. Eventually, SOE will be out of the picture. Sooner if you take it to the source. Send mail to George Lucas' personal office if you have to. Send word out to every person you can think of. But stop trying to change it here, this place stagnates with frustration and inactive anger. Move on, there is nothing to see here. Wake up, the world is calling you. Wake up, there is nothing left for the refugees here. Follow me out of this dark and dreary place, there is still a future for us.
SOE knows what you like... You don't!
And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!