I bought the expansion thinking the new jobs and areas would be open to me as a new player. This expansion is for high lvl content only I have to assume. I played FFXI a year ago and left because of the grouping and gil issues. I came back when I heard about this expansion. Online ordering specificly stated content for all levels. I guess it did not mean the finer content.
Now with 57.3% more flames!
I would really have to agree to that one. I was talking to
my friend and he was telling me how tough the new expansion is. He was telling
me how even people with lvl 75 jobs were dieing left and right. I know
personally I'm going to wait a little before getting expansion, because my character
isn't all that high lvl yet.
I do agree that it's not for new players but you don't neccessarily have to be high level in order to start using some of the features. That reason alone is why I'm waiting to buy it until I get higher level myself, or if I have the urge to try one of the new jobs. I completely understand why you're disappointed in the expansion, as if I was in your situation, I might be too.
I was thinking about returning to FFXI after the release of the game for the Xbox 360. I also left because of grouping and gil issues. Are they any better now?
You need a group to level. You can't find a group. Not smart.
You can play with just the first level jobs, the second level are just meant to specialize in areas of expertise. That's why Red Mage/White Mage can do excessively well.
EDIT: And you have the frickin' internet, if you didn't research it beforehand it's your own fault. You were warned plenty times, your own negligence is your downfall.
Square doesn't need to say that they are advanced jobs, it's implied by the game.
Show me where Square says that everything would be accessable to all levels?
Now with 57.3% more flames!
PUP sounds simply awesome, COR doesn't sound half bad either. I might come back once I am done raiding in World of Warcraft.
Just a quick question, what would make a good sub for COR? By the sounds of it BRD or WHM would be a good choice... But I'm not sure...
World of Warcraft:
Varah - Level 60 Human Paladin
Final Fantasy XI:
Lordage - Level 40/25/20 BLM/WHM/BRD
There is an element of luck involved on the strength of the party buffs that gives the job a certain twist and makes for nice comments in the party if the COR risking too much.