Hi guys,
I've been recently fascinating by politics, well more, the philosophy of things in the past 2 years. I am looking for a good website or forum where people discuss things intelligently and with facts and perspective. I don't want some trash website/forum where the comments are senseless, full of fallacies, and not helpful.
I like to understand how people think in terms of political figures.
So any good website, where people actually provide raw factual data with good evidence or people who support whatever candidates who are not completely idiotic.
i.e. i'd rather hear someone say, i supported X candidate for A-Z reasons and these may be conflicting but this is how i see it verses . . . omgzors, the friggin emails, put her in jail.
or better yet,
what I hope people do is say that I like candidate A for these reasons and dislike candidate A for those reasons but I voted for that person over the other because of.
p.s. no political views on this thread thanks
My advice as someone who's been on both sides is to stay away from internet politics. It serves no purpose other than to get your blood pressure up. You don't change minds you don't make a lasting impression. Might as well yell at a wall at least the wall won't try and get the last word in.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
1) Tribalism
Most people succumb to tribalism too easily, whether its supporting a sports team, being proud of your home city or voting for a political party. Once someone has become tribal, anything bad you say about their tribe becomes a personal insult to them. This makes it virtually impossible to have an intelligent conversation about politics.
2) They're all shit
All political parties around the world seem to be shit. I would be extremely surprised if you were able to find a party that actually matched your personal beliefs. As an old south park episode once said, it basically comes down to a vote between a douche and a turd. I pity Americans with their 2 party system as it basically ensures that both parties go to the extremes and exaggerate their own turdiness.
3) The issues are too complex
Running a country is one of the most complicated things ever. The implications of new policies can be so wide ranging that it is impossible for the average person to comprehend them. I consider myself well educated, intelligent and well informed, but I still struggle immensely with a lot of the big issues. This means that a lot of decisions boil down to a gut feeling and it's really hard to discuss gut feelings.
I certainly suffer a lot with real life discussions. I'm 32 and most of my friends are quite alternative (as am I) so almost all my friends are lefties. I'm not. Whilst I am quite socially liberal, I prefer more conservative / centre-right policies when it comes to things like the economy, national defence, education etc. None of the parties in the UK match my personal beliefs, so I vote based on what I believe is in the best long term interests of the majority of the population. It's impossible to explain that to a young leftie. They have their core beliefs, they have a party that espouses those beliefs, so nothing else matters. It doesn't matter that their party can't pay for any of their policies or that their party has a track record of fucking things up. Tribalism kicks in and prevents the debate from reaching that far.
Good points cameltosis.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
Personally, even though I'm a Libertarian and it's a Libertarian site (not the same as democrat or liberal, not even close) is Reason because the comment threads do have people that are open-minded and always up for a debate
Their comment sections are full of some really funny and also intelligent people who will have no problem giving you facts + links in any debate you're willing to have with them
And then there's also infowars if you just really want to laugh at the dredges of the internets hah
edited grammatical errors
But if instead you believe that Donald Trump , the alt-right, and the GOP are god's gift to humanity, try one these two subreddits. The stories discussed and linked here (if any, people often just post their own diatribes) will be from the likes of Fox News, Breitbart, and The Daily Stormer.
"The Art of the Red Pill."
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
It was highly moderated so flaming and trolling would quickly be removed.
Can't remember the name of the site though.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
Don't get me wrong, it is extremely extremely uncivilized and pretty much always devolves into mud slinging (if it didn't start out that way in the first place).
However, it is very active, has tons of topics, and you will get some nice discussions as long as you accept that you're basically operating in a circus of a forum. That's just the nature of political forums.
Mend and Defend
There we go. Popped up on my Facebook feed again
Gut Out!
What, me worry?
Some are more literate in how the debate should be structured with sources and proven arguments, but then it escalates in nitpicking the details and words making it personal to both sides.
I doubt you can find anything real on the internet, the website should have a test before applying to write a few articles on some debatable topics and see if you are emotional or stand in the middle of everything.