I'm sick of people bashing the heck out of SWG, considering the majority of the people that do are users that started during the first month and realized that the game wasn't finished and then put it down and have been cussing it ever since. That is not a fair judgement for the game. No MMORPG has been bug free on release, that is a known fact. It is true SWG was full of bugs, and still is no doubt, but the bottom line is its a successful online RPG, and it always will be. No matter how bad the majority of you hope its not. Ratings mean nothing, every single gaming website can give it bad reviews, every single reader review site can give it bad reviews, but it will still flourish. The game is unfinished and its simply not fair nor right to judge a game in its current condition. You also have to realize that this is one of the first MMORPG's based off of a movie, and its a new type Genre to SOE, so they should be cut a little slack.
Free Your Mind
So every web-site, and every reviewer are wrong, but you're correct?
No, I don't think so.
SWG sucks, plain and simple. Always has, always will.
"Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb." -- Batman
No Motorhead, wrong, you missed the whole point on what I am trying to say. I am not saying that they are all wrong and that I am right, I am saying that the majority of the ones that rated the game already hasn't given it a fair chance. We all know this. And as I said, the bottom line is that the game has over 300,000 users. So as I said, ratings do not matter. I am not saying anyone is right or wrong. Consider this fact: well over 70% of the people on this site probably cannot stand SWG, but that simply does not mean that it is not a success, and as much as all of these people want it to fail, it will not, plain and simple. That was my point. I am not badmouthing users from this site, reader revieews, or any website. Read more carefully before making an assumption like that.
Free Your Mind
I don't think the game is "flourishing" because it is a great game! It is because of ALL the Star Wars (for lack of a better word) "freaks".
I agree that the game is considered a success as far as SOE goes, but hey, if you poopie in a can and call it Wookie dodo, I'm sure there will be plenty of people to buy it.
I was a SWG player....the main reason I quit was lack of content. It gets pretty old, pretty quick. I've ran from one side of the planets to another! HONESTLY....I maybe missed 1 or 2, but I had to think of something to do! I killed my fair share of creatures, and did MORE then enough crafting...
Anyway, I didn't mean to rant or rave.....just wanted to say that the main reason SWG will flourish is because of all the Star Wars fans....(that's a better word)
The better word that you are seeking red roofer is 'star wars fan boi's'. These guys will like anything Starwars. God only knows they probably even liked the movies (b grade sci-fi crap that they are).
The fact that the game was judged on its release quality is not really an issue. As was said above all mmorpg's are rough on release (except for daoc, ac2, FFXI, etc etc, that did have bugs but were not hands down broke like most mmorpg's). Reviewers of SWG did take into account that it was forced to release by the lucas arts corporation. And of course realize all the points that you made. Most reviews took all that into account, and still reviewed it poorly. I check in on it every now and again, and to me it is still in the alpha phase of game creation. Ok sure maybe someday about a thousand years doen the road the game maybe good, but untill then it sucks. And frankly I resent sony ripping people 80 bucks each for this hardly playable phantomime of a game. It's just a randomly created pupit show, full of so called theam parks (they failed to even keep the language in-game). Anyway you let me know when the game is finished, and when im done the highest level in eq7 i'll re-install swg and try it again. Until then i give it a -9 out of 100%.
Now Playing: FFXI Midgardsormr Svr.
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2. We all know the game had a bad launch, even for a MMORPG. But I think it deserves a re-review because the game has had so many features added, and bugs fixed. The reviews out now are all based on the bad buggy launch, but if you bought the game and played it now, it is an entirely diferent game.
3. Randomly created puppe................... what?
Free Your Mind
There's nothing wrong with anyone saying they dislike SWG. The real thing is engaging in constructive criticism.
'This game sucks!' 'This game is a waste of money!' . And leaving it at that is really a waste of space and storage on this site MMORPG.com
If people would use more brain cells, and go on and state WHY they feel the way they do. And what they suggest would solve the problem, then they are helping everyone - including theirselves (increase the chance of making the game better so they will also enjoy it.)
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That is the problem though, no one is doing that, and no one gives reasons. I'm almost willing to bet that over half the people that bash it and talk bad about it haven't even played it. I mean, heck, look at the poll on the home page, 61% of people have never played the game, out of about 5,000 users. So what does that tell us? About 2,800 people on the site have never played it and never will. Thats my main point, I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with criticizing the game, I'm just saying that the majority of the people here either haven't played it and don't have a right to bash it, or quit in the early days of it.
Free Your Mind
Hey it's Blade !
Is this THE Blade?
The one from Blade's Battlestation?
Nice seeing you cruise by in your brand new Landspeeder!
('bout time they added some cool land vehicles! Now SWG has another reason for me to divide my time from Anarchy Online)
ehh do i know you?
Uhh I'm not going into why this game sucks, as this has been discussed a million times on different threads. I played SWG from beta to 4 months after release. It was fun during beta and at release, now it's a flaming piece of dog feces. If giving money to jackasses for nothing is your bag, more power to ya. I, on the other hand, want some content for my $15 a month. There are many other games out there that offer much more gameplay than SWG...
(Horizons: Malakye Revan - lvl 17 Mage, lvl 7 Scholar on Bounty)
"I've seen the top of the mountain, and it is good".
Blade, if it is really you (The Blade from Blade's Battlestation) I want to say it's great you're able to get out even with your new scheduale and promotion.
I haven't had as much time as I used to , to visit Blade's Battlestation.
(BTW your Village Photo pic doesn't show up. Heh.)
I see. I guess it's very possible there can be more than one Blade.
The most well known Blade, is a guy who runs one of the oldest every SWG fansites called
Blade's Battlestation
It impressed SONY enough that they list his site at their official site links list:
Here is a direct link to it:
Blade is also a super experienced vet of the MMORPG Ultima Online.
SWG Sucks. I played it.
Exactly what about SWG did you dislike?
What would you have done right now to make SWG better?
Was there anything about SWG that you did Like?
======= SIGNATURE =========
MMORPG games I've played:
Star Wars Galaxies:
More games:
Exactly what about SWG did you dislike?
I disliked so many things it is hard to come up with a thorough list here. But some of the big ones are...
Class Nerfing after Retail Release (CH for example)
Massive Changes to gameplay after Retail Release (No Houses on Planet x, Baz Nitch's are uber for example)
No High End Content (no example needed)
Game Engine physics (a person can get shot from behind a wall or hill)
What would you have done right now to make SWG better?
Never have hired Raph Koster.
Never have hired Raph Koster.
Put more money into PlanetSide.
Was there anything about SWG that you did Like?
I loved the way pets worked. (train them in the field, let them grow, very cool)
I loved the graphics. (very pretty)
I loved the concept and world layout. (Not that much running, risky yet fun)
so very very true
He pretty much single handedly destroyed any hope
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
-- Death to picture-sigs. --
Exactly what about SWG did you dislike?
-CONTENT? What CONTENT? There simply wasn't enought things to do. They started to role things out like the warren but they where simple to easy to complete.. You could blast through a monthly updates content in a few hours of play.. Then you where back the the Lair SPAWN-O-MATIC to get things to kill.
Sure you could go hunting on the higher planets but it was really a matter of killing off waves of the same damn spawns.
The themparks where lame they gave you broken items of no value for rewards that made no sence.
If you are going to claim the players are supposed to make content then give them some tools.. You can't even take out private bounties on other characters.
What would you have done right now to make SWG better?
Spend a few months making non FedEx quests.
Fix the classes and LEAVE THEM ALONE.. Its fine if some of them are more powerfull than others.
Was there anything about SWG that you did Like?
- The graphics where cool
Heh, how many of us like the fishing rod Jabba the Hutt gave us (on Tatoinne, no doubt)
Or the lovely bed (that you couldnt sit on) or the lovely fake food. lol
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.