I know when i played the game it got boring very easily definetly when people started to hack the knights online game just wondering anyone else input on this topic because i feel that the game can be sometimes laggy depending where you come from.
I am from the united kingdom and Knights Online seems to Lag i don't know if its the game or where i live lol. also about the stats
I haven't played knights online since there were hackers on it etc. but does any1 know if the stats are still faulty like when you gain a level the stats go from like 500hp to 2623642626hp temporarily?
well, it depends on which server u play..u didnt specify this
if its the Maleysian, its laggy no matter where do u connect from
if its US-KO its laggy when extremely crowdy
as for the stats...these problems occured when they did the major patch (knight online became Knight Empire), and it was automatically fixed by relogging...but now there is no problem regarding the stats
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