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The Black Desert Online forum has a post that contains an ongoing timeline of a DDOS attack on game servers that started in the wee hours of the morning. Approximately 20 minutes ago, BDO staff revealed that measures have been implemented to combat the DDOS, though it remains unknown if the issues are solved at this time.
Yeah, it was only like 300 accounts or something though. I guess one of those 300 was p!ssed.
Aloha Mr Hand ! Also this is how all the kids make those DDOS videos.
Maybe because they got banned for hacking, I imagine a hacker ddos ing would be easy for them if they are a pro.
DDoSing something these days requires 0 programming knowledge. just rent a botnet and point it at right direction.
they have rent a bot net now? I'm really out of touch lol
Operates through VPN I hear so feds can't touch it. Used to use TOR exits until they started packet logging CIA and DHS agents.
This isn't a signature, you just think it is.
Please stop talking as if you people have a clue. Unless you're going to school for security and IT, please just stop now. I'm begging you.
Do you not know they have botnets available that charge for the hits? Every lowlife out there is trying to make money in IT...some are black hats.
And bless your heart for believing you understand security. If I could pat you on the head, I'd give you a nice comfy one.
However, imo I would think this is just more of cheating hack the game for gold/gem/or what have you than a DDoS, I mean the key point is money here. If anything, hackers really should hack the cash shop and make everything -1 pearl I'm sure everyone will enjoy BDO even more.
If nothing else, this is a PR stunts for Kakao to remain relevant, not like Kakao is a honest company to begin with.
Why not? Its free to play in Korea and yet they made ppl pay in the West? 30 dollars for fashion items (well more or less)? Not like we really know for sure what that an attack was or it might had been the staff trip over a server cable and call it an attack to avoid being at fault, >_>' well that was just my 3 cents anyway.
That's an interesting scenario..
Second would be a competing company who understands that item-mall / f2p games have large player bases that blow like the wind to the 'next best thing' when shit starts to fall apart. Retention in f2p MMO's is only as good as your new content and game experience.
Lastly it might be a DDOS attack on the service provider that has shared resources across their distributed network, while BDO might be single tenant on hardware it's could be in a cloud foot print that's also being attacked.
It is hard to say exactly what is going on, but this is not a PR stunt it makes BDO look bad.
While Kakao drinks cocoa...