Mario dipped into the Xcom pool of tricks with their rabbits game or whatever it is called. I started thinking what franchises would do well using Xcom's mechanics? in my opinion
Metal Gear. Seems like a given. Xcom has a stealth and detection system. From what I remember, MGS was the same way.
Fighting games. Tekken, Street Fighter, Bloody Roar, maybe a few others. Tekken and Bloody Roar have these large biotech empires thought to be evil. Both have military components.
Superhero games such as Marvel or DC. All these CoH successors are doing it wrong in my opinion. I just don't think there is a huge market for superhero mmo. If you notice how the other superheroes games outside of mmo are doing quite well.
This is just a random crazy hypothetical thread. I was surprised to see a Mario game similar to XCom at last year's E3. That caught me off guard. I was curious if there are any Xcom fans here, and what franchises you think would fair well using similar mechanics.
Massive Chalice is deeply inspired by X-Com, but unique enough to feel like a wholly original game. If it were up to me I wouldn't even make the comparison, but every professional reviewer seems to find it necessary so...
Definitely check out Massive Chalice; it's just a great game flying largely beneath the radar.
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance
Aloha Mr Hand !
I'm surprised with the success of XCOM we havent seen more big budget studios copy their formula
Aloha Mr Hand !
Aloha Mr Hand !
Logic, my dear, merely enables one to be wrong with great authority.
Up until then I was arcade or console only.
I love those games. Researching and getting better equipment and improving stats and taking turns hooked me in. I named everyone after people I knew, so that added a personal touch too!
I played XCom and put 10 or so hours into the first play-through, realized I totally did the layout of my base wrong and would've had to take it all down, got pissed and never went back. I will though eventually!
How about a Predator game set up like X-Com?! In this case, you would be the aggressor like XCom 2 I guess? Travel from society to society, skulk around, learn their tech and the best way to hunt them, and then attack! Upgrade yourself and gear/ship for farther traveling to even more advanced civs looking for the ultimate hunt.
Gut Out!
What, me worry?