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mmorpg junkie since 1999
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
The trinity blame game was so true, the other two blames both direction, while we healers only blame the dps. Rightfully, might I add, wipe is always the overachieving aggro-stealing dps' fault.
Unfortunately the mentioned dps acronym (about we need them too) is correct sometimes... curse you, dps check, the dumbest mechanic out there, life would be so nice without it...
-This message was approved by the epic group of 4 tanks and a healer (funny videos as well).
Good video. Explains why I solo a lot. :-D
"We all do the best we can based on life experience, point of view, and our ability to believe in ourselves." - Naropa "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." SR Covey
Since then it is really hard for me to play healer again.
- I let them die when they stay stupidly long in AoE or just keep stealing aggro
- I am very annoyed by bad DPS as I know that you could do much better.
- Even own guild mates piss me off now if they do the stuff DPS should avoid (do no damage, don't leave red zones, attack the wrong mobs, play semi-effective builds,...)
1997 Meridian 59 'til 2019 ESO
Waiting for Camelot Unchained & Pantheon