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Beta tester maniac
Same to me. I just adore Ubi's open world games.
1 thing I hope to see some improvements with are the stealth takedowns. Far Cry 5 stealth takedowns were practically an afterthought.
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Well got damn, isn't that interesting.
Sweet, thank you for the info and link!
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For the comments about FC:ND being mostly the same... somewhat. It is Farcry, but they've added in some RPG-lite details like leveled weapons and enemies (grey, blue, red, orange, purple, etc) and a home base you feed a resource (ethanol) to upgrade different aspects of.
And like Farcry:Primal, the map is from one of the main games (obviously Farcry 5 in this case) but reworked. I can appreciate they reduce the price of the game accordingly.
I think the leveled enemies will be the biggest bone of contention among fans, since it affects the 'go anywhere and create mayhem' open-worldiness. Some will like it, some not.
I'm looking forward to hearing how the game plays out, and I really hope they don't increase the grinding aspect even more than Oddyssey. Ubi's nailing their games lately among those of us who enjoy that style, but they could easily push all that progress back down hill if they don't keep their micros under control.