I will probably always love World of Warcraft but I find it impossible to get into as it is right now and to be the fixes seem so damn obvious but there must be a reason why they don't implement them. So I figured I'd check if I am really alone in this.
A lt of wows problems right now look smth like this(imo):
-The game has no meaningful grinds(everyone gets everything, such as every rep being handed to you)
-Gear with titanforging and Warforging is an utter RNG nightmare
-Catch-ups erase any prior patch so that you are not playing the expansion but the patch instead.
- The base content of the game is embarrassingly easy.
- Its not an RPG anymore due to the endless amount of streamlining they do to make it accessible to literally everyone on the planet.
- Classes have been increasingly simplified over the past years.
- All content is designed to be easily beaten (at a base level, so lfr, dungeons, questing, open world etc.)
I think this article sums it up nicely:
-I'd suggest people should get the best gear for doing the hardest content and gear should matter and not scale in any type of content.
-I also think that they need to add more complicated and deep character progression(replace the talent tree)
-Make everything in the world hit ALOT harder. A world without danger just feels hollow.
-Remove LFR, normal mode raiding right now is more than easy enough to justify the removal of LFR.
-Add in old flavor spells to classes like ritual of doom to Warlocks and shit.
- Add more exclusive rewards to hard content, make people motivated about something other than hoping for Titanforged LFR gear.
- Bring the catch-up gear down to the levels it was at in TBC, no reason to make all prior content useless each new patch.
- Remove phasing from the world or at least from capital cities, the world feels so empty right now. Keep phasing in place for when new xpacs hit and stuff.
Am I bonkers or on to something? Which type of MMORPG do you prefer? The more old school approach or the more accessible one?
So needless to say, i'll always prefer vanilla WoW over any other iteration the game has had.