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I want to let you all in on a little secret: the Ranger is an AOE powerhouse. Don’t let anyone tell you that the Ranger’s only good at single target damage. His combo effect and many of his abilities definitely lean that way, but who cares? The Ranger is one of the best javelins in Anthem when it comes to just blowing s**t up and I’ll tell you how.
In the words of Edna Mode, "NO CAPES!"
For some reason, my group wasn't amused when I did that and then yelled out "Stop! Collaborate and listen..." (that reaction might have been partially swayed by my continuing on with "Ice is back with my brand new invention" and then any other random lines I remembered)
Stormholds are a blast, remember hearing you should have diversity in your group if you expect to clear it.. 3 interceptors and a Storm sure can get it done though.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
Thats is why he is the "Jack of all Trades"
Can do a bit of everything and is not "that special UBA Guy" (uba as Interceptor= Speedy Melee Tard, Colossus=Dat Tank Swine, Storm=Elemental Beast)
So imagine someone likes "not to be so special", can you?
That's ppl like me enjoying the Ranger!
Aerowyn's Video Compilation of ALL things Guild Wars 2
Play? no
Love the fact this was ignored.
What? A game that has been out for well over a year and has had multiple DLC has more content? YOU DON'T SAY
So? I walk around with a Tesla coil on my back and a freaking ACID SPRAYER strapped to my forearm. Plus a giant shield I can use to bash people in the face, or charge and knock 'em down like bowling pins. I also don't die in two hits from a .22. Scoff, I say! Scoff!
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
As to the question on playing all four classes... nope! I tried out the Interceptor during one of the demo weekends and discovered how much I absolutely suck at playing it. It can definitely turn the tide of battle in the right hands -- those hands aren't mine though. I found the ranger merely "meh" and enjoy the Storm with the Colossus in second place. But I'd definitely put some time into the ranger before even thinking about trying the interceptor again.
My interest level is Storm > Interceptor > Ranger > Colossus.
The ranger is not the aoe powerhouse. You clearly do not know anything about this game.
And I get far more badges with very few, if any deaths every single time. You just have to play to the Ranger's strengths - which is that you're good at everything. Plenty mobile, plenty of firepower, plenty of defense.
Gotta stack that weapon damage! I think Ranger is more gear dependent than the other Javelins. Once I got a Masterwork shotgun with a stacking damage bonus, combined with other methods to stack additional damage bonus... I just wreck.
I've got an Autocannon on my Colossus that is similar (Fist of Vol or something) but the Ranger is just so much faster/more fun to play.
I played Colossus for like 90% of my journey to level 30 and beyond, but now am all in on Ranger baby.
I do use the Blast abilities, but mostly just to pick off primed enemies and/or as additional damage/filler while I'm moving into Shotgun range.