Now I know that the saying is "More fun, less tedium" but part of being a hero is tedium! you'll have to take walks through forests, deserts, and mountains if you want to save the world! Other wise even if everybody has their own story line it still will be to easy! So what I am basically afraid of is this game becoming the "skilless" game. Where all you do is walk around killing things, for me part of the fun is building up the momentum to a big battle or finally completing a long quest. But if the team focuses on talking too much tedium out of it wont it be fairly boring?
One entry found for tedium.
Main Entry: te·di·um
Pronunciation: 'tE-dE-&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin taedium disgust, irksomeness, from taedEre to disgust, weary
1 : the quality or state of being tedious : TEDIOUSNESS; also : BOREDOM
2 : a tedious period of time <long tediums of strained anxiety -- H. G. Wells>
I have to respectfully disagree that part of being a hero is tedium, and I think you may be confusing "tedium" with "challenge". And while i share your sentiment that this game shouldn't be skilless and totally Easy, I think it would be a mistake to make it Tedious/Boring.
-- I need a nerf --
One entry found for tedium.
Main Entry: te·di·um
Pronunciation: 'tE-dE-&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin taedium disgust, irksomeness, from taedEre to disgust, weary
1 : the quality or state of being tedious : TEDIOUSNESS; also : BOREDOM
2 : a tedious period of time <long tediums of strained anxiety -- H. G. Wells>
I have to respectfully disagree that part of being a hero is tedium, and I think you may be confusing "tedium" with "challenge". And while i share your sentiment that this game shouldn't be skilless and totally Easy, I think it would be a mistake to make it Tedious/Boring.
Bingo. I hear SO man people (mostly the EQ/Vanguard crowds) equating tedious gameplay with challenge when it is SO far from the truth. Tedium is dull, boring work. Challenge makes you sweat and gets your adenaline surging through your veins. Taking 2 weeks to get a lvl in EQ is not a challenge, it was a way to artificially make you play the game longer.It wasn't hard, just freakin' dull. In CoH, the respec quest was "challenging" It made you think on your feet, and things happened VERY quickly, one wrong move could wipe out your party in seconds, but at he same time you made progress quickly if you were on your game. That, was skill. Come out of it sweating, literally screaming YES! Instead of after a 14 hour raid, "thank god, it's finally over, now I can go to bed".
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Most certainly! As well, as "needing" to constantly "grind" for exp because it is the best way to advance. I hope the focus and the path of least resistence is with questing., not camping a spawn and pull-kill-rinse-repeat
We are hoping that the need to travel from place to place doesn't get voted into a "tedium" category; the screenshots do no justice to the visual beauty of this game. Yes, there'll be forests and mountains and glens. Yes, you'll have to see them more than once. But they are merely a backdrop to the adventures you'll make for yourself!
Repetitiveness is also not necessarily tedious. If your reason for having to stand there and craft "small metal rivets" has no meaning, then the exercise is boring.
So let me ask what you think of this: Imagine that those rivets are critical to the building of a mega war machine. Imagine that your guild, your clan, your neighborhood, is lost if you cannot deliver enough of them on time. You have two days...they need 10,000 widgets. Does this equate with tedium?
I don't think Travel will get voted in the tedium catagory unless it takes 15-30 min. to get to everywhere. Then yes, that would suck, because then your looking at trying to get people together, and having to wait for a hour to get everyone there. Yeah, that is not a really fun game demographic.
And as for the 10,000 widget.....I would probably shoot myself. I'm about as anti crafing a human being as you will find in a MMO. I mean, I run from it like it was the plague, So, the thought of 10,000 widgets is like, worse than tedium, more like torture.
Hehe. Okay, you can be the guy who slays 10,000 woogoos instead
I love crafting!... Which is why it makes me a little sad that this game all but does away with it completely. I understand what the OP meant, though. I don't really agree with it, but, you know...
Anyway, as for the person who said something about how few people just 'pick up a sword and become a hero', or something... I mean, it seems that happens in a lot of console games. To me, at least. Anyway, what makes a hero is simply the act of rising to the situation when no one else can. Raising a hand when an injustice has been done and calling out. Not letting the strong destroy the weak. This, in my opinion, doesn't take very long. In fact, it can take as little as a few moments to become a hero. Let not injustice prosper, for if you do, the meek shall perish, and you shall fall to take their place... Hmm... That seems like something I might've heard somewhere, but I don't remember. It's possible that I just thought of it, but it's not the type of thing I'd like to take credit for, as it seems like something someone would already have stated.
Now, if you could only find a crafter to make you that spiffy sword =p
Yeah, another thing I don't like about crafting. Crafters having gobs of cash while 'im scrapping by. I always viewed them as a 'neccasary evil" in games that have robust crafting systems. But it looks like I won't have to worry much about that, as I'll be starting out with everything I need, and weapons/armor/trinkets look to be upgraded rather than having to get better and better stuff.
I'm not into games so geared to.......gear being the end all and be all of your character.
When you do something right people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
Some posters, I think, are confusing time with tedium. Yes, it takes a lot of time to become a powerful hero. But that time probably isn't spent practicing making 500 "small black rivets". You don't get powerful by killing a 500 ravenous sheep in an hour. You get good at killing ravenous sheep. You get more skill by learning anatomy, increasing your strength, your agility, your dexterity. Getting to know your weapon and other weapons would help you in inflicting damage on your enemy. You also have to learn to be empathetic, passionate, dedicated, to take up a cause.
There are a lot of things that make a hero powerful and all these things could take time and practice. But is it better to practice in a room doing the same thing over and over and over and over, sitting out in the field and killing the same mob over and over and over and over? Or would you learn more quickly and become more powerful by finding somebody in need, and helping them. In the method of you helping them, that might cause you to make 1000 widgets to help construct a battle tower to protect a town, or kill 50 minions of the guy holding the person's son hostage or killing all their cows or holding the town for ransom.
In this way, for helping somebody out you get fame, experience, maybe some treasure, but I don't know if it would be boring. It might be more boring for you than sitting in your house making 1000 widgets for no reason, but it wouldn't be for me.
"More Fun, Less Tedium" to me means to me that everything you do, you do for a good solid reason. And maybe it takes a bit less "point, click, point, click" than it would in other games. All-in-all you would spend probably about the same amount of time doing it to get great, but it would be more spread out, you'd have a good cause for doing it, and probably a reward (other than the craft experience) when you were done.
It is really easy to give the player a choice to solo level grind, group level grind, group quest, or solo quest. Just average out the experience and give a slight advantage to group and slight advantage to quest. That way people are more likely to quest, and more likely to group, but solo would still be perfectly viable while only slightly less advantageous. If there is no advantage to group or quest, people won't do it unless they are getting bored.
Everyone that plays a fantasy based game wants a shot at killing the dragon, it's been a staple of fantasy since The Hobbit. So if only max level characters can do that then you feel that you have to just grind to get to max level so you can do the cool part.
What we're hoping to accomplish, with quests and even world zones, is to have cool parts for your entire career. A party of level 50 hero's might be able to hold off the Ukar army outside of a large town but a party of level 5's could protect the wagons bringing supplies from a bunch of Ukar raiders and both encounters could be really cool.
The idea, and the challenge for us GM's, is to make the journey to 50 the cool part not what happens once you get there.
The first 50ish in EQ, in a vast majority, left the game without killing the dragons.
Your argument is good and valid...but it obviously doesn't apply on the peoples who actually looove to level up...and even in old EQ, many just love to level up and left...with a bitter taste at the wrong ending if they are like me! Some were nicer however...but to start new games and to know they would not reach the top in a old game ala EQ...hehe, anyway...
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Quote - "What we're hoping to accomplish, with quests and even world zones, is to have cool parts for your entire career. A party of level 50 hero's might be able to hold off the Ukar army outside of a large town but a party of level 5's could protect the wagons bringing supplies from a bunch of Ukar raiders and both encounters could be really cool"
His argument is great. For people who like to level up - there will be exciting, interesting, challenging things to do at every level, instead of go kill mob A 5 bazillion times.
So they are making the journey fun.
EQ1, EQ2, SWG, SWTOR, GW, GW2 CoH, CoV, FFXI, WoW, CO, War,TSW and a slew of free trials and beta tests