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Earlier today, Wargaming and Mad Head Games announced hack-n-slash action RPG Pagan Online will officially launch, exiting Early Access, on August 27 for $29.99.
The largest of my complaints are the stingy drop rates on high end loot and excessive difficulty jump from normal to hard (seriously, I am afraid to even try the third difficulty).
Also some of the new skill trees are really poorly designed. Lukian has minor passives that boost the lightning version of the spell in the branch that provides a major passive for the fire version of the spell. Or the best/most hilarious one yet - Kingewitch has minor passives that improve the spread of an AoE projectile that end in a major passive that makes it single target... facepalm.
Indeed. But fuck em. Religious people have no respect for art that doesn't conform to them.
Their level generator is a disaster. Every level is a bunch of small open spaces connected by lanes. As soon as you enter an open space magical barriers prevent you from leaving and you have to fight a bunch of enemies. Horrible, horrible, design straight out of 2003. Even worse, the whole kb+m is rather useless because of it since these spaces are so tiny that they get swarmed with enemies and positioning gets rather useless. Just dodge the red circles.
My other complaint is the loot. The game is heavy gearscore dependent and thats a problem. You need a certain score to enter content so you will simply equip the gear with the highest score to progress. Too bad the stats might actually be worthless for your build. Yes, you will probably have to ruin your build to actually progress.
There is good in there too, unique classes that are fun to play. I started with Lukian but switched to Dameer and he rocks. Combat is satisfying too and the looks might not be top of the line but they are very solid.
Kyleran on yours sincerely
'But there are many. You can play them entirely solo, and even offline. Also, you are wrong by default.'
Ikcin in response to yours sincerely debating whether or not single-player offline MMOs exist...
'This does not apply just to ED but SC or any other game. What they will get is Rebirth/X4, likely prettier but equally underwhelming and pointless.
It is incredibly difficult to design some meaningfull leg content that would fit a space ship game - simply because it is not a leg game.
It is just huge resource waste....'
Gdemami absolutely not being an armchair developer
Remember the Christians getting angry about His Dark Materials killing God? Or the recent petition to have Good Omens canceled?
Fact is, any sufficiently popular source material that portrays religion flippantly, negatively, or non-traditionally can find itself subject to backlash. Because religious organizations do not respect art.
What religious gods exist in Pagan Online are ones unrelated to Christianity in any way, and more similar to the ones from Greek myths if anything (a god of the sun and a god of the moon are mentioned, for example)
At least, to my knowledge.
Also, fuck that shit right off. You getting offended at people for getting offended at other people getting offended is in no way better than what you are criticizing. There is no equivalence. At no point would I ever threaten or censor my political opponents. I only seek, as an artist and an art lover, to defend the artistic rights of myself and others.
(I enjoy having the right to shoot a god in the face on Christmas Eve in Persona 5. )
In certain ways you are right. We as a society are moving in a better direction when games such as D&D are allowed to exist in relative peace.
But I have a counter point for you using your own prior example. Why is Jesus not in Smite? Is it because Hi-Rez knows for a fact that including him would cause a similar backlash to those they have already faced from Hindus on a larger scale and closer to home?
(Or is it just because Jesus would have a 3 day respawn timer. Badum tssh!)
I'm just poking fun at the name of the game and Christianity. Relax!! Take a Prozac.
Paganism (from classical Latin pāgānus "rural, rustic", later "civilian") is a term first used in the fourth century by early Christians for people in the Roman Empire who practiced polytheism.
Paganism was originally a pejorative and derogatory term for polytheism, implying its inferiority.[3] Paganism has broadly connoted the "religion of the peasantry".[3][5] During and after the Middle Ages, the term paganism was applied to any unfamiliar religion, and the term presumed a belief in false god(s).
Pagan Online?
Just poking fun. Calm down!
I just find it just a bit paranoid for people to say "The Christians are going to be up in arms!!!" about a game that they're probably not going to be up in arms about, because it's unrelated to Christianity. The days where Christians screamed and shouted about games unrelated to Christianity just for having religion at all (such as Dungeons and Dragons) are long gone, and thank God for that.
As for your counterpoint, your counterpoint is my actual point. If Smite had Jesus in it, then odds are very good the Christians really would have been up in arms about it.
That is my point. If a game has something about Christianity in it, then there's a possibility they'd be "up in arms" about it (depending on how hefty it is. Most Christian soccermoms or whatever don't give a crap about Persona because Persona's so heavily stylized in both plot and art style that it's Christian-God-in-name-only, assuming their heads didn't explode getting that far in the plot in the first place).
But Pagan Online doesn't have anything about Christianity in it. Nor did a Jesus-less Smite. And thus Christians were not up in arms about Smite, nor will they be up in arms about this game. So why the heck are you people saying Christians are going to be up in arms about this game? Just because of the name or something?
(even getting up in arms about the word Pagan is so.... 1300's Dark Ages or whatever. I'm not even sure most people today, Christian or otherwise, know what Pagan even MEANS these days)
I'm much more interested in expression in the entire medium. I think it's pretty shitty that Hi-Rez would be afraid to put Jesus, Lucifer, or Michael in Smite. That isn't a good thing. Fear of backlash (and the caution it causes) places undue restraints on our creativity. That applies to religion, politics, and everything else in life. Understand me now? We cool?
Unfortunately, right after you did, the next poster agreed with your joke entirely seriously and unironically.
I'm poking fun at Christianity and their history with Paganism, because the game is called PAGAN ONLINE.
Aeander is defending everyone's freedom to make fun of anything and anyone.
You don't want to end up like ISIS. Do you?
It's okay to make fun religion.
It's okay to make fun of atheists.
It's okay to make fun of agnostics. (Remember South Park episode with the agnostics couple only drink Dr. Pepper? LOL) I love Dr. Pepper I'm not offended.
It's okay to make fun of scientists.
It's okay to make fun of flat earthers.
Go God Go was a hilarious South Park episode, even if we happened to be the butt of it.
In mother Russia, the trolls triggers the comments!