The United States, with it's unexplainably high health care costs, has the second worse mortality rate amongst newborns in the modern world.
U.S. has second worst newborn death rate in modern world, report saysWhat's even more enlightening is the disparity between minority and white children.
17% of newborn babies are to black mothers in the U.S., but they account for 33% of low-birthweight children. (Why is there still racism in this country????)
I used to work in a hospital. The doctors in hospitals have their hands tied. It's not their fault. But I can assure you from first hand experience that the disparity is purposeful and with intent from the administrative end. People who do not have insurance or low-income families are literally put to the back of the line when it comes to health care and attention. And if you get sick without insurance, your credit from then on is shot to hell.
It's sad that we as a modern society can't do something about this. If my taxes were to go anywhere it would be to take care of the weak and the sick regardless of their "status" in the social makeup of this country. One place where all men/women should be considered equal is with medical care.
And don't ever think that at the tip of a hat you couldn't end up on the other end of the economic scale. It happens to people everyday. Families caregivers become ill, finances don't work out quite the way you intended, or sometimes it's just bad luck. But it definitely happens. And to hold someone's health care as less than a basic human right is morally wrong.
Why is American's health care costs extremely more than in other countries, yet those countries are kicking our butts when it comes to medical care?
But in the US you seem to have a general despise against social security and similar "socialistic" programs. Sentences like " socialist" is a quite common thing I have experienced on these forums. I don't understand some of you over there. What is wrong with paying abit more taxes, to have a working health system that doesn't care if you are rich or poor?
One thing I'm wondering. Are your hospitals private run or govermental run?
Its not so much Racism as it is Wealth. You see in America, you get rewarded for being the best at making money. I will not say whether this is a good or bad thing as I am no moralist. However, in order for there to be better quality things, the status quo must continually rise. How is this achieved? Through direct competition facilitated by the aforementioned economic system. I hope to someday be wealthy enough to be able to hire the best available surgeon to implant those cybernetic implants into my brain. Also he will then attach 'super' tendons and muscles so that I can crush, kill and destroy my enemies.
Orrrrrr... I could get the doctor who is only average in skill and aptitude but due to hiring practices is assigned to my case and subsequently attaching pencil sharpeners and can openers for fingers.
The problem with paying 'a bit' more taxes is, it's not the governments money. Maybe it could be if it was voted on and approved by the people. But as of right now, I don't wish to pay so someone else I don't know can live. Cruel, maybe, but fiscally unsound, hardly. I need that money to pay for my own needs and wants. I work for it, its mine to do with as I wish. If I remember correctly, the only thing taxes are SUPPOSED to go to in America are maintaining the defense of the people, and maintaining commerce. I could be mistaken..
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
The report the report the report! What damn report are they talking about? Just like news, fill everything up with "reports" information and, not really show who's accountable for the report. Someone find it, I don't feel like searching hours for this stuff.
Professor Hubert Farnsworth - That question is less stupid but, you asked it in a profoundly stupid way.
Well over here the goverment can't just spend all the tax money on wars etc.
A small overview how the social security system works over here:
The health care is hardly "appalling". The United States was founded by landowners and statesmen. The health care system is the way it is, because due to the fact that the founders and the continuing generations have been capitalists. Hospitals in the U.S. are mostly privately run with about 40pct being State/Governement run.
Private medical care is something we pay for. I have to agree with Wakizashi on how and why my money is spent. Enough of my taxes are already paid into systems such as Medicare, Welfare and the like that I don't need to be paying more for people who are doing less than they should. Sorry, it is just part of the American Dream, make the money and live the life you want.
Also, the government here is 100pct ELECTED by the voters, so to say that "the Bush administration is the worst thing that could have happend to America" or "Our government can't just spend all its money on wars" is hyperbole.
And on a note to the OP: One of the reasons for the infant mortality "disparity" is the fact that "minorities" have historically been 1) higher percentage undereducated (so they don't do proper diet or prenatal checkups", 2) higher percentage Single mothers ( malnourished and less informed), 3) higher percentage drug abusers (alcohol and recently crack/heroin/cocaine) and it has been these contributing factors, in order, that have led to low birth weight babies and their death rate.
But, I come here to discuss one of those benefits of capitalist societies, Video games, not socialist ideals or governmental systems.. so Good luck and good gaming. Cheers!
Bringing Chaos to your locale.
But really, i dont understand why the U.S. doesnt have a system of that sort, it seems kinda stupid to me that people could die just because they don't have enough money to pay for what they need medically.
oh, and wakizashi, the rich here in america do have to pay more taxes, percentwise, than the poor do. I think they call it robinhood sumpin, i forgot exactly what it was. I think it is a pretty good idea, even though it is a socialist ideal.
I think america should listen to Benjamin Franklin more; "A government that gives up a little liberty for a little security, deserves neither and will lose both."
If America starts getting really bad (becuase I think we're only going through a few minor spats right now that may hopefully resolve) im packing up and moving to either Australia or Britian.
I think it's the objective of your past self to make you cringe.
Originally posted by ChaosKin
The health care is hardly "appalling". The United States was founded by landowners and statesmen. The health care system is the way it is, because due to the fact that the founders and the continuing generations have been capitalists. Hospitals in the U.S. are mostly privately run with about 40pct being State/Governement run.
Private medical care is something we pay for. I have to agree with Wakizashi on how and why my money is spent. Enough of my taxes are already paid into systems such as Medicare, Welfare and the like that I don't need to be paying more for people who are doing less than they should. Sorry, it is just part of the American Dream, make the money and live the life you want.
Also, the government here is 100pct ELECTED by the voters, so to say that "the Bush administration is the worst thing that could have happend to America" or "Our government can't just spend all its money on wars" is hyperbole.
And on a note to the OP: One of the reasons for the infant mortality "disparity" is the fact that "minorities" have historically been 1) higher percentage undereducated (so they don't do proper diet or prenatal checkups", 2) higher percentage Single mothers ( malnourished and less informed), 3) higher percentage drug abusers (alcohol and recently crack/heroin/cocaine) and it has been these contributing factors, in order, that have led to low birth weight babies and their death rate.
But, I come here to discuss one of those benefits of capitalist societies, Video games, not socialist ideals or governmental systems.. so Good luck and good gaming. Cheers!
Now i want you to correct me if i'm horribly wrong but:
the war in iraq costs the people here $279,000,000,000
the government is not based totally on popular sovereignty. We have a democratic republic but the key word there is "Republic" the voting in this country goes is we elect state representatives, then we vote for president( that is for popular vote)....well heres an e.g. of what i'm driving at
hypothetically if 51% of virginia voted for Pres. A instead of Pres. B than all the representitives of viginia would all vote for Pres. A
and Bush won the election with 51% majority vote from the representatives of the states..........its a wonderful system we have here. Presidents are destinguished by people who vote that have no idea what they are voting for, that don't follow any politics, and that vote for the republican instead of the democrat because they think they are republican...i am a libertarian...i don't care for this system in a whole....
I hope some day we can all put aside our racisms and prejudices and just laugh at people
Free health care for everyone is too communist for us.
<<We don't need to pay more for taxes. It would just give the government more money to screw us over. They don't care about our health so we would be giving them more money and they would just spend it somewhere else....probably for war and building even bigger weapons. Plus I think Bush is giving tax cuts for the wealthy correct me if i'm wrong.>>
You're incorrect. Wealthy people get tax cuts like everyone else. the fact is that they pay a far larger percentage of their income in taxes, so when taxes are cut, theirs are cut proportonately with their income. Someone making 30 grand per year pays far less taxes than someone making 250,000 per year. Naturally, if we cut taxes, the person making 250,000 per year will get more back than the other guy. So, while technically the wealthy get more money back, its not really unfair.
<<I am glad I am Canadian, American health care is apauling and the fact that the quality of care is based on a persons finances says alot about the leaders of your country. I personaly believe that the Bush administration is the worst thing that could have happend to America(unless you are rich) because Bush just does not realize the true spectrum of problems that face the US. I hope some drastic changes are made and if not then people will keep dieing needlessly in a system designed to benifit the wealthy.>>
You're Canadian... we don't care. Hehe, j/k...
sort of...
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
America certainly doesnt have the best health care but we also dont have the worst in the worst or near it.
Another thing...for everyone that says "BUSH is the worst thing that has happend to this country" then you should learn more about our government its not just Bush thats running this country theres also the Senate and House of Representatives and we should be blaming them as well because they are also a main cause of the problems. America is not a true democracy but its also not a dictatorship, Bush can not say hey lets go to war with Iraq it has to go through the senate as well so we shouldnt be using what seems to have become the scape goat of Bush for all of our problems.
<< understand what you're saying, but the wealthy make basically ALL of their money through investments and there is a thing called investment tax and that has been reduced very favorably for the wealthy.
Well, wealthy people do tend to invest a good amount, but I would say that they make a lot of their money in other ways as well. I believe the reduction in the capital gains tax was the right thing to do especially considering the fact that we were in a mild recession, and then suffered from the 9/11 attacks and the resulting effect on the economy. By cutting taxes we allowed businesses to keep more of their money so that they could reinvest it into their businesses (hiring new employees, equipment, etc) and then by cutting the capital gains taxes we encouraged investment into our economy by the wealthy and the average citizen as well. If you don't have to pay the ridiculous amount of taxes on your investment profits the government was taking, you're more likely to want to invest. I can't remember what the exact percentage was that they taxed at, but it was ridiculous. I don't claim to be an economic expert or a tax expert but it makes sense to me.
I think that you are technically correct again, in that the wealthy will benefit more from having the capital gains tax reduced because they do invest more than your average person, but that was why they were cut to begin with... to help get the economy revving. It seems to have worked. Our economic numbers are good... the stock market is approaching an all new high, our unemployment rate is low, and wages are up. There are some negative numbers, as there are in any economy, but for the most part things are going well. Hopefully things will continue in this direction.
Yeah, i'm no economic expert either.
That sh*t will put you to sleep.
"When Saddam flew that plane into those buildings, I knew it was time to kick some Iranian ass!"
-cheer leading, flag waving American
Yeah, i'm no economic expert either.
That sh*t will put you to sleep.>>
LOL, got that right!
I think people over here have just as many rights as you guys. We can say what we want, we can do what we want (Ofcourse limited by laws ). That is not entirely true. Health care in Germany is covered by public/semi public/private funds.
And as far as those comments saying that's the reason for minority birth problems. My question to you is, then what are we going to do about it? Do we as a nation just sit back and watch it happen? Or do we stop this idiotic war on drugs and start trying to help expectant mothers instead of just sending them home without educating them on how to take care of themselves during pregnancy?
You can't just point out a problem and then say, there I'm done with it. That's what people have been doing and it's not making the problem any better.
And like I said, just remember, you could easily end up on the low income side of the coin someday. Don't ever think you won't get hurt or sick. It happens to folks every single day. So you could be denied that health care or have your credit blown away.
Quite frankly I think Canada has a better system than the US, and I would move there if it wasn't so fucking cold.
In fact I might move there despite my hatred of cold weather, our system sucks, they collect our tax money and give us back NOTHING, you pay all this tax money and still you may not have healthcare coverage, the poor certainly don't get healthcare coverage, the simplest of diseases go untreated and people die, homeless people on the street and theres no scheme to try to rehabilitiate them, we got no money for that stuff, but we certainly have enough money to send forces everywhere in the world, we have billions to go reconstruct Iraq but we got no money to take care of our own citizens.
Yeah, the poor people can go to the hospital when they get sick. But then what happens after they leave? They start getting calls from collection agencies demanding money. Their credit is shot to hell. So someone who is poor and trying to get back on their feet suddenly have it made even harder.
I've seen it happen. And there's no reason for that when it comes to health care. You can't help getting sick. It's not some foreseen liability. So how can you hold people accountable for it.
Look at the number of people in America who are uninsured right now. Every one of them has the potential of having this happen to them. And don't think you couldn't end up over there with them someday. So I wouldn't be so brazen about what I say about other people just because you're sitting on a perch able to look down upon them.
We don't need to pay more taxes. We already pay enough and only need better management of what our Government collects.
For one, stop giving millions and billions to those countries that hate our guts.
Stop the obscene profits of the drug companies that are using us as test animals while petitioning to stop large settlements when they maim or kill us.
Stop the HMO's that downgrade service while increasing premiums, then leave unprofitable market areas.
It seems morally wrong to me for anyone to be profiting from sickness and death. There was a time in this country when doctors, drug companies, hospitals, and related did for the sick and dying because it was the right thing to do. They only expected to be reasonably compensated. The problem today is that GREED has entered the picture and drives every facet of our medical care in the United States.
Why do you think seniors have so many confusing choices on the recently enacted Medicare D drug coverage? Because every company out there smelled money and wanted on the gravy train. Uncle Sam is footing the bill (American taxpayers) and these companies knew it would be a sure thing for them to get their money.
Profiting from healthcare is simply wrong and those involved should be ashamed.
We once had the best health care in the world and could have again if the blood suckers were kicked out but it won't happen. Our healthcare and politicians that allow its current status are disgusting and probably on the take from those profiting.