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With the Eternal Palace having been out for weeks, the mythic race has finished, and 8.2.5 is out on the PTR, now seems like a good point to talk about the story points of 8.2. As such, if you aren’t caught up on your war campaign and don’t know how the raid ends, there will be spoilers. However, as with my usual mode, I won’t be discussing any story spoilers from 8.2.5 on the PTR, so you are safe on those.
The rep grind still exists and blizzard have said Will for some time.
They have buffed the rep gains for the legion allied races but also they still have a grind so don’t expect the Zandalari one to go away either.
And too the broken record waiting for free Zandalari Trolls, I don't think Blizzard cares about your opinion there. If you can't play the game long enough to unlock them by performing the arduous task of PLAYING A GAME then you probably aren't going to play after you get one for free. They are awesome though :P The only race I plan to level 2 characters for.
Plenty do.
And chances are plenty will be back on retail when their rose tinted glasses break after a few weeks.
All the people who actually still enjoy Retail, and don't think Classic was the greatest thing in existence, or doesn't feel the need to pit the 2 against each-other and just enjoys the lore and game no matter which version they are going to play. The people who will get the most out of both rather than just one side of the same coin.
Yea, that theory is really interesting as well and I could see it going that way as well, though it would really hurt because we just finally got Alleria back. That theory also works well with the thought Sylvanas might redeem herself by striking some crazy blow against the void, which would also explain why the void wanted Alleria to kill Sylvanas. I feel like any redemption arc with her at this point would feel weak and I'm not sure I'd accept it at this point.