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Is this good or bad news for hero's journey. Does this show that maybe they are being careful and making sure everything is perfect or does it mean that there is some problem and had to go back to the drawing board (could this become a financial issue maybe? i mean they have spent 4mil already).
What do you think.
Interesting, Now that I think about it, that will take some time. I applied myself, but after buying the Unreal engine and checking it out, I know I was going to have the time to be able to learn it, then have to turn around and learn another dev tool if I somehow got the job.
And yeah, there will always be bugs. Hopefull launch will be like CoH's was.
Rushing the game would have been a mistake.
If HJ is an exquisite game, than pushing the date a little further in order to improve it is a brilliant move.
If HJ has troubles to create itself a place in the share of the MMO market, releasing later also mean facing harsher competition...I can think of Bioware (prolly not before early 2009) as a serious 'danger' for any company, since unlike WoW, they don't bring necessarily many new customers to the MMO market...2007 is still prolly 2 years ahead in time, so prolly fine...releasing anytime close to Bioware would be dangerous IMO, even for Blizzard! And Bioware is known to be a reliable company when it come to respect delivery date, production rate and quality games. So when Bioware will announce a date, any MMO developper should consider a good year or two away from this date! Unless they are up for the competition, not just in words, but in gameplay!
But well, who know, maybe HJ is that strong and that good! If this is the case, a delayed released for an even better product is all the better.
I am a Bioware fan as you can read, I am open minded to be positively surprised by other games however...but I put all my faith, beliefs and my first born, in Bioware! The quality will go upward and this is something I am happy with! HJ can improve this quality or be unsuccessful. So I am 'interested', most definitely.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
We're worth waiting for
Beta ftw!
Wise move. For whatever reason, I don't know, the extra time will only benefit the game. It'll also give me time to play some of the other mmorpgs that are set to come out soon, and then get into HJ later on next year.
If the delay is due to tinkering, polishing, and adding the little extra details, then I applaud Simutronics. If it's to re-work a game feature or two, I applaud them (but please tell us what they are!). If the extra time is for major game mechanic changes, then I am alittle worried. I hope soon we'll get the scoop.
"Hero's Journey has been in development since the late 1990s (The
Mud-Dev-L list's MUD timeline lists the date when development was
publically announced as 1999). Its release date has been pushed back
several times since."
That means it's been in development for, what, 6 or 7(+) years? And the release date has been pushed back several times? I used to think that HJ would be my personal mmorpg savior but I've pretty much lost all hope and/or interest as of now. If it actually comes out before the graphics are outdated and the gameplay ideas have been stolen by other actually released games, I am certainly going to try it, but I am not excited for it like I once was.
There were two Hero's Journey games. The first one was cancelled (and was completely different), and they resurrected it a couple of years ago into what you see now. It has not been in development for that long, perhaps only a year or two max. What was being developed before that (for approx. 3 years) was Hero Blade (Our sooper dooper tools)
Hero's Journey GM
Hero's Journey Official Site
Hero's Hall
I'd worry if a project were rushed out the door more than I'd be worried about a project that took the time it needed to meet or exceed player expectations. But that's me.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
Well, I'm NOT for "rushing" a game BUT HJ has been around for awhile. I've been reading articles about it for a long time, at least 3 years now. In fact I remember reading an article about it 2 E3's ago (not counting this current one) with a late 2005 early 2006 projected launch.
There is such a thing as taking to long.
The product is looking amazing, and I am all for Simu taking the time they need to do it right.
Rock on.
Besides, what would you prefer?
A company to rush the engine, leaving it full of holes and completely unrefined, then tell you you just don't have the hardware to run it efficiently but will in the "future" (ala SoE with EQ2)?;
or a company to move with the technological advances, giving better tools to the GMs, growing the engine and the GM-base, adding time to development and completely refining their technology?
"(The) Iraqi people owe the American people a huge debt of gratitude." - George W Bush.
Oh. My. God.
HJ is being built in differently than other games. The tools are unique, Seeing people's reactions to Hero's Blade at E3 has taught me that. It is also being built in a sort of alpha testing with all the GM's comming in. The plans for HJ have become so much larger than they were even when I first came aboard. I view this as a good thing... although just like everyone else... I want to PLAY this game ASAP. But I do want HJ to be a finished title and not a rushed title thrown to the wolves before it was truely ready.
The downside for the fans is a longer wait to play. The upside is that the wait will, hopefully, be well worth it. It also gives you guys more of a chance to share your ideas with us. We, the army of GM's, may not always respond to specific threads or suggestions, but rest assured... we see them. We discuss some of them and every now and again... they get implimented. But I'm rambling too much. I'm off to E3!
Simutronics GameMaster
Hero's Journey - Quests Team
1 - There are ALWAYS two camps during any MMORPG development cycle. One is the "Push it out now!" camp, and the other is the "Wait until it's finished!" camp. I have yet to see ANY game satisfy either camp. Whenever the game is released, both camps will still complain.
2 - MMORPGs always take a long time to develop. ALWAYS. Look at The Chronicle. They thought they would break the mold and push that game right out the door. Whoops, still in development.
3 - The funniest thing I have yet to see about a game development cycle: I recently played through Sin Episodes: Emergence. I found a sercret closet with a big black and yellow construction sign hanging on the wall inside. It read something along the lines of "DNF: We beat you to the market. TWICE."
Agent_X7 AKA J Star
Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of or its management.