I am sooooo stoked!!! <happy dance>
My roommates and I just got Verizon Fios Internet service today. It's awesome!
We used to have Comcast "high speed" Internet. But Fios is over twice as fast and with the Fios TV package it ended up being cheaper than Comcast too! Our download rate is 15 Megabits/sec, where with Comcast I was lucky to get 5 Megabits. Plus our upload rate is 2 Megabits/sec. Waaaaay faster than Comcasts.
And the Fios TV is cool too. There are all the channels we had with Comcast, and more. And not just dumb ones. Stuff like Discovery Times.
If it's in your area, I would definitely look into it. My two roommates and I are very happy so far. Just thought I'd pass that on. hehe.
i still find it hard to believe that in a city as important and LARGE as san diego we still dotn have FIOS
Riggy for shissy:
Pent 4 2.66
1 GIG ram
Radeon X850XT Platinum Edition
120 gigs of HD
REMEMBER: He who hates the beaner, Will loose his WIENER!
I don't know if I understood her correctly, but that's what she said. Maybe someone else knows. If that's true then why is America, a free market, not offering something like that already?
It all seems so stupid
It makes me want to give up
But why should I give up
When it all seems so stupid
I asked my friend who worked at comcast and he said comcast was faster!
That lying alsdjgkl;asjgkl;asdjgaskl;djglaskdjg
I've been on comcast high speed for almost 8 months now.
I'm switching..cause it's available in my area.
Thanks a lot amigo
Neptus - FFXI - Pandemonium
Neptus - WoW - Detheroc
Another reason we cant have free internet is becouse our government doesnt own or run the fiberoptic cables that run across the country (they are owned by at&t verizon comcast and maybe 1 other corporations) so the government does not really interfere that much with the internet. Whereas wherever the people you were talking to probably connected to the internet through a government isp.
I have regular verizon dsl, its not great but not bad either.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
yeah, actually it was pretty cool cuz they set up a LAN party at the local Rec. center, and we all played unreal tournament. It was fun :P
Yup, it's fiber optic. Cuz I watched them laying the lines when they came through our neighborhood. Really interesting to watch. Then it took about 3 or 4 months before the service was offered. They put some flyers on our doors around the neighborhood.
Verizon Fios for Home
Verizon FiOS TV
Hehe, I've been downloading E3 movies from Fileplanet all day. It's so awesomely fast!
I love it when two companies compete for my business. lol.
Yup, it's fiber optic. Cuz I watched them laying the lines when they came through our neighborhood. Really interesting to watch. Then it took about 3 or 4 months before the service was offered. They put some flyers on our doors around the neighborhood.
Verizon Fios for Home
Verizon FiOS TV
Hehe, I've been downloading E3 movies from Fileplanet all day. It's so awesomely fast!
I love it when two companies compete for my business. lol.
Lol, I live out in the boonies in Virginia (Chesapeake), hell will freeze over before I get FIOS here
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
By nature, I am practically always opposed to the government getting involved in something that businesses can take care of. But it's clear that the businesses in America are dropping the ball on Internet service.
My parents live in a suburb of Dallas. The can't get any kind of broadband where they live other than satellite. Their only other option is dial-up. To me that is horrible. We're supposed to be this advanced nation yet we're lagging behind other countries.
I think in some cases, where commerce is concerned, it's okay for the government to pick up the slack. In the interest of promoting commerce, there are some things the government (and I hate to say this) is just better at. For example, building highways and roads.
Maybe the U.S. government should start laying these fiber optic lines to peoples houses. If no business is willing to do it then it's good for the sake of commerce for the feds to handle it.
God, I hate saying that. I loathe government interference.
By nature, I am practically always opposed to the government getting involved in something that businesses can take care of. But it's clear that the businesses in America are dropping the ball on Internet service.
My parents live in a suburb of Dallas. The can't get any kind of broadband where they live other than satellite. Their only other option is dial-up. To me that is horrible. We're supposed to be this advanced nation yet we're lagging behind other countries.
I think in some cases, where commerce is concerned, it's okay for the government to pick up the slack. In the interest of promoting commerce, there are some things the government (and I hate to say this) is just better at. For example, building highways and roads.
Maybe the U.S. government should start laying these fiber optic lines to peoples houses. If no business is willing to do it then it's good for the sake of commerce for the feds to handle it.
God, I hate saying that. I loathe government interference.
A good friend of mine lives in Sweeden, and about 2 years ago she had 10mbps connection and was only paying like $15 a month, dont really remember the exact ammount, but at the time I dont think we even had 10mbps connection back then, and if we did it sure as HELL wasnt $15 a month.
"There's no star system Slave I can't reach, and there's no planet I can't find. There's nowhere in the Galaxy for you to run. Might as well give up now."
Boba Fett
Yeah, Sweden is a world leader in Broadband. Not long ago private persons in Sweden got a 1000 megabit line . I think it was world first. It's not that expensive either around 124 $, about double of what I pay for my Dsl line.
This actually pretty interesting, imagine going anywhere in the city and having a wireless internet connection, thats amazing.
And think of all the new doors it could open up, imagine one day no matter where you go you have wireless internet connection, no matter what.
And instead of having a phone number you have an ip adress that people can call you on, IM you on, and interact with you, and all you would have to do is pay a monthly fee to get a permenant ip adress, and with ipv6 becoming more popular this is all possible, we would just have to develope more powerfull technology.
And i cant find the link to the place i said already had free wifi internet connection over a 2 block radius.